What novels would you recommend?

by LoveUniHateExams 43 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I used to have a large-ish novel collection but my current collection is scaled-down because I was forced to move back to Bolton 4 years ago and didn't have enough room for them all in my suitcases.

    I currently own just 9 novels.

    Salem's Lot (Stephen King)

    Three by John Ajvide Lindqvist:

    Let The Right One In

    Let The Old Dreams Die

    I Am The Tiger

    Three by John Grisham:

    The Firm

    The Whistler

    The Judge's List

    The Hound of the Baskervilles (Arthur Conan Doyle)

    The Demon Headmaster (Gillian Cross)

    Er, and that's it.

    Do you have any good novels to recommend, particularly any horror or thriller ones?

  • JeffT

    Science fiction:

    Dune by Frank Herbert.

    The Mote in God's Eye by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven

    Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet

    1984 by George Orwell

    I have five novels self-published on Amazon. One, "Armageddon's Disciples" was inspired by fifteen years in the Cult.

  • slimboyfat

    Jo Nesbo is my favourite in terms of crime fiction. Another Norwegian author I liked is Gunnar Staalesen, whose books are set in Bergen. But I don’t read fiction often. I recently read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, which is amazing but difficult. I’m going to try to read The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky too.

  • LoveUniHateExams


    Yes, I've thought about getting Dune. The only experience I have with the Dune universe is David Lynch's film (not one of his best, lol).

    BTW what are your other 4 novels about?

  • LoveUniHateExams


    Although I haven't read his novels, I've heard Jo Nesbo is good.

    I've seen a film adaptation of The Snowman, directed by Tomas Alfredson. It wasn't particularly good despite featuring some good actors and stunning shots of Norway.

    Which Jo Nesbo books have you read?

  • JeffT

    I am very picky when it comes to movies made from books. I seriously disliked the Lynch version, but then I don't like much of anything he does. A second part to the latest version is due out this year, I'm withholding judgement until it gets here.

    The books are philosophically interesting. Herbert has created a fascinating culture and ecosystem. The primary influence on the people that live on the planet "Dune" is Islamic, the primary influence on the ecosystem is a planet-wide desert inhabited by giant worms. That description doesn't do the book justice by a long shot.

    The other books are an alternate history trilogy about a war between the United States and Japan in 1910, and its aftermath. The other is a historical novel set in the Revolutionary war. The first three sold well, maybe because everybody was locked inside by COVID. The other two haven't sold as well, which is why I slip in plug when I can. I invented a church for "Armageddon's Disciples" and I've started blogging about that process. See jeffthomasbooks.net

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    "Armageddon's Disciples"

    I respect

    even if it's only one review.

    It's the next book I'll buy.

    Three years after Armageddon was due, the word was written a total of one time, in Watchtower material, 1978. The peak use was in 1942 at 369 times.


  • JeffT

    That is a really interesting graphic, thanks.

    Back to the OP, I forgot to mention Robert A Heinlein, if you like science fiction he's a must read. Almost anything he wrote is good.

  • mikeflood

    Light reading? All the Agatha Christie novels, you know detective novels.

    More difficult, like "Brave New World" by Huxley.

    If you have the time (is always the time...) "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky...or "Light of August" by Faulkner...

  • TD

    None of these are not what I would call "high brow" books, but I thoroughly enjoyed them all

    Blood Music by Greg Bear. --Hard science fiction bordering on horror.

    Thrice Upon A Time by James Hogan --Another hard science fiction novel. One of the most unique takes on the possibility of the future influencing the past I've read.

    The Puppet Masters by Robert Heinlein --Big fan of Heinlein, even if some of his stuff is a little dated today. (This one has aged pretty well.)

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