Do most ex JW's go politically left?

by Lightgrowsbrighter 34 Replies latest social current

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    The older I get the more I think that there's a middle ground in most things and I don't like extremes of anything.
  • macys
    I do not like to get involved with voicing my political stance too much especially here on a JW site but I have always been center-left since I was a young JDub just because of my sexuality and openness in general to gay marriage and celebrating alternative lifestyles but now as I watch my country and other western countries turn to a big shit bowl and forget their heritage and let Muslim invaders walk right in making their homelands unsafe for the native citizens I find myself leaning to the right. My boyfriend has alwyays been very conservative on most issues and definitely on monetary issues but he predicted that as we let in more and more Muslims into our country we will see more and more terrorist activity. It goes without saying not all Muslims are terrorists but if just 1% are then we have a major problem and losing just one American life because we want to open our doors to all of them is not acceptable. But I have read too many polls to see that the majority of Muslims want to enforce Sharia in western countries and feel sympathy for the terrorists because they are doing what Muslims are told to do in its purest form. I have a lot of family ties to Germany and Sweden and they are getting pissed off with their political leaders who are getting more and more involved in middle east politics and then at the same time welcoming more and more of the same people they are displacing. They are traitors. Instead of looking out for the interests of their own citizens first they pander to the Muslims like we owe them something and we get thanked in return by terror, violence and fear in our own homelands. No way. That is why I am leaning right this time around like my boyfriend. The left has abandoned their duty to the citizens first and are now traitors. After what happened in Paris and Cali I am more determined to vote for whoever is going to take action without being politically correct. We simply do not have time for that. Forgive the rant but my cousin's classmate was one of the injured victims in the Paris attacks so this is too close to comfort as it could have been him instead. As my aunt says all the time to me that most people will refuse to look at the danger and take action for fear of being labeled a racist or nazi but they change real fast when something happens to them personally.
  • kaik

    to be fair, this also applies to some left-wing people.

    Yes, it does. Some lefties are very defensive. Nonetheless, right-wing neoconservatives at least what I have seen on JWN are outweigh them in responses, verbal aggression, irrational constructs, and total disregards to well known, documented facts even from their own ranks.

  • Vidiot

    kaik - "...right-wing neoconservatives at least what I have seen on JWN are outweigh them in responses, verbal aggression, irrational constructs, and total disregards to well known, documented facts even from their own ranks."

    That's because (in my observation) conservatives of any stripe are - by a huge margin - ideology-driven.

    Not evidence-driven.

  • Ucantnome
    i think i am centre left.

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