"Smash The Old World"

by cofty 46 Replies latest social current

  • hothabanero

    How dare they!

    These statues are works of fine art and part of American culture. This is like burning a medieval Cathedral bc the bishop burned witches!

    We are seeing the modern day equivalent to the Nazi book-burnings of the 1930s; there is simply no difference, asides the fact they now shout "nazi" rather than Jew!

    The next thing that will happened is that they try to pass laws governing who can work and who can marry who. At this pace there will no doubt be some form of armed rebellion!!!

  • hothabanero

    @never a jw: Are you denying the science bc it does not fit your personal beliefs?

  • hothabanero
    There was an interesting study that showed how "lefties" failed miserably to describe the moral landscape of "righties" and predict their responses to ethical dilemmas, but the opposite was not true.

    In my experience, liberals know jack shit about how the world works. They react with shock and denial when you point out nazis are SOCIALISTS lol.

    99% of all crap suffered in the 20th century came from the left and that trend seems to continue...

  • Fairlane

    @hothabanero...."how the world works".....by whom, and to whose advantage. ...at what cost ? The world works not in its entirety, but works positively and negatively using varying workings. If there is one encompassing model please enlighten.

  • hothabanero

    @Fairlane: I don't claim to have all the answers... liberals do: white men are the devil, and if we scream nazi long enough and make sure every tv show has a paraplegic lesbian dwarf as the main character that will fix everything lol.

  • Fairlane

    hothabanero. ..interesting insight into your mind workings, im sure you'll concur,how the world works may benefit from your input ...or not..lol

  • Ruby456

    why not put the statues in a memorial garden made for the purpose where people can go and visit their past and refresh their memories? that way they are not smashed up and the past forgotten too!!! both sides can draw different lessons from them in a nice setting

  • Nevuela

    How can any of you people be right-leaning after your experiences in the borg? Did you learn nothing from the oppression you suffered under? It doesn't take much research to learn that conservatives opposed nearly every single freedom that we are lucky enough to take for granted these days. And no, I am not saying conservatives haven't made positive contributions as well, because they have. However, it's a proven fact that the left has done far more good than bad. Kindly stop judging an entire group of people based on a very small percentage the media focuses on.

  • Nevuela

    hothabanero Educate yourself, por favor.

  • hothabanero

    @Nevuela: if u read this thread you will realize most here are centrists... ppl just sound right leaning bc the left has lost its mind.

    Cute list. Which item explains why Clinton lost?

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