The Dixie Chicks

by Stan Conroy 110 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    I don't get it. I don't understand the logic of boycotting the Dixie Chicks because of the comments the singer made about being ashamed that Bush is from Texas. It doesn't make sense to me. Keep in mind that I'm just a Canadian, so maybe I'm just not tuned in to the American way of thinking. Doesn't the whole "Freedom of Speech" thing give her the right to express her views? I will agree that just because you can say something doesn't mean you should. And perhaps her comment should have been kept to herself. But she felt the need to say it, so why are they being punished? Destruction of their CD's at organized events, and boycotting concerts seems like an over reaction to me. Why are the actions of Eddie Vetter of Pearl Jam not reaping the same consequences? What he did was vastly more mean spirited than the Dixie Chick comment.

    I guess I don't get it because here in Canada, comments about our Prime Minister are more frequent and more malicious than what she said, and people don't let it get to them at all. There are no boycotts, book (or CD) burnings, cancelled concerts or anything like that. Perhaps the Canadian "Freedom of Speech" actually works the way it is supposed to?


  • free will
    free will

    people love a target. the d.c. are probably an easier target for the average american than saddam. she should have realized the possible outcome and stayed quiet. but like you said, she felt the need. i have some two of their cd's and will keep them and listen to them whenever the mood strikes.

  • COMF

    It's the mob mentality at its finest. Generalize everything, and if logic starts to look too clear to you, chant your mantra, "Freedom... precious freedom..." while pounding to a pulp the source of the logic.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Does this mentality seem dangerous to you? What I mean is, if you have to temper your freedom of speech due to possible repercussions, do you really have "Freedom of Speech"? I will agree that hurting them financially by boycotting their music and concerts is not equal to Saddam's alleged repercussions to those who opposed him, but couldn't it eventually escalate to that? I remember reading that one of the Dixie Chicks had death threats and had her home vandalized. I don't know about you, but I find this scary. What's next, to physically attack or murder them for their views? Yes, that is extreme, but so are death threats.

    Something is not right in America I am afraid. I don't say this from the extreme left or extreme right, it's just an outsiders humble opinion.


  • blacksheep

    "Doesn't the whole "Freedom of Speech" thing give her the right to express her views? I will agree that just because you can say something doesn't mean you should. And perhaps her comment should have been kept to herself. But she felt the need to say it, so why are they being punished?"

    Sure, she has the right to express her views. Otherwise she would have been arrested. But OTHERS also have the right to express THEIR views. If that means boycotting records, movies, concerts, whatever, so be it. You cannot have it both ways. You're a superstar and exploit that to express your views. But then you cannot handle it when people boycott you. Freedom on speech and action works both ways. (And interestingly, they DID apologize for their stupid comments--stupid because it was hardly intellectually sound: "I am ashamed to be from Texas cuz GWB is from Texas," right. Really laudable.) They saw sales hurting so they took it back.

    To those of you from other countries: get this. You CANNOT legislate behavior. You cannot slam people for not buying the records, attending the concerts of people who've publicly spoken out against something you believe in. Bizarre, I guess. You may feel your "freedom of speech" works better in Canda. Whatever. But trying to claim others have no RIGHT to boycott well-known people for their anti-war, anti-govt, anti-president views makes absolutely no sense.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Why are the actions of Eddie Vetter of Pearl Jam not reaping the same consequences? What he did was vastly more mean spirited than the Dixie Chick comment.

    Because Eddie Vetter's 'core' audience isn't country/western... the heartland of American. You never 'mess' with your 'core' group in whatever you do. Politicians have learned that the hard way.

  • morrisamb

    I'm with you guys...when I heard the balls the lead singer had, I wanted to go out and buy my first Dixie Chicks album. I love their new version of the song landslide.

    Perhaps we are more sensitive to freedom of expression because as former Witnesses we know what it's like to have none.

  • jelly

    Look you guys this is not that hard to understand. The Dixie Chicks have every right to say what ever they wish; no one is stopping them from talking. However, one of the first rules of business is


    People are not under a constitutional duty to buy Dixie Chick albums if they upset there customers enough sales drop, welcome to the lifestyles of the famous. It may not be right but it is reality.

  • Simon

    I think this thing of "they have the right to say ..." and "others have the right to boycott ..." is slightly misleading.

    Yes, they have the right to speak out against whatever they like.

    Yes, people have the right to buy or not buy their records.

    BUT ... I don't think it's right or fair for people to organise boycotts and promote them to harm someone's business or to try and influence other people in the way that apparently has. It is rediculous.

    "Hey, I love your music ... but now you've said something I disagree with so I['m going to try and HURT YOU"

    What does this say about those people?!

  • wednesday

    boycotting is not just an american "thing", it is used very effectively everywhere. Sure the DC can say what they want-but i can refuse to buy their CD. Am i nazi for doing that? Don't think so, corner stone of free enterprize. i have money-i buy from whom i please. They should be glad they did not make that remark about Saddam-they would have been most likely shot. these whiny arse babies want to shoot off their mouth, well be a man a belly up to the bar-u said-take responsibility for it. anyway, they can probaby just switch to a more liberal crowd. they will buy their CD. poor babbies won't starve.

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