If only JDubs were truthful with their Bible students

by Sour Grapes 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    JDubs are the masters of deception. What would you do if you were studying with the JDubs and they told you that when you get the truth, become a JDub, and join the Borg that every single person in the world is bad association? In fact, you will have to be careful because even some in the congregation can also be bad association and you have to be careful around them if they have too much facial hair or if the sisters' skirts are a little too short or if the brother pants are a little too tight.

    And you will find such delight in not dwelling upon the life that you have now which is unimportant because this system of things is going to be destroyed so there is no need to get a good education or to worry about your problems.. You just need to focus on the paradise earth that is just around the corner.

  • ttdtt

    Kinda like the adds for the Armed Forces.

    Join us and See the World!

    or join the Air Force - while all you see is F16 pilots in the background.

    Recruiting would drop:)

  • All or nothing
    All or nothing

    I used to feel overwhelmed when I studied with someone cuz there was so much for them to learn doctrinely let alone all the other politics of this religion...it used to bother me when the hypocrites would love bomb the bible students but ignore other members of the congregation- so glad I don't go there anymore!

  • Diogenesister
    All or nothing It used to bother me when the hypocrites would love bomb the bible students but ignore other members of the congregation- so glad I don't go there anymore!

    Too right, I agree.

    Charity, or in this case love, does begin at home and if you cant love your own family friends and congregation ( or at least be there for them if you can't love them) there is little chance you will genuinely care for a stranger.

  • scratchme1010
    If only JDubs were truthful with their Bible students

    Excellent observation. If you ever care to venture to inquire why, all you have to do is research the dynamics of high demand, controlling groups. Deception and controlling people are the core reasons why they exist n the first place.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Truth is not synonymous with "being in the truth".

    just saying!

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS wants its public sales representatives contained, controlled in thought, behavior and in appearance.

  • Finkelstein

    Ridged and controlled indoctrination is just that , therefore JWS become victims from other JWS.

    That's also the reason why the JWS religion identifies itself as a high controlling cult.

  • LongHairGal


    If they were truthful about what the JW religion is really all about, I’m sure nobody would join. I know I would not have.

    What I also suspect is that some JWs have misrepresented what the religion is when they recruited alot of these people in recent years with serious issues (homeless types, etc.)..I’m sure I’m right about this!

    As an inducement, they may have made it sound to these individuals that they are “going to be taken care of” (“loving brotherhood”, etc.). I remember hearing some such garbage back in the day..But, we all now know JWs are NOT a charitable organization so this is all fiction and wishful thinking!

    So, what happens then?? Everybody thinks they are going to target responsible people in the hall for money or favors??? And all this on top of all the other changes and appeals for money?? Glad I’m not around this chaos anymore!

  • Finkelstein

    Reflect upon why the WTS is so obsessed with number counting everything from people attendance, to literature placed, to bible studies conducted, to hours in service, to finally money !

    Its really a business model as a publishing house hiding behind a religion.

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