To all the wednesday haters out there...

by Valis 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewSense

    First, I want to say that I do not hate Wednesday. If I have any feeling for her, it is that of pity. She is an ignorant, un-educated fool. In many ways, she is the embodiment of one of America's biggest flaws - its myopic, ignorant and arrogant monolingualism. There are - of course - exceptions, but in general, the "track record" of Americans in learning foreign languages is disgracefully abysmal. And, by natural consequence, since Americans are so terrible at learning foreign languages, they never are able to come to even the most basic understanding or awareness of foreign cultures. As a result, many Americans are totally "tongue-tied" when it comes to speaking foreign languages. In fact, they are so ignorant that they are even tongue-tied when it comes to speaking their *own* English language, as is the case with our beloved Wednesday. And because they are so poor at speaking foreign languages, too many Americans are in essence alienated from the world, left to wallow in their ignorance like the fat, arrogant pigs they are. As a consequence, a vacuum of ignorance fills their minds. And, since nature abhors a vacuum, their minds are left to be filled by the lies and trash that they view on T.V.

    But I digress a bit. My major qualm with Wednesday, simply put, is that she has absolutely no right to be at all critical of a non-English-speaking foreigner in the U.S. when she herself writes English like an utter cretin. In her previous posts, she writes "grammer" when she should spell it "grammar." She writes "workded" for "worked," and "privatley" when it should be "privately." And, it's not just her spelling. In a nutshell, an ignoramus has no right to expect anyhing from anyone.

    And, to those who say: "This is America, and everyone should learn the only official language, which is English," I will respond by saying that this is precisely the problem!!!! America should not, cannot not, must not remain a monolingual society. Many people in various European and African nations speak three, four, or even more languages. In fact, people in most countries of the world put most Americans to shame when it comes to speaking other languages. Many of America's problems derive from the fact that it is a mono-lingual nation where basically only one language is spoken. Monolingualism contributes to ignorance and its accompanying arrogance and cultural chauvinism.

  • Simon

    NewSense: You make some good points and I agree with a lot of what you say but unfortunately you did it using personal attacks and insults which is not acceptable.

    Please debate what people say and not who or what they are.

  • wednesday
    America should not, cannot not, must not remain a monolingual society. Many people in various European and African nations speak three, four, or even more languages. In fact, people in most countries of the world put most Americans to shame when it comes to speaking other languages. Many of America's problems derive from the fact that it is a mono-lingual nation where basically only one language is spoken. Monolingualism contributes to ignorance and its accompanying arrogance and cultural chauvinism

    So basicaly u are a run of the mill America basher. Step right up. Many are taking shots at America.

    weds, who did not spell check this, but hopes u can read it.

  • Brummie
    she writes "grammer" when she should spell it "grammar." She writes "workded" for "worked," and "privatley" when it should be "privately."

    WTF? Who are you! the embodiement of microsoft Word 2000? Going around underlining the mistakes in red and grammar in green! sheeesh. Who appointed you chief word checker?

    My major qualm with Wednesday, simply put, is that she has absolutely no right to be at all critical of a non-English-speaking foreigner in the U.S.

    But you have the right to be overly critical of English speaking people in the US? You have certainly mastered the art of how to insult people in "English". If thats the best you can do then English, Chinese, Asian etc ..speaking people don't need you teaching them a lesson, you need to learn a few lessons yourself.

    Must be having a bad hair day!

    Bad attitudes get on my pip


  • Simon

    Wednesday: legitimate critiscism of America does not equate to America bashing so please don't try to turn this into something it is not.

    Brummie: I think the point (as I saw it) was that here are a bunch of people complaining about people not speaking English properly ... and using improper English to do it. Does no one else see the irony?

    If we reverse your argument then if people are not allowed to pull up others or criticise for the grammar and spelling, surely these others should not be doing the same thing over other (when others speaking a foreign language does not equate to the lack of education that poor use of ones own language may do)

  • wednesday

    Spelling and typing ability do not relate to IQ or education.

    I'm sorry, but I do see it as a form of American bashing.

    edited to add, my complaint was not that people use English properly, but that i just be able to understand them. there is a huge difference.

    When my doc asks me medical questions i can't understand, and no amount of repeating it helps, i worry. I do understnd medical lingo, I can't reveal why, but I definitely do.

  • Brummie
    Brummie: I think the point (as I saw it) was that here are a bunch of people complaining about people not speaking English properly ... and using improper English to do it. Does no one else see the irony?

    Simon, yes I see the irony and agree totally, the problem was well pointed out in your previous post.

    newsense, its is the bad attitude and insults that make wednesdays sin seem irrelevant. I'd rather have foul grammar than foul mouthed attitudes anyday. You could have made your post powerful without your insults. You get what you give.


  • teenyuck
    First, I want to say that I do not hate Wednesday. If I have any feeling for her, it is that of pity. She is an ignorant, un-educated fool. In many ways, she is the embodiment of one of America's biggest flaws - its myopic, ignorant and arrogant monolingualism.

    Dear Wednesday:

    The word is spelled E-A-S-T-E-R-N, you stupid asshole. It's quite ironic for someone to demand "being spoken to" (why not simply say "addressed"?) in English, when that person cannot even spell an English word as simple as "eastern." The situation all but drips with irony. Irony is a concpet I won't even *begin* to try to explain to you, since your obviously feeble little brain could never comprehend it. What I will say - you mutant, in-bred piglet piece of trash - is that you should hurry out of your trailer and head on over to the local Walmart where they're having a white (your favorite color, dipshit) sale. That way you can buy some sheets to wear at the cross-burning tonight.

    NewSense, you sound like know him, do you not? (Hmmmm....was that improper sentence structure?) I can hear you now, with a psuedo-accent (kinda like Madonna pretending she is British) putting people down with your arrogance. (I guess I need to get off my lazy American ass and learn another language)

    Wednesday cannot type....big deal. Trying to type quickly and use puncuation can be difficult....I have clients earning 200-300k (that is thousands, he he) and some of them cannot turn on a computer let alone type. BIG DEAL....

    All you proved is that you are a bully. You have insulted her on two different threads, using very hateful language. (or is it words...damn that college diploma....)

    The irony is that Simon has allowed you to keep a username....

  • Simon

    Wednesday: let me get this right ...

    You should be allowed to insult people of foreign origin and it's somehow 'their fault' that they don't speak your language (heaven forbid, you should learn their's).

    If anyone says America would be better if it didn't have this Monolingualistic (if that's a word) attitude they you label them an American basher.

    If anyone agrees that it is fair criticism then you just won't accept it?

    Actually, I think spelling does equate very much to education: most educated people I know can spell and the better educated ones generally spell better than the not-so-well educated. People who have had no education are most likely the ones who can't even read or write at all, never mind spell.

    I think Brummie said it best:

    newsense, its is the bad attitude and insults that make wednesdays sin seem irrelevant. I'd rather have foul grammar than foul mouthed attitudes anyday. You could have made your post powerful without your insults. You get what you give.

    I think newsense is right ... but has been insulting and said things in completely the wrong way. Wednesday has been more civil and posted properly ... but is completely wrong IMHO.

  • Xena

    lol no wednesday that wasn't American bashing that was plan and simple wednesday bashing....funny how sometimes stuff like that is I am SURE nothing I say to NewSense will be censored..all in the spirit of fairness, yes?

    but I digress...

    I want to start out by saying I do not hate NewSense, I pity him/her for thier obvious bias against anyone who can't spell. You are aware this is an exJW site where most of us weren't allowed a higher education and some were (gasp) home schooled? Apparently this means we should not be allowed to voice our opinions but cower in the backround allowing "superior" people like yourselves to dictate to us how to think and feel???

    As regards America, there are quite a few multi-lingual people here, try looking around you one of these days. Personally I was eduated in Spain and Germany during my elementary school years and the AMERICAN school I went to required me to learn the languages of both the countries where I was living...go figure huh? I can't help but wonder if we wandered out into the French or Spainish countryside how many people we would meet who knew English...I know when I lived there not many did,but I am willing to admit that was quite a while tell NewSense...I am sure you are up on those figures...

    Another funny thing about America...we allow everyone to have an opinion regardless of if they can spell it or not...people are entitled to them even if you don't agree with them. If you want to argue the point then feel free to do so, but to belittle someone due to a lack of education (due to no fault of their own, but their upbringing) just shows everyone who exactly the CRETIN is.

    I suggest you step down off your high horse, pull your head from your ass and learn a few manners....might come in handy socially someday if and when someone decides they actually want to have something to do with an ignorant (yes ignorance comes wrapped in smart packages too) jerk like you. Interesting how some smart people are so lacking in manners, why is that do you suppose? lol guess that is a question for another thread...

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