Evil Wind Chimes

by Sea Breeze 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I remember going door to door in the late 60's with my mother as a 5 or 6 year old. One time she caught me looking at the wind chimes on a porch. She told me they had pagan origins, were evil, and were somehow connected to demons.

    Later a lady came to the door who also had wind chimes on her porch. She accepted the literature. I was confused. If the demons lived at houses that were easily identified by the presence of wind chimes on the porch; why was my mother still going to those homes?

    And why did the demonized lady, who deceptively appeared gracious, accept the literature? Was she trying to lure my mother (and me) into a discussion inside her home? What would happen to us once inside this demonized home?

    It seemed like a no brainer to me to just avoid those doors and not expose ourselves to unnecessary risk. I would not be so easily fooled as my mother was when I grow up I reasoned.

    Anyone else remember evil wind chimes?

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    How horrific, it's a wonder you got off that porch alive and unharmed....

  • tiki

    Oh yeah....pinatas too. I love wind chimes....always did and always will. Have several!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The noise scares away demons. No mention of pretty noises attracting angels. Maybe we just like random melodies.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    The noise scares away demons.

    It was explained to me that is how they trick people into buying them. In actuality they attract demons. It was further explained that only the name of Jehovah is a strong [watch] tower and into it the righteous run for protection. So, the demons are in reality everywhere except the Tower.

    Poor deluded, deceived people. Who will liberate them from this wind chime deception, I was asked. Answer: Here I am send me, send me.... the scripture read.

    Once explained to me, I was so happy to be serving God and doing his work as a toddler. I thought I was the luckiest kid alive!

  • eyeuse2badub

    Too bad those wind chimes didn't scare away jw's!

    just saying!

  • Spiral

    I remember this. That's why I love wind chimes and have several! I have a Buddha statue in the garden too.

    I've only had two groups of JWs in the last few years, but they came to the door and rang the bell (we ignored them) and didn't seem to notice.

  • Jofi_Wofo


    I completely forgot about this. Back when I was a teenager and had just joined the not-truth, an elder told me about wind chimes being demonic. I thought he was just being superstitious and crazy, so I dismissed it entirely.

    Searching through the WOL, there is actually a Questions From Readers about it, and surprisingly, Watchtower is a lot more reasonable on this matter than on others- https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1981412.

    Noooow, let's hold on just a sec.

    "However, if one’s motive in putting up a wind chime has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others’ getting the wrong impression regarding its use in the home, it is a simple matter for personal decision."

    ...but, ummm, just remember that for... reasons... the same doesn't apply for birthdays, wedding toasts, saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, disco music, hypnotism, yoga, ad infinitum.

  • Diogenesister
    The noise scares away demons. No mention of pretty noises attracting angels. Maybe we just like random melodies.

    AND to REALLY confuse us (as if things weren’t bad enough) I later discovered that Demons were Angels all along!!!....

    .....I didn’t have a hope in Gehenna, I later reasoned 😩

  • NoAbuse

    "However, if one’s motive in putting up a wind chime has nothing to do with false religion, superstition or demonism, and there is little possibility of others’ getting the wrong impression regarding its use in the home, it is a simple matter for personal decision."

    lol. "demonism". Sometimes it still boggles my mind that this goofy religion has any adherents at all.

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