by justhuman 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • justhuman

    Back in 1990 we found out with some friends(most of us left the Borg) that the WT uses demonic pictures in their publicactions, specially the Live for Ever book...

    When the elders found out that we had this discussion they called us and asked questions why did we had this kind of discussion...

    I remember one of them was shouting (I thing he was possesed) and saying to us that this are what APOSTATES are saying in order to harm the Organization...

    Years past by but I never forget this subject untill I got internet and found all the answers there...specially the book from Darek Barefoot "Hour of Darkness"

    My question is:

    How many of you out there you believe that the WT it is still involved in spiritism?

    How many did you notice those subliminals and bothered you?

    Do you believe that the WT leadership is quided by Freemasons?

  • larc

    No, I do not believe in anything you propose. The Masons and the Witnesses are very distinct and separate organizations. The Witnesses are not influenced by spiritism. It is the farthest thing from their teaching. They do not have subliminal messages. There is no such thing as subliminal messages. Subliminal messages simply do not work.

  • m0nk3y

    Hmmmmm In denial a bit over the subliminal messages much ?!? Actually they do work although Im not so sure they are in JW publications. They worked so well that they were banned from being put into movies at the cinema.

  • larc

    Go to a basic text in general psychology and read the research findings on subliminal stimulation. It simply doesn't work. The original scare regarding popcorn and subliminal stimulation at the movies could not be replicated. And by the way, don't give me the "denial" psychobable bullshit.

  • m0nk3y

    HHAHAHA uptight much. Anyways lets face facts ... Subliminal messaging may not be as powerful as people were first worried about ... but its effects are a part of our culture/world in many different levels whether you want to face it or not ... scientific or not :)

  • larc

    What do you mean, scientific or not? Either it works or it doesn't work. So, give some evidence, science wise by the way.

  • Brummie
    How many of you out there you believe that the WT it is still involved in spiritism?

    The Revelation Climax book says the dead ones of the 144000 MAYBE communicating with the living. Check it out on page 125 (or is it 121?) its where its discussing Revelation 7:9-13. They think it was through the resurrected dead 144000 members that they got the message in 1935 that the great crowd would be an earthly class. So the year 1935 is not in scripture because it was revealed to them by the "Resurrected spirits of the dead".

    Is this Spiritism? Can't see the difference myself. Even though the Rev book chooses its words carefully and states "Maybe" they are communicating with the dead, it then suggests it is true, to me this demonstrates that they simply dont know WHO is communicating with them.

    How many did you notice those subliminals and bothered you?

    I didnt notice the subliminal pictures until after I left, they are so obviousley there that it strikes me that the JWs will deny them even though they are very clear.

    Do you believe that the WT leadership is quided by Freemasons?

    Not today, but it certainly was when the Watchtower began, Russel was definately a freemason and there is some evidence that Rutherford was, though he then began to severe connections later on.


  • avengers

    Do you think this is a subliminal message? You can clearly see the image of a ram sitting on the table. Or am I crazy? That's it. I'm imagening it all.

    As for the Free Masons; Was it not Russell himself that stated: "I am a Free Mason"?

    Spiritism: Until the forties the JW's believed that Jehovah lived on a star called Alcyone located in the Pleiades.

    They even thought he wore clothes.

  • larc

    Russell was definetly a Mason??? Prove it. RR, who is a Bible Student, has shown that Russell never said he was a Mason, from quotes from Russell's own words. You guys are way off base.

  • Brummie

    Real famous one...Revelation book page 159 in Angels hand: (Got one in your hand?)

    Edited by - Brummie on 11 February 2003 5:57:57

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