THIS is how Jehovah operates? Examining GB Jefffrey Winder's words

by Terry 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotFormer

    Ah, God keeps changing his mind! 🙄 You'd think God's sole channel would be given the updates regularly, rather than having to muddle through and figure it all out at their GB meetings.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    For someone who claims to be Gods mouthpiece,,,it sure seems they cant get anything right.

    Truth does not change.

    They make out God to be a complete bumbling idiot.

    Then why are people listening to them?

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    No, this is how people operate and they've been doing since 33AD. There were all sorts of different schools of thought after Jesus' death. Different interpretations and conclusions reached. Jesus was God, no Jesus wasn't God, actual blood and body in the bread and wine, and on and on and on. As time went on various councils "settled" things, until they weren't. The JW's don't have a lock on this one that's for sure.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And "no apology needed" either.

  • carla

    Thanks Terry!

  • truthlover123


    Where is this found on please? The two sites given are wiped. thanks

  • Earnest

    truthlover123 : Where is this found on please?

    This relates to the 2023 Annual Meeting and is not yet on the JW website. It will probably be included in the November Broadcast (on November 6). In a recording of the broadcast on this thread it can be found @ 20:40.

  • Terry

    THE REAL CON JOB the G.B. is pulling consists of strongly implying over and over again
    that all the nonsense they produce (wrong or right) is APPROVED by Jehovah and CONSEQUENTLY
    we must approve also. This is a silly if not preposterous sleight of hand card trick.
    The don't call themselves "INSPIRED" but substitute the phrase "SPIRIT LED".
    They call themselves 'prophets' and not PROPHETS. See how desperately silly this is?
    What they take away with one hand, they replace with the other hand.
    To say, "THIS IS HOW JEHOVAH OPERATES" is an exasperating shrug of the shoulder and
    it means, "SHUT UP AND DEAL WITH OUR SHIT", it's okay with the Boss.

    If Jehovah is "leading" the Watchtower Society through these Rube-Goldberg shenanigans, it makes a mockery of God.
    Remember all those publications with the Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue covers?
    Stacks and stacks of colorful books and magazines lugged in book bags door to door - that are COMPLETE LANDFILL TRASH - but hundreds of thousands of sincere Christians sold those books full of empty nonsense and wasted their lives doing so.

    OLD LIGHT = Mental stool samples from cult leaders lost in their own delusions of grandeur.

    The GB defiantly tell us they owe nobody an apology for BEING WRONG!
    What incredible hubris!

  • Terry

    For BIG DOG:

    How many hours spent by how many people for this on again off again light switch?
    The GB just can't keep their hands to themselves; constantly fidgeting with doctrine.
    Why? Because they feel THE POWER they have in getting people to dance to whatever
    crackpot tune they hum.
    Sultans of Balderdash.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.
    The saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" means that having too many people involved in a situation can make it less successful or more difficult to manage. It often implies that too much meddling or interference can cause problems or confusion, rather than improving things.

    There ya go - in a nutshell.

  • BluesBrother

    Great info in this thread , there was some stuff I did not know.

    one change that is fundamental is the identity of the faithful and discreet slave . For decades growing up and serving, we all knew that it was the remaining ones on Earth of the anointed 144,000. Then when the numbers started rising, and they suspected some “fake anointed “, they changed it to the Gov. Body themselves, only.

    I mean , if they didn’t even know who they were for all that time, how can they be appointed by Christ to “care for his belongings “?

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