We Need Your Help...NOW!!!

by SpannerintheWorks 128 Replies latest members private

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, SwordofJah, and thank you for providing that text from Jude, and for supporting this thread!

    Yes, you are right, the poor Watchtower Society will have non other than Jehovah himself to answer to one day. I pity the leaders of that abhorrent Organisation, I really do.

    I love that bit in verse 8:

    In like manner, notwithstanding, these men, too, indulging in dreams, are defiling the flesh

    So true of the WBTS.

    And what about,

    Sod´om and Go·mor´rah

    Has the WBTS made up its mind yet as to whether they will inherit everlasting life? Do tell.

    And is

    Mi´cha·el the archangel

    Still Jesus or is he back as only Michael again? Poor bloke, doesn't know who the hell he is, no wonder he retorted,

    "May Jehovah rebuke you."

    One VERY confused archangel. If he was really Jesus (as the WBTS says so), then he could have rebuked the Devil himself! Afterall, Jesus rebuked the Devil many times! Any chance of an explanation of that one, Swordy?


  • worldlygirl

    "Amen", Dansk!

  • dins

    Seems like there's enough here to start. Never really knew there were people out there like me until I found this site. It's a brilliant idea. I've often thought about it as well. I have stories similiar to all of these and won't bother to go through them now. I can help however perhaps on the legal side depending where and when and if. So let me know!


  • mustang


    Clarification requested:

    While it is a minor point, I would guess the "Greek Interlinear" that you require is a WTBTS Kingdom Interlinear (KI???). I have a non-JW Greek Interlinear, but I doubt that is what you want.

    I collect Interlinear EVERYTHING Biblically related and non-English translations of various sorts. I also need a "KI".

    BTW, would whoever borrowed my red & gold bilingual Koran please return it???


  • Dansk

    Sorry, Mustang

    While it is a minor point, I would guess the "Greek Interlinear" that you require is a WTBTS Kingdom Interlinear (KI???).

    Yes, that's the one! We're having it examined by scholars. It would appear the Greek text has been tampered with!


  • SpannerintheWorks


    I've got a purple one. *cough* no pun intended *cough*


  • Dansk


    I think the later blue one had changes put in it. That being the case, I'd like a purple and a blue, please, so we can check matters even further. Anybody got spares? All avenues at exposing the Watchtower must be undertaken.


  • Sentinel

    My heart does go out to those who are still living in pain due to experiences with either having been associated with the borg or having family that are still in. Bad things happen to good people all the time, and not just because of JW's. When we can't just "walk away", we are labeled and shunned by those people we love and that hurts really bad. It divides families. It overlooks the worse of abuses. I know that first hand.

    But, you know, there are some things we can't change and some things we can. Either we are going to stay "stuck", or we are going to try like heck to fix ourselves, get strong, and live our lives. In living our lives, we can also allow the JW's to live theirs.

    I've learned that we can't fix or change anyone else unless they want it to happen. This project of attempting to somehow attack the JW's at the top and wipe them out as an organization is really not something I'd be interested in getting involved in. I would much prefer that they take a look themselves, at what is happening to their "flock" and change their doctrines and be more loving and compassionate. Can I make them do that? The answer is "no". People in this country are free, and freedom of religion is way up there at the top. We also have our freedom to choose not to believe the JW teachings. Yes, according to "their" rules, they must shun us if we reject the doctrines; still, we are free to leave and live our lives the way we wish. I believe the thing we hate most is that apparently, some of us are allowing them to continue to make us feel guilty and unacceptable, when we do have the choice to not give them that power. Some of us can't seem to get past all of it, and it's normal for some of us to take quite awhile to "disconnect".

    Also, there are so many sincere folks that are JW's. Many of us were among that group of sincere believers, and for whatever reason, df'ing, da'tion, we are out now. Being out allows us many options we didn't even know we had. And JW's have and continue to be the life line for many, especially the faithful elderly. Are we going to arbitrality remove that from them? If you start with JW's, then what will it be next? I can't agree with the concept, and I believe more effort should be taken to accept those things that cannot be changed and move on with our own lives. Just my viewpoint here.

  • Ravyn


    for dansk and Spanner---check out ^ post. Greek Interlinear reference.


  • Ravyn

    I just did a search on eBay for the 'Kingdom Interlinear Greek Scriptures' (search in title AND description---just title came up with nothing) and I got a list of three ranging from $2.50 to $31.00. so I think you can find what you need on eBay if no one else has any. I used to have both the purple one and the navy one and even the one before the purple one that the WTBS did not publish but used, but I can only find the latest (navy) one now. good luck looking!


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