Kingdom Hall "sale" - new light!

by The Fall Guy 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    Unless it was deemed unfit/ dangerous for use, hence the move?

    I like "the 7 signs of collapse" ,too, morph

  • Vidiot

    You know, something just occurred to me...

    ...maybe they're scrambling to sell off so many right now, because they're afraid of losing a bigger chunk of the sales revenue on real estate taxes later, due to potential loss of charity status.

  • cofty

    I remember a pioneer couple called George and Georgie Russell in one of those congregations back in the day. I would be curious to know if they are still under the spell.

  • Vidiot
    Diogenesister - "I like 'the 7 signs of collapse',too, morph..."

    I actually think morph meant it ironically; he doesn't think the Org is gonna collapse any time soon.

    He and another guy here have even been arguing about it, lately; I think it's where he got the "7 signs" idea from.

  • slimboyfat

    It’s one of the trumpet blasts.

    Previously congregations paid for their own refurbishments. Now they’ve sent all their money to bethel and rely on the organisation to refurbish when necessary. I suspect we will see a lot of KHs fall into disrepair and close in the coming years as bethel refuses to pay.

    Anniesland is another KH that has been closed down, and the congregation moved to Maryhill KH.

  • Vidiot

    @ slim...

    There's an idea...

    ...a single "official" JWD thread titled "Trumpet Blasts" that lists each property (3000 this year according to this thread, holy fuck) being sold as it becomes known.

    EDIT: With "Another One Bites the Dust" as an ongoing theme song...

  • Vidiot
    Diogenesister - "I like 'the 7 signs of collapse',too, morph..."

    "Seven Signs of the Watchtocalypse"...?




    I can't decide.

  • Vidiot

    Upon further reflection, I think "Dubocalypse" works best.

    It's catchy, rolls easily off the tongue, and also sounds like "debacle", which - IMO - is highly prescient.

  • galaxie

    @cofty... Re..George and Georgie Russel Georgie is in Ireland answering the call for pioneers to serve where the need is great, interestingly whilst telling me this she mentioned that the last time she was there she went with the orange order but is now glad she is now going as ' normal ' I had to laugh. She was also surprised to learn that jesus was not her mediator but thanked me for clarifying the matter for her( who needs the 'slave' when an apostate can provide due meat eh!) anyway she's a lovely wee person and knows my family.

  • galaxie

    "We waited a year for jehovah "....oh the anticipation! ...the aforementioned statement comes from the mouth of an elder at a cart in Glasgow while we were discussing the Kilbirnie k h. This elder by coincidence was assigned to (he tells me ) to assess the situation re' the Kilbirnie kh's viability and to decide whether it could be refurbished or if a new hall was required. He went on to outline the structural problems and the decision to look for another site to build new. It was his job to try and acquire land, this is where his statement applies, the assumption being that because within a year no suitable site became available it was jehovahs decision to move the congregation. This begs the question. .... hey jehovah what have you got against the good brothers and sisters of Kilbirnie who had to go to Stevenston where i might add there had been a well publicised sex scandal!!and now have to travel to Irvine. By the way the old Kilbirnie kh was refurbished and is now a cafe/bistro a better service for the community eh.

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