Reason why you didn't have the Heavenly hope, Anointed..

by James Mixon 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    When I found out what was in store for those with the heavenly hope, no thank you. I love you Jehovah

    but I also love the fruits here on earth. The earth Paradise seemed a lot more appealing than flying around

    in heaven and looking down on the folks here on earth having fun. Here on earth there is eating, drinking and

    sex. Some of the angels got in trouble from viewing all the action here on earth.

    My question what is so appealing about JW belief about the heavenly hope?????

  • Ucantnome

    when I got baptized if id said I had a heavenly hope my father and mother would have said I was just being a very naughty boy and I wouldn't get any pudding for a week or more. So I had an earthly hope.

  • blondie

    The bus was full from 1935 onward....and as Fred Franz shouted, "NO REPLACEMENTS."

    Actually it never appealed to me. Just a couple minutes to see God, Jesus and an angel, and I would want to go back. I had an elder tell me that anointed sisters who went to heaven could only rule over females on earth!!!!!

    I'll just take the day tour.


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Ucantnome: so you sold out for a bowl of pudding, that's funny.

    Blondie: "I'll just take the day tour". LOL

  • prologos

    I just never thought there would be any personal choice. Partook privately, leave the choosing up to those that give such choices.

  • Nevuela

    Good point, James. Even my roommate, after announcing to me that she had been anointed, told me that she struggled with it for a while before being able to accept it. Not only was she surprised that God would choose her, but she had no desire to be anointed at first. For almost as long as I've known her (over a decade now) she would often talk about the new system and go into detail about all the things she looked forward to doing when it arrived.

    Even now, months after being anointed, she talks about what she is going to miss on earth while at the same being excited about becoming a spirit in heaven and being stronger than angels, because, according to her, angels do not have immortality, but the anointed do. She says that's because the anointed have proven themselves to God by living a human life with original sin and weak flesh yet resisting evil, whereas angels in all their glory and perfection could still betray God, just like Satan and his followers did.

    So angels can be destroyed, but the anointed can't. Has anyone else ever heard this?

  • Sanchy

    Not so long ago, deegee posted sobre interesting advantages that the annointed have over the other sheep:

  • scratchme1010

    When I found out what was in store for those with the heavenly hope, no thank you. I love you Jehovah

    but I also love the fruits here on earth. The earth Paradise seemed a lot more appealing than flying around

    in heaven and looking down on the folks here on earth having fun. Here on earth there is eating, drinking and

    sex. Some of the angels got in trouble from viewing all the action here on earth.

    My question what is so appealing about JW belief about the heavenly hope?????

    I also said "no thank you" when i was a JW, but for the reasons that follow:

    According to the Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders, here's a list of mental disorders that cause a person the dilusion of being chosen by god:

    • psychotic disorders, or disorders in which the affected person has a diminished or distorted sense of reality and cannot distinguish the real from the unreal, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, shared psychotic disorder, brief psychotic disorder, and substance-induced psychotic disorder
    • bipolar disorder
    • major depressive disorder with psychotic features
    • delirium
    • dementia

    Additionally, delusions and overvalued ideas may be present in people with anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, or hypochondriasis.

    Though there are different ways of categorizing delusions related to mental health issues, one common way of classifying them is by "theme". There are several categories of delusion "themes":

    • Delusion of control
    • Nihilistic delusion
    • Delusional jealousy (or delusion of infidelity)
    • Delusion of guilt or sin (or delusion of self-accusation)
    • Delusion of mind being read
    • Delusion of reference
    • Erotomania
    • Grandiose delusion
    • Persecutory delusions
    • Religious delusion
    • Somatic delusion

    The ones I highlighted in bold are the ones that i noticed in some of the "anointed" people I knew when I grew up as a JW. I never met one of those JWs claiming to be anointed who wasn't a nut case.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Nevuela: I assume your room mate is single, that makes me wonder about someone that

    is married and then claimed they are anointed. Is the marriage that bad and you have no problem

    leaving your mate behind, sorry dear the marriage was ugly and now I will bring down my rage on you from above.

    prologs:So you partook privately when you were a JW??

    Sancy: thanks for posting that.

    Scratchme1010: I must agree with, most of the ones I know walked a different step than most folks.

    I thought because they had an extra portion of God's holy spirit, their thoughts higher than minds.

    I didn't realize I was following a nut case.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Nevuela Mention: her friend said angels do not have immortality, never heard that before.

    The bible sometimes can be very confusing, so no one is safe if God decide to set you a flame.

    Psalms 82:1 "He judges among the gods", so you are not still safe as a Anointed, hell Jesus

    bit the dust for a minute.

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