by peaceloveharmony 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    PLH--Good post, thanks!

    Looks like there might be shortage of coffee this morning with all the early risers. I better pick some more beans!!!

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • Tallyman



    As far as we're concerned, you are just D u c k y !


  • mommy

    I gotta ask, what is the new pic?
    wendy(missing the bearded hippy look, class)

  • lovetobehere

    as I have told my wife, "if you go back to meetings eventually your guard will fall. they will pluck your little feathers by df'ing you again". she has tried to grow new "feathers" but there are some that just dont grow back. The best she can do is talk so she does not carry such a big load.
    I recomend you distance your self from the abusive cult until you can deal with it. you may never go back but some times there is family involved and you feel you dont want to lose them. if you dont distance your self and deal with your problems you could face many rifts between you and your family. this is what happened to my wife there were many times she had talked to here mother after the df'ing. Her mother was telling her she loved her and if she only went back to meetings. well you get the picture, anyway she never has dealt with her feelings on a larger scale until now 6 years after the fact.

  • Tallyman
    Tally, I gotta ask, what is the new pic?

    'Shades of Gray', wendy, 'shades of gray'.

    That's what (my) life is.

    And that's our Latest Statement AGAINST the Black & White Kult,
    albeit a small one...


    Did I tell you I was stoned when I had the Hippie Pic taken 30 years ago? It was the image on my driver's license. I went to the Dept.of Motor Vehicles to renew my license, and thought I should be stoned when it was snapped, to help out the cop who would eventually pull me over, so he could identify me, as I KNEW I would be stoned at the time of getting a traffic ticket. I figured it would help to expedite things. That's when I lived in a commune east of Raleigh, and - no exaggeration - the First Thing I saw in the morning was someone holding a lit joint up in my face, and - s m o k e - all during the day, and the Last Thing I saw at night, before I passed out, was a lit joint someone was holding up in my face...

    I have to chuckle at some of these young bucks here who talk about taking a few tokes on some weed... heeee. We used to engage in Year-Long-Marijuana-Marathons.

    Smoked enough to last me a lifetime.
    No more.

    But, the Hippie pic was a memory of what life was like B.K. (Before Kult). Wisht I still had some hair, though... : s i g h ! :

  • think41self


    Thanks for the "free advice". Any time someone wants to share positive thoughts with me, I welcome it.

    You and I basically share the same philosophy...I guess I never used the duck analogy 'cause then people would make "waddling" jokes! And you people know who you are


  • mommy

    Smart thinking with the pic, I am sure the officers were happy I gotta tell you your life experince with maryjane has got to be proof in the pudding. You did all this smoking B.K. right? SO, maybe there is some truth to the reports that marijuana does burn brain cells. Just a thought, my dad admitted to Lsd, and marijuana, and acid use B.K. too.

    Sorry for interuption PLH

  • Tallyman
    SO, maybe there is some truth to the reports that marijuana does burn brain cells

    It's True.
    THAT's why I'm klinging tightly to those few I have left!
    Your Dad Did LSD and "acid"?
    What kind of "acid"??

  • professor

    LSD (Iysergic acid diethylamide), commonly called "acid," is the most powerful known hallucinogen - a drug that radically changes a person's mental state by distorting the perception of reality to the point where, at high doses, hallucinations occur. Although it is derived from a fungus that grows on rye and other grains, LSD is semi-synthetic. It is chemically manufactured in illicit laboratories, except for a small amount which is produced legally for research. Many of the books and publications authored by Charles 'Taze' Russell seem to suuggest to us that they were brough on by a bad "acid trip".

  • mommy

    Alright, are you guys gonna believe I have never done drugs now? I can't even keep their names straight.[8>] Ha and they say apostates are evil minde, only after their own selfish desires.

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