If only JDubs were truthful with their Bible students

by Sour Grapes 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TerryWalstrom

    1. JW's properly critique the standard, classical Christianity as a fallible institution and as an inaccurate description of reality. THAT IS AN HONEST foot in the door.
    2. The follow-up is a poisonous prescription to rectify the failings of Christianity.
    JW "Truth" is just as wrong-headed, willful, and corrupt as what they are debunking.
    3. The atmosphere of a community (love-bombing) is quite non-threatening and seemingly accepting. "This is a safe place for my family" is boilerplate.
    4. Like all sales schemes, attaching urgency and time-limited offers is dangled as insurance against harm to the family (Great Tribulation followed by Armageddon).
    5. Demonstrations of persecution easily provided tip the scales toward, "These must be the Good guys."
    6. Given plenty to do, the Bible student succumbs to busy-work, rhetoric, group-think, and constant fears of outside evil and intimidation.
    7. All avenues of rescue, whistleblowers, rebuttal, scandal are pre-emptively quashed by damning critics ahead of time and labeling them Apostate and Evil Slave.

    It all begins with that scathing critique of Classical Christianity and Bible tomfoolery by so-called Christendom and its holidays. That's the bait.
    Bait and Switch is a tried and true follow-up.

    Been there; done that. It works.

  • Finkelstein

    JDubs are the masters of deception

    Maybe a more accurate statement to make would be the leaders of the WTS such as C. Russell, J. Rutherford , F. Franz etc. were the real masters of deception, they were the front runners for this religious publishing house.

    There was a lot more attainable or achievable in (power, money) for these men then the every day typical person .

    2. The follow-up is a poisonous prescription to rectify the failings of Christianity.
    JW "Truth" is just as wrong-headed, willful, and corrupt as what they are debunking.
    3. The atmosphere of a community (love-bombing) is quite non-threatening and seemingly accepting. "This is a safe place for my family" is boilerplate.
    4. Like all sales schemes, attaching urgency and time-limited offers is dangled as insurance against harm to the family (Great Tribulation followed by Armageddon).

    So true Terry as I've said before the WTS created a tainted commercialized version of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • TerryWalstrom

    Perhaps off-topic per se but not really is this critique of how MARXISM fails and perfectly (to my mind) parallels JW "theory".

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    good post Terry thanks

  • zeb

    If I had known of the wt predictions that flopped or the changes that had been brought about in belief/practice/rules I would have walked away then but these were kept hidden from me.

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    The sad thing is that there are thousands and thousands of JDubs who are PIMO and are stuck. What a shame that one can't make a decision to change their religion from what their parents forced upon them without the threat of never talking with their parents and siblings again and being shunned by their former friends in public.

    The Borg is more Satanic than Christlike.

  • Finkelstein

    If the Watchtower Corporation was truthful they probably wouldn't sold as many pieces of literature.

    Its a corporate commercialize scam, which many got allured into it by the WTS false tainted and corrupt biblical teachings.

    How would this sound at the doors of the general public ? ........ " Good morning we are representatives of the WTS who has strategically devised false prophetic doctrines to purposely allure people to the literature this religious publishing house creates, are you interested in what we have ? "

  • Vidiot

    If JDubs were truthful with their Bible studies...

    ...there would be no Bible studies.

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