counting time

by Sabin 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    When I wa an elder we were told we couldn't count the time shepherding a [b]aptised sheeple. Has this change. . .?

    The pioneer elders always chose to shepherd the family with unbaptized kids.

    But maybe the rule has changed. Makes good sense. Time better spent "helping" the flock than sitting in Starbucks.


  • OverlappingGeneralizations
    Nope the rule hasn't changed. No counting witnessing to baptized people. Otherwise, People would just stay home and talk to each other, lol
  • Magnum

    Island Man - brilliant post. Really made me think and made the point.

    But how often have you heard a JW pioneer or aux-pioneer commenting that they've made their quota and so they can take the rest of the month off?

    I knew some who would get all their time in the first nine months or so of the year and take the whole summer off (except for some token easy time to keep them from being irregular). I know because I hated summers. I was left handling three congregations (all met together at same hall) at meetings for service because all the retired folks had their time and left me all alone to deal with all the publishers who showed up for service.

  • 4thgen

    We had a similar experience this week….

    My mother is a Witness and in a nursing home. The first few months she was there, she refused to associate with anyone in the home because they were all ‘worldly’. She began to get very depressed and her mind started to slip. During that time, she made friends with her roommate…. I guess she forgot her roommate was “worldly”. She began to attend all the social functions and is even going on outings on the bus once a week.

    Well, just this week I met with the nurses and health aids and they said that she has made a wonderful turn around. They were a bit confused about a situation that happened a couple of weeks ago…. Apparently some of my mother’s ‘friends form her church’ came by to see her and when they were told she went on an outing, they were “visibly upset…looked almost angry” that she was gone. The nurses thought that was very strange, because anyone else would have thought it was wonderful that she was well enough for a short trip. I asked them what time of day it was that they came, they indicated that it was around midafternoon. I explained to them that because it was the end of the month and the end of the day, they were looking for ‘easy field service time’ and explained to them about counting time. They were appalled.

    So much for the love of the Brothers….Isn’t it amazing that when Mom opened up her heart and lost (gained, actually) her mind, she began to live again and have friends?????!!!!!!!!

  • sir82

    Not only that, but the idea of "counting time" also leads to JWs not doing certain charitable acts, because they can't "count their time".

    But of course, if time-counting were to stop, the JW elder and ministerial servant selection process would go all higgledy-piggledy. Average number of hours per month is, bar none, absolutely, positively, the primary determining factor on whether someone "qualifies" to be appointed.

    If elders didn't have "hours" as a measuring stick of the "spirituality" of a man, they'd have to actually exert themselves to determine the personality of the candidate. That's, like, a lot of work, compared to reading a number.

    So, counting hours is here to stay.

  • redvip2000

    The bible says to serve god whole-souled. But how often have you heard a JW pioneer or aux-pioneer commenting that they've made their quota and so they can take the rest of the month off? Are they really giving their best - or just fulfilling a quota. Remember the story of the widow's mite? Counting time violates all that that story stands for because it causes people to be spiritually measured by the quantity of time they put in rather than the subjective effort they put into their ministry. A "poor widow" secularly employed, struggling single parent publisher could be giving 5 hours of quality service out of their want. But they're seen as less spiritual than a "wealthy" pioneer who is a retiree with lots of time on his hands and able to give 70 hours out of their surplus.

    Great post

  • sir82

    A "poor widow" secularly employed, struggling single parent publisher could be giving 5 hours of quality service out of their want. But they're seen as less spiritual than a "wealthy" pioneer who is a retiree with lots of time on his hands and able to give 70 hours out of their surplus.

    In our congregation, we have an elder much like the "wealthy pioneer" described here.

    He is in his late 50's been retired nearly 10 years. Very wealthy, sends regular & hefty financial contributions to his "special full time" son.

    For him, field service is a social event. He goes out with his golfing buddies Tuesday & Wednesday, and then with his "group" on Saturday morning.

    Exactly 2.5 hours every Tuesday, exactly 2.5 hours every Wednesday, exactly 2.0 hours every Saturday.

    For those of you counting at home, that is exactly 7 hours per week.

    His monthly field service report, month after month? 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 14 (vacation that month), 28, 28, 28, 28....

    Nothing is allowed to break the routine. If he gets sick, well, that's 26 or 21 hours that month.

    Given his spare time, if "the ministry" were a priority, he could easily do 100 hours a month and still lead a cushy, relaxed lifestyle.

    Meanwhile, we've got a half dozen single mothers who struggle to get 3, 4, 5 hours per month, juggling kids, jobs, illness, aging parents, etc.

    A frequent topic of concern is "oh, how are we going to help these poor, spiritually weak, unappreciative low-hour publishers?"

    Makes we want to

  • Lynnie
    Yes it's truly amazing how the pioneers are so interested in "counting time" but can't stop by elderly witness ladies who have given their whole life to the stupid cult. My mom is elderly and had some health issues earlier this year with a hip replacement and when she came home she was a little forgetful and she doesn't drive etc so my uber elder cousin (she's his aunt) and his wife thought I should get a day off of my full time job every week in order to go care for her.(Ive been DF'd for 40 years) She wasn't in a wheel chair or anything just needs some company and perhaps someone to help her with meals a little and take her to the store. I asked how come the pioneers couldn't help out since they were out driving around anyway and I was told in no uncertain terms that they were "stretched too thin" and "it wasn't their responsibility to help with their elderly members." OMG! So now my mom on a fixed income has to pay an agency 3 afternoons a week to come and help her and she's on a fixed income!!! My elder cousin is well off as well because of his non witness dad giving him several rental properties way back when. So yeah can't count time so no help for the elderly that really need it. I hate these people! So they can waste their time and gas driving around bugging people that don't want them but their own members they can't help out at all!
  • ToesUp


    That is sad. I am sorry they treat your Mom that way. Sorry to say that if your Mom was well off she would get plenty of attention. Sad but true!

  • Sabin

    Lynnie, The Bastards!

    Sir82, I think now the most important qualifications since jw.borg has been up & running is computer skills. A lot of the oldies don't know what to do & some have dedicated so much to the borg they now cant afford to have a computer, others don't want one because for years they were indoctrinated that computers were bad. So now they are left behind & no-one cares. Also they are the ones that may question the over lapping generation & the Puppet-masters cant have that.

    On another point about the ministry, all I hear jw say is "the worldly`s, this & the worldly`s that" their calling on people claiming it`s to hopefully save their lives & yet referring to them in a derogatory manner. I have heard it said so many times (have done so myself ) then when a jw does something wrong it`s cause he`s imperfect & therefore to be forgiven, but if a none jw does the same thing it`s cause he`s a worldly. They are prejudice.

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