When do you think Coronavirus will go away?

by Iamallcool 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    And there IS an agenda behind THAT panic that is prompted by an agenda other than my health.

    There is no qestion that the media is over commercially selling this for the sake of ratings but they are nevertheless part of the solution to putting a stop to this contagious virus in the public domain..

    I see where your coming from mind you in your comment..

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  • 2+2=5

    Usually things made in China don’t last long, this thing is Chinese made and built to last.

  • Finkelstein

    My advise to all considered is to obey the instructions given out by health officials as in keeping an appropriate safe distance from people, wash your hands right after if you go out in public as to the stores.

    Take some kind of cleansing disinfectant with in your car so you can wipe your hands after going into a public place is another good idea.

    And dont forget to smile and be pleasant with others when you talk and meet others on the streets or wherever.

    Doing so will make yourself feel better and help to alleviate the stress and anxiety that most people are experiencing.

    Built up stress and anxiety actually weakens the immune systems in people, particularly at this time and situation that's not a good thing.

  • Finkelstein

    this thing is Chinese made and built to last.

    Due to the fact that this virus has spread all around the world and has effected so many in different lands, there are now many virus research institutions that have under taken the cause to develop a vaccination, with that in mind it is therefore possible a vaccination could be developed sooner than before with other similar viruses.

  • Simon

    It depends what you mean by "go away". We might see people returning to work in a month or two, but it will still be there - we'll just hopefully have slowed the infection rate so that the medical system can cope with the ambient infection rate from then on as some level of herd-immunity has built up.

    There's still likely going to be hot-spots where outbreaks may require local shut-downs and quarantine.

    Longer term, there are going to be healthcare implications as there is growing evidence that this can cause long-term lung damage. Even if it doesn't kill you now, it could still reduce your overall lifespan and quality of life.

    There are lots of reasons to keep isolated and to try everything possible to avoid catching it until hopefully a vaccine is available.

    The media have just shown us that they are trash and can't do a good job. They don't inform, they don't ask questions to elicit the information people need, they are still running their own agenda which is a mix of political activism or hyping panic for profit.

  • Finkelstein

    they are still running their own agenda which is a mix of political activism or hyping panic for profit.

    and that is why I stopped watching television all together.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    The sooner the better. Newsom is bankrupting California with his lockdown.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Someone posted a youtube video the other day. If or when this coronavirus goes/fades away, some youtube poster( I think it was a couple) they mentioned that they hope or think there could be a mass/rogue awakening in the JW dubland community.

  • Simon
    they mentioned that they hope or think there could be a mass/rogue awakening in the JW dubland community

    That would be "hope", because there is no evidence that people will suddenly wake up to the reality of the WTS - if anything, a crisis like this convinces them more of their faith.

    Wild speculation and "hopes and prayers", even by apostates, don't help ... so what's the point?

  • LV101

    Beth Sarim - was the video you're referring to one by Kim and Mikey? I recall one but didn't view - darn. Hopefully, someone will link.

    If the COVID 19 returns - hopefully the heat will knock it down until next winter - how do we resume life again returning to hair stylists, etc? Going the 'homeless' look isn't especially attractive. Close proximity can't be avoided and vaccine could take a yr to yr and half away for controlled trials, etc.

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