To MOUTHY: On-line Grandmother Appreciation Weekend

by RAYZORBLADE 48 Replies latest jw friends


    OK...I think it's long overdue, don't you agree?

    Our beloved on-line Grandmother (adopted by some of us) deserves a little on-line appreciation.

    MOUTHY: (Grace) This thread will be one dedicated to you.

    Big Hugs & Kisses to Mouthy, from your adopted on-line mischievous grandson.

    Love, Rayzorblade

    Virtual flowers, chocolates and other gifts: place them here - so that she (Mouthy) can pick them up.

  • expatbrit

    Sadly, Mouthy cannot be here to receive her virtual appreciation gifts because of an unexpected choking accident on a penis warmer. I will accept the chocolates on her behalf. Expatbrit

  • acsot

    Absolutely! Mouthy's the best! An inspiration to many, and I always appreciate her comments and warmth! Hope to one day meet her in person.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Yes everybody adores Mouthy. Even me. I dont usually like Old Folk around me over much and A lot of their conversation is boring with endless rehashings of what happened 40 years ago, but Mouthy isnt exactly run of the mill, Shes cool and I always read her posts which are full of the wisdom of the ages.

  • TheStar

    Here Here! Thanks for starting such a wonderful thread Rayzorblade!

    Mouthy we love you very much! I wish you were my real Grandma.

  • Simon

    Yay! We love Mouthy !!

  • LyinEyes

    I really appreciate my adoptive Granny,,,,,,Mouthy!!!!!!!!!!

    You are the coolest granny anyone could ever have. I really do wish we lived closer so I could visit you in person,,,,,,,,,but maybe someday.

    I love your sense of humor, your faith, your beauty,your honesty,,,,,,,you are definatly one of a kind .

    Love ya bunches, Dede

  • Brummie
    I love your sense of humor, your faith, your beauty,your honesty,,,,,,,you are definatly one of a kind .

    I echo Dede & Ray, Grace you are a star! And just as cute to meet in the flesh


  • Valis
    I dont usually like Old Folk around me over much and A lot of their conversation is boring with endless rehashings of what happened 40 years ago,

    Reffies...beware of what's right around the corner mate! *LOL* I do know what you are talking about though...I used to drink in this bar where this old old old veteran drank every day...When we would mention dates he would pipe up with another even older date...the convo went something like this....

    Me talking to my friend: "Dude it would have been cool to grow us in the 60's"...

    Veteran sitting next to me: "Eh? 1947!! (loud) eheheh yeah gmumnph mumble..eheh"

    When we had our party some of my favortie people were old as dirt and always a pleasure cuz they did nothing like reffies described. shutterbug and wife were a pleasure...she even celebrated her birthday with us and let me call her toots with a smile and what I thought was a wink, but may have just been a really wide smile instead shutter's OK too the old codge...and Navigator was very pleasant to speak with and carried on the convesaciones intelligentes muy bueno...

    Mouthy...I always enjoy talking with you, being crude in your direction, hearing your stories and taking some of your advice. All this talk of grandmas makes me wish mine was still here, sound of mind and still making me hot corn bread and my favortie Southern spaghetti least I have one by proxy...


    District Overbeer of the "Mouthy's Unruly Cyber Grandson" class

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    A story. I was in the city one day and dropped into a pub for a drink, anyway, there was this old boy at the bar and I caught his eye and he came over to yarn. Big mistake. The guy had his voice box removed, I assume through throat cancer, He had one of those electronic voices machines, like the buzzing of a barbers shears, or like steven hawkings voice except much less decipherable.I was trapped with the guy for an hour as he waffled on , I think about WW2, unable to understand what he was saying.

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