About the Memorial and Unleavened Bread Thing..

by snugglebunny 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snugglebunny

    I get it. Unleavened bread has no yeast in it. And yeast is a symbol of sin, right? Not good for symbolising whatever it's supposed to symbolise, obviously.

    So my beloved missus, who I believe is possibly the best cook in the world (although I do have a soft spot for chef Nigella Lawson with those magnificent knockers and all) is an absolute ace at baking sourdough bread.

    And yes, sourdough bread - especially when toasted - is absolutely yummy. And it doesn't contain yeast!

    So. How about it? Would it be OK if the Memorial emblems were sourdough bread instead of that ghastly unleavened stuff?

    Enquiring minds need to know!

  • waton

    sb: is not "leaven" another name for sourdough ? yeast a concentrate of that? how about baking powder?

  • oppostate

    Can't use anything that ferments the dough or makes it rise -- the thing is they had to leave Egypt without waiting for the bread to rise

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Sourdough bread is made by adding to virgin flour and water "leaven. Leaven is fermented flour and water and contains natural airborne yeasts and bacteria.

    So, a little leaven ferments the whole lump.

  • tiki

    Nope...just the right kind of flour and water. My mother used to bake the stuff for the occasion. It is nasty.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I do bake my own bread and have made the starter for sourdough, it lives a long time. In my village we give names to our sourdough culture, mine was Elsie but I cruelly let her die a year ago.

    There is yeast in sourdough, it comes right out of the air -- it is bigger than bacteria and smaller than plants in a biological kingdom of its own. With flour It creates alcohol and lactic acid which mixing with other harmless bacteria it imparts the particular taste to the bread and CO2 bubbles to cause it to rise.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...and how do you get WINE?

    you allow YEAST to convert the sugars in grape juice into alcohol.

    Did Jesus' blood contain SIN?

    theology is such fun!!!

  • Testeverything

    Do you realise that this "Memorial" that you observe is NOT a commanded Feast day as found in Leviticus 23?? Yeshua said "Keep doing this in Remembrance of me" he did Not mean for people to hold some ridiculous Yearly celebration, what he DID do is observe Passover, as everyone who really knows what the bible really does teach does observe, because Yahweh, Our creator Commanded us to!! For further details, please go to 119 Ministries and see their Biblical teaching on Passover and why we are to continue celebrating this even as believers in Messiah Yeshua. And, for the unleavened bread, yes, we are to rid ourselves and our households of all unleavened bread for 14 days, according to scripture. Remember, TEST EVERYTHING!!! Shalom

  • Diogenesister
    sb: is not "leaven" another name for sourdough ? yeast a concentrate of that? how about baking powder?

    Yes I’ve made Sour dough and in your ‘starter’ is simply the natural bacteria that is in the atmosphere....lasts for donkeys years if you look after it (“feed” it).

    so I think Snuggle bunny that technically it is ‘leavened’ but don’t quote me on it.

  • RubaDub

    Maybe they had wine and unleavened bread because they were out of Jewish Rye.

    Rub a Dub

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