Are Circuit Overseers next?

by Londo111 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cognac
    Thanks FastJehu
  • Crazyguy
    They'll need someone to keep elders in line. Once a year visits and they can get rid of half, that makes sense to me. We should come up with the best plan and vote on it. A year later the Borg will implement it and call it new light.
  • cognac
    I wonder how difficult it would be to do just a once a year thing for the CO's. This would mean twice the traveling territories. One living situation doesn't seem feasible for the distances they might have to travel.

    Well, what does a CO actually do? Really? Once we know their actual role, we can determine how they can be replaced.

    They "take the lead" in the preaching for a week. Woopty-F***ng-doo. That means they give a rehearsed speech, a 15-30 minute "Special Meeting", and eat for free. Then they regurgitate an outline prepared by someone at HQ, it's not Geoffrey Jackson; that's not his department.

    Then the CO meets with the Servants and tells them not to jack-off. Then he meets with the Eldubs and chews their asses to make sure all the statistics are in order. He needs to crunch the numbers for HQ.

    He also costs money, so does the C.O.W that accompanies him. Medical, ( have you ever met a CO couple with no "dietary restrictions?!? ) Dental, Auto insurance, housing, ect.. Let's not forget that they are aging! The C.O.W's "lady business" problems get mighty expensive! A bunch of patriarchal douche-bags ain't paying for that! Sad, but true.

    As far as I can tell, the CO doesn't do jack-shit, except cost money. If the WTBTS can use Dell projectors to brow-beat the sheep, why keep the CO on the roster?? They can have any Jack-ass send the stats to HQ. The CO's days are numbered, IMO.


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    DD, this has got to be your funniest essay yet. I just got home from work and this is just what i needed, it's hilarious and hit all the nails right on the head. And NO, i never ever met a CO couple with no dietary restrictions, LOL!

    You're a brilliant writer, thanks for the great post!


  • Splash
    The CO also organises the Circuit Assemblies which have, interestingly, been reduced from 3 days per year to 2.
  • stuckinarut2

    Ahhhh....DD, tell us how you really feel!

    Love it!

  • DesirousOfChange

    They need the CO to make the official appointment of elders and MS as this takes the liability off of the WTS. But it would be easy to see cutting the official CO visit to one visit per year and have a sub-CO from the local circuit handle the other semi annual visit. Instant cost-cutting of 50%.


  • LongHairGal


    Your post is hilarious and everything you say is very possible! And I'm sure some cold, calculating minds somewhere have already figured this out.

    You are absolutely spot on in your humorous description of CO's, their wives, their dietary restrictions and their "needs"!!

    I refused to contribute for them even when I was still "In"....I thought it was absolutely outrageous since the average person in the hall and elsewhere has a problem affording their OWN needs of car and health insurance, etc. etc.

    As another poster said: this arrangement is unsustainable....To be truthful, the whole concept of every Jehovah's Witness individually being a full-time minister and not really working (and expecting handouts) is unsustainable. And isn't THIS what the religion really teaches people to do?? I didn't buy it.

    The whole religion is so ridiculous it shouldn't be a surprise that their system is collapsing.

    That being said, I feel badly for these bethelites about to be plunged into the real world and having to make their OWN way. I hope some brothers with businesses offer them jobs. Good Luck to them!


    Doc, they just need some nu-light! Perhaps the "Dukes" of the Bible are actually the GB Helper "helpers", who must remain anonymous. They can take over for the CO's and channel Holy Spirit!

    The GB can use any parable, or snippet of scripture to prove anything.


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