Mass disassociation pact...

by freemindfade 312 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade
    We should make it a good letter. Also include any legal language we can
  • Bonsai

    I suspect that if i DA'd the move would backfire on me with my wife. Right now she's fully awake, but fully expecting that I continue to get along and keep the peace with her JW family members.

    The anonymous DA letter sounds great!

  • sparrowdown

    Yes, and it should be sent to everyman and his dog not just WT.

    Possibly with copies of documents that state former WT UN status, child abuse scandals etc etc.

  • SuziDrums
    The anonymous letter idea is great. That way, they won't have a clue who is still mentally in the cult anymore!
  • Defianttruth

    If you sent the letter of DA to every member of your former congregation telling them you sent one to Bethel in their name, it would create a shit storm of controversy and backstabbing as they tried to figure out who the apostate was. In reading the letter it may open some up a little. If we all picked the same day to mail out the letters imagine the wave of shit we would stir up around the world.

  • sparrowdown
    Mwa, hahahaha, mwa hahahaha.....
  • Defianttruth
    We could pick a date like June 7th. Get it? 607
  • freemindfade
    It could be a big statement. The great anonymous DA
  • sparrowdown
    Class action disassociation.
  • freemindfade

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