What the Heck are they talking about in todays meeting 7-19-20 Wife in full on cult mode

by goingthruthemotions 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Much of the JW religion is made up of nonsensical idiocy (fear mongering) which is inspired to cause fear into people's minds and to stir up people's emotions.

    Reading ancient writings if those said prophecies are true and not fictional mythology is nonsensical ignorance.

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    Today may have been part of her regional convention. They are doing it over six weeks, one session at a time. That generally ups the cult factor for the dubbies

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    The WTS instills delusions into people's minds, that is a fact, it is an mechanism to mentally control people, to mentally control people you can inevitably get them to control their behavior and that's the WTS's ending intent.

  • goingthruthemotions

    i am so sick of it!!!!!!! she has definetly 2 personalities.....her authentic self has been out more and i suspect the cult self was getting jealous and wanted out. so here we go again!!!! i have no reason to talk with her, i will ignore her for who knows how long, shit i will go and sleep on the couch...no because i have to, but because i don't want to be by her right now.

    she could leave for all i care, because her cult could give a crap if her family falls apart or not.


  • Justaguynamedmorph

    Being married to a witness is untenable. Unless there are kids involved....

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hope you can take a breather from all this. Your wife is a victim of brainwashing as you perhaps once were. Remember, in sickness and in health, she needs your love. It will help if you remember her motivation. She wants you to be spared at Armageddon; she wants to be with you in Paradise. Demonstrating unconditional love, as her God and organization never will, can go a long way in healing your relationship.

  • waton

    remember, that any bad action on her (the believers0 part, such as "gas lighting" you could be a defence mechanism to bolster, maintain her indoctrinated status.

    Agreeing with you would be admitting that it is just possibly that wt, from the talking snake onward, is totally wrong*. better to humour her, gently.

    *** without the strong pro-family stance of wt, tainted as it is, or that of any other group, you might not have a wife. these days. ( one of the strong draws of daesh/isis is just that, apart from the many virgins of martyrdom)

  • KW13

    i wish they'd make another prediction just so there could be a nail in the old coffin (hopefully..)

  • hybridous

    Demonstrating unconditional love, as her God and organization never will, can go a long way in healing your relationship.

    VH7, this is incredibly kind, and long-sighted. I wish I didn't find it so daunting....

    i wish they'd make another prediction just so there could be a nail in the old coffin (hopefully..)

    Yes! I do wonder about the medium-to-longer term effects of the Covid fear-mongering (as it applies to the WT Religion). If they bet too hard on Armageddon proceeding from this current pestilence, and things subside and return to normal, perhaps the burn-out/exhaustion will sap the zealotry from another batch of devotees.

    Another instance of the short-term and long-term goals of the WT Religion being at odds with each other. I am keenly interested in seeing which narrative dominates.

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    Thats wishful thinking at best. This little cult has survived a dozen and more end of the world predictions. Dreaming that one day the cult will end and decisions will be made for you is detrimental to your well being.

    The cult will never end. Make decisions accordingly.

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