About Popularity

by Farkel 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • searcher

    I agree entirely.

    I once shared something of myself on this board, a post which generaly showed my inner feelings which I posted through tears.

    Only one poster made a joke about it.


  • obiwan

    Popularity usually means conformity...do the dubs ring a bell.

  • ashitaka
    Everyone "likes" them, but those people have no one who "cares" about them. There is a difference.

    Definitely. People who are shallow are easy to get along with, and lots of times, they are popular for asthetics, and not for their emotion.

    I have never been popular, ever. But, the fact that I am an intellectual and emotional to threat to people shows me that I am truly an individual, and that no person could swindle or change me. I have trust, and would give a stranger the shirt off of my back, but I sure as hell wouldn't give up my values for anyone. Some people have no problem being emotional whores.

    Even though I have very few friends, that's ok with me. The ones I have are trustworthy, and that's all I ask of them.

    When I have told people what I feel, sometimes they are shocked, hurt, dismayed that I, this strong person, could feel such vulnerability.

    Hey, I'm a person, too.


  • Realist


    It's evident that certain people just don't like me, and it's evident that certain people, er, despise me.

    the reason might be that you make personal attacks without reason (which by the way you critize when done by others). to use george carlin's chargon is not necessarily helpful or funny when you talk to a person. stop offending people for no reason and everyone will love you (except for the ones that truly hate you ). you make some good posts.

  • gumby

    Hey Fark,
    Well I guess I'll be the thorn in your side this time and disagree about a couple of things, but these "things" are my personal experience.

    About people and everybody liking them, but having no close friends doesn't apply in my case. I don't mean for this to sound 'braggy' but most people like me, I have very close friends, and I share my deep stuff. I have always been open with the deep stuff with others.
    I think what you said is true in a lot of cases as many people are ass kissers, don't want to step on ANYONES toes.......so they look like MR. Niceguy that everybody likes.
    I feel many people don't know HOW.....to disagree.....without arguing or getting too hot and they push people away. Some are good at disagreeing and not offending and others suck at it.
    Others don't share the deep stuff because they learned to "put up a wall" to protect themselves from hurt.......and so this 'wall' prevents them from expressing their deep feeling to others. My wife is that way and she is no "phony". Everybody is different, some are open and others are reclusive and I don't feel the quite ones should be labled as phony.

    Edited to say I'm off to work and will respond later in the day( just in case someone jumps my shit while I'm away )

    Edited by - Gumby on 7 February 2003 9:34:59

  • teenyuck

    I don't think I am a bottom feeder...I like your posts Farkel and Lost Diamomd summed my thoughts very well.

    I have to agree with gumby on not revealing stuff...I am not a phoney, I just don't think people would be that interested in my deepest feelings...except my husband. I tell him, he tells me.

  • dubla

    Popularity usually means conformity

    true...and as farkel points out, this board is no exception.


  • Solace


    I find myself liking you, while dispising you. Hmmm, actually maybe I like dispising you. No wait, maybe I dispise liking you? Sigh....... Actually Im not sure how I feel about you, but I do find you very intriguing and kinda cute.

    Seriously Farkel,

    This thread is perfect. Right on the money. When you share something that is obviously a personal and sensitive issue and someone slams you, it shows everyone exactly what kind of person they really are.

    I used to trust many, now Im a bit leery. Im pretty much an open book and have always have been pretty trusting. Unfortionatly, some people can and will take advantage of those qualities in others.

    Its like, if people arent being honest and are being caught manipulating the board, whats the point in discussing anything. Its sad, but it almost makes me not want to open up at all, it makes me more gaurded, aprehensive in posting on certain topics that I am sensitive to.

  • Farkel

    Sorry folks,

    I forgot to define "bottom feeder."

    "Bottom feeder" - everyone who doesn't like my posts!


  • SheilaM


    I think a bottom feeder is something entirely different, that is someon that takes advantage of people and worms their way through life. <I am speaking of NO one on the board, I am telling you my definition in life that is all>ie: my brother

    As far as revealing one's self, that doesn't always make people close. I tend to be someone that people disclose stuff to all the time. Sometimes I just may have met this person, they tell me things they wouldn't tell their priest. Then are we fast friends, NO, most of the time they feel embarrassed that they opened up. That is a common reaction. Do I feel bad they disclosed no, but I don't force them to become friends. This has happened my whole life, I am an intuitive person and some people I believe sense that.

    I seem to reveal a lot on the forum, but my true deepest feeling I keep to myself. All I reveal is true it just is not all that makes me tick. Only Thunder and my children are privy to all of me. Maybe it's the artist mentality LOL

    As far as wanting all to like you posts, would that be challenging? I think different input is nice personally.

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