Pioneer couple sense of entitlement

by nowwhat? 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peacefulpete

    Funny someone mentioned "gleaning". In my family we took it literally. We got much of our vegetables for canning by trespassing in fields after the harvester went through. Or picked apples off trees that weren't ours. Actually funny now but we were quite sure we were OK with God because of Leviticus. It left a deep impression apparently. I 'dumpster dived' as a pioneer quite regularly. I shared good scores with the rest of the pioneers. Even impressed my wife to be in that way. Good times lol.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I know 'gullible' pioneers exactly.

    I can't and don't totally blame them. That is the old pioneers though.

    I think the Borg itself holds more accountability for always pounding this 'mindset' into the young impressionable sheeple and they carry that mindset throughout their natural lives.

    Pure evil.

    But this day and age,,,,the internet is the 'great equalizer'. Information is readily available at your fingertips.

  • LongHairGal


    I see your point. You feel sorry for them and think the religion has more ‘accountability for pounding this mindset’. Nevertheless, I am not being subjected to appeals for money!!

    I also would never get involved with any other religion/organization/movement either.. Even if the people there don’t have the same wrong sense of entitlement that some pioneer Witnesses have, the bottom line is people there are all looking for the moolah.. Because of all the social ills in the country, all churches have their fill of people looking for something - and not just from the institution itself. They are looking to latch on to people in the congregations!.. That’s all I need 🙄. I know somebody this happened to.

    I won’t knock anybody who wants to ‘belong’ to something.. But, I’m not interested.

  • Samcats

    Gleaning at Bethel was simply taking leftovers from the tables back to your room. When I was pioneering I was grateful for the few things we were gifted but never expected or demanded anything. Never got anything for being an elder. Bitter people might consider letting the past go.

  • Hellothere

    Either way, if you wanna give and help someone. It's better doing it in own congregation then sending everything to headquarters

  • punkofnice

    Is it because they're Pious-sneers or because they're just grotty people?

    Perhaps being pious-sneers, it enhances their grotty nature.

  • enoughisenough

    a thought that adds to the mindset of those who feel entitled...How many times had we heard young people to pioneer and stay with their parents for helpful support so they could pioneer? Or families being told to work to help another family member to be able to pioneer? Over the years, I heard those scenarios in WT studies and at conventions. ( which I came to understand the WT studies were rehashes of the convention talks.)

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''Is it because they're Pious-sneers or because they're just grotty people?

    Perhaps being pious-sneers, it enhances their grotty nature.''

    It's probably by the cult-induced mindset the Borg imposes on people.

    I mean just think for a second....depend on us.....prey, prey, prey.....People just become infantilized.

    Totally out-of=date thinking this day and age. The Borg knows it and they will ramp-up these fear-monger talks.

  • LongHairGal


    Totally out-of-date thinking, but it’s still going on even at this late date!

    I had this conversation just recently with one of my old Witness friends I’m in contact with. She is in denial about everything and imagines she can get me to go back to the religion 🤣. I told her what I went through and what I would face - if I were dumb enough to set foot there.. She never gives up her preachiness.

    I told her I wouldn’t tolerate it. No thanks. 👎

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    I for one would just like to tip my hat to you for sticking to your guns and having perseveered under such backlashing from the ''friends''.

    You mention many times that you kept your job and career and 'planned ahead' for your retirement. If you had listened to the ''friends'' you would not be where you are today,, retired and comfortable.

    For that you earn many on here the respect that you deserve, merit and honor. You deserve full marks for ''sticking to your guns'' and doing what is best for you,,,,and not them,,,and especially NOT a thankless Borg.

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