How many here were thrown outa the house @ a young age by jw parents?

by avishai 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    I was LITERALLY thrown out of the house when I was only 10. I really can't blame my mom and dad though.......the damn house was on fire!

    Not really.

    I have never been thrown out but have seen others who have and the few I've seen........didn't do too well.


  • unclebruce
    I was LITERALLY thrown out of the house when I was only 10

    that's not funny gumby i was thrown into a house at 10! .. and seriously - arround the house and out of the house and bashed up in the bathroom ... and just generally tossed about when the old man thought i looked at him the wrong way or something... bloody abusive parents (and before they became witnesses they were worse!)

    you're one lucky coot if you were bought up in a non-violent home (i'd love to hear your story <-- hint)

    unc who broke the cycle.

  • berylblue
    No dubs offered aide of any sort.

    This doesn't surprise me, but it's still sick. I'm so sorry for all of your terrible experiences


  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon
    after all these years I still don't understand.


    You aren't alone! It was his loss. I don't understand how my "parents" could do the same. I use quotes because no real parents could ever treat their child that way! Now when my "dad" says that he loves me I make sure he knows that I don't believe him.


  • pr_capone

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( everyone on this thread ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • pr_capone

    I was disowned at 21! Does that count???

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Being disowned definitely counts. I was actually kicked out twice! The first time at 16yr and the second time at 25yr. I had "seen the error of my ways" and gotten baptized, pioneered, blah, blah, blah. I moved in with my parents because I was having open heart surgery and couldn't take care of myself. Three months after my surgery they kicked me out! Not only that, but I too was disowned. Then they made me load a 24ft Uhaul by myself! I think they wanted me dead!


  • dedalus

    Kicked out at 17 (just before 18th birthday). Actually knew I'd be kicked out when I said I wasn't going to be a Witness anymore, so I had already moved some of my stuff before I told them. Told my mother that I didn't want to be a Witness, she said "find another place to live," I said that I already had. Went back for the rest of my stuff and, like others in this thread, it was packed in garbage bags. The biggest piece of garbage was the bible my mother slipped in.

    Anyway, I moved back in when I was 19 and became active again and stayed a witness until I was 25 or so. No one can say I didn't give it a shot.


  • Francois

    This is absolutely astounding. I had no idea this kind of thing went on. Jaysus!

    Prisca - What did you do next?

    UncleBruce - That young? My god, aren't there any laws down there?

    All of You - I'll be damned if I know what to say...or think. This is just too much...and all of it from people who are supposed to prove themselves disciples by the "love" they have "among themselves." My God, if you can't love your own minor children, what the hell good are you? What kind of person could push out a minor child and then go to sleep at night?

    {{{{{{{{{{All Y'All}}}}}}}}

    How do you overcome such a thing? How many of you have been in therapy? My parents don't speak to me and haven't for twenty out of the last 23 years, but I was a grown man when we parted company - and still I went to therapy in order to help me deal with the anger.

    I'm astounded. What strength you folks must have now.

    With a Great Deal of Respect,


    Tossed out at 18 by my wonderful elder dad,and the woman who never knew when to shut her mouth,my good dub mom..I have nothing to do with either of those selfrightious hypocrates....My children are grown,have never been tossed out,and are always welcome home...OUTLAW

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