GB Update - Meet the new GB members

by eyeslice 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • HiddlesWife

    All of these hierarchy appointments are made via PERSONAL SELECTIONS, and NOT on a real SPIRITUAL basis. If the selection was according to BIBLICAL criteria: Race, age, and possibly gender, wouldn't be prerequisites. It would be like other religious organizations. But no, WT is not anything like the others--in fact, they pride themselves on not being like the others!

  • tiki

    i havent been on this site for a really long time and just popped in to see whats new......what happened with anthony morris???

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    As of Feb 22, 2023 Anthony Morris is no longer on the governing body. Unspecified reasons,,just pure speculation why. It's undisclosed.

  • Virgochik

    Matthew 24:14 says to go forth and spread the gospel in all the earth, but I missed the part where it said pioneers must keep track of how many hours so they can turn in the required time slip each month. I think the Scripture meant just talk to people, share your faith when you get the opportunity. Where did time slips and pioneers and organized car groups come in? Cult.

  • Hellothere

    Virgochik Think it all started with Rutherford. He turned org into some kind of preaching cooperation.

  • Journeyman
    Matthew 24:14 says to go forth and spread the gospel in all the earth, but I missed the part where it said pioneers must keep track of how many hours so they can turn in the required time slip each month.

    I agree. Elder and even MS you could claim are scriptural roles, but there's nothing scriptural about 'pioneer'.
    Ministry is supposed to be an intrinsic part of living as a Christian, not a specific hour requirement you check off every month and report back. Jesus' disciples returned with experiences to discuss, not an hourly report! Can you imagine the apostle Paul carrying a slip to mark off time, and saying "one more visit then I'll have done my time for the month"!

    It's created a totally distorted attitude to ministry. Most of us will know the old "got to get my hours in"/"start my time by leaving a tract" thinking it breeds (and many of us maybe even used to think that way ourselves). Pioneers especially, end up thinking more about time and placements than about people.

    Bringing it back to GB members, they of course encourage this thinking with all the fuss about how wonderfully spiritual it is to be a pioneer, and all the fawning over "fulltime service" in meeting parts and talks. They spend far more time emphasising that than, say, working on spiritual qualities (eg: the fruitage of the spirit) and being a better individual, married couple, family, etc.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''Bringing it back to GB members, they of course encourage this thinking with all the fuss about how wonderfully spiritual it is to be a pioneer, and all the fawning over "fulltime service" in meeting parts and talks. They spend far more time emphasising that than, say, working on spiritual qualities (eg: the fruitage of the spirit) and being a better individual, married couple, family, etc,''

    Don't worry. It's often been said that the Borg is it's own worst enemy.

  • Konagirl

    @punkofnice - "We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones." Wt. quote

    @Beth Sarim - Yes. And there you have it. The Borg will paint that ''anointed are nuts" & or ''mentally diseased'' brush to everyone who has disagreements or questions the Borg.

    They can maintain a global network of every elder throughout the world. In proportion to the entire elder body, the anointed are a very small group. Is that why we don’t need to know who they are? Or, is it to keep the competition muzzled? Obviously, to the GB, the anointed are a threat to their rule and false doctrine, we saw that with Ray Franz. The anointed are a far greater threat in their mind, than the massive elder body that they have installed.

    But that could very well change. (Rev 2:20; Jer 4:30; Ezek 16:35-37; Rev 17:1-6,15-18; 2 Kings 9:30-33; Rev 18:4-8) (“kings of the earth” - Rev 1:5,6; 5:9,10)

  • Rattigan350

    The thing that I've been noticing more lately is on the videos and the conventions and ones giving talks are using their phones and tablets to read scriptures. No one actually holds a book anymore.

    Remember back in the 90s and 2000s when there was a Question box against the printing out of scriptures and taking them to the meetings because it is a better example to hold a Bible and be able to turn pages and find scriptures.

  • Hellothere


    I hade Bible reading. Have bad eye sight so I printed out bible versed with bigger letters. Got counsel i hade to have Bible in my hand when reading 😂 This must be around 2009. This day's you probably get counseling if you have real bible and not the phone.

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