Are Jehovah's Witnesses A Stupid People???

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Not stupid.

    Not even naive (I have to look up that stupid word every time I want to use it.)

    But very, very ignorant. Instutionalized ignorance, in fact. Ingrained. Got it under their fingernails.


  • Jayson


  • Ravyn

    yep what francois said.



    not neceesarily uneducated altho it is not a priority.

    and not always naive--some know exactly what they are there for

    gullible--well that goes along with ignor-ant(ignoring the obvious)

    victims for the most part--of their own misery, looking for the miracle that will make all this worthwhile.

    JWs are not any different from any other human when it comes to it. check out some of the other "x" boards(and Valis that is "x" as in EXIT, FORMER, USED TO BE A MEMBER OF...)


  • minimus

    Webster says stupid means,"lacking ordinary activity and keeness of mind, dull, slow-thinking. Charecterized by mental dullness, foolish, senseless.".....I think the average JW fits the description.

  • TresHappy

    My parents are JW's, they aren't stupid, just misinformed...

  • rocketman

    Well I wouldn't say stupid. But, uneducated to some degree, because for years they eschewed "higher education". So as a group, I think they could be termed as not well educated, at least to a certain degree.

    Also, by and large, they do not bother to research or question what they are taught (partly out of fear). They are also largely very difficult to reason with when presented with a viewpoint that does not match their own. Is that stupid? Maybe stupid's not quite the right word. Like Fracois pointed out, ignorant may be a better word.

  • logansrun

    Well, I don't think I'm an Einstein, but I'm smarter than your average bear. I give myself the benefit of the doubt in that I was raised in it. Seems those dubs that are really intelligent just grew up force-fed this crap. Those that come into the organization with some brains about them also have one other notable feature: they are extrememly QUIRKY (see Fred Franz).


  • minimus

    Fred Franz and Farkel are similar,then.

  • blondie

    No, I don't think JWs are stupid. Their intelligence varies at about the same in the general population. I think they give up the responsibility for using their thinking ability to the WTS. They are not like the Bereans who checked to make sure that what Paul was saying was from the Scriptures.

    How many JWs answer at the meetings using a scripture and making proper application to the event it is about or what Christians can learn to make personal application.

    "The book says"

    "The magazine says"

    "The paragraph says"

    "The slave/society says"

    "The Bible/scriptures say(s)"

    Which one(s) did you hear most often?

    That is why when a JW encounters a moderately well-prepared non-JW or ex-JW, they panic. There programmed phrases don't work. They scramble to find a scripture, not even using "Reasoning from the Scriptures" with much skill.

    They let other people do their thinking for them.

    So no, JWs aren't stupid, just mentally lazy.


  • minimus

    Yes, we all seem to agree then with Webster's definition of "stupid" as applying to Jehovah's Witnesses.

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