Attacks on Kingdom Hall

by Kenneson 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • worf


    My sentiments exactly. They are simply reaping what they have and will continue to reap what they have sown. Thats also why I told Rubadub that rank and file members need to wake up and just get out.


    Thanks. At least one poster in this thread doesn't seem to have a clue as to what this is all about. Maybe if they read Crisis Of Conscience, In Search of Christian Freedom, Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave, and Blood On The Altar etc., maybe then they would understand.


  • scumrat

    The Watchtower gets what it deserves. The've been sowing seeds of deceit and corruption. Even covered up the violence within their own walls. What goes around comes around. Poetic Justice.

  • blackguard

    Hey country girl:- Was that Baptist church and its members involved in actively hurting people like the WTS and its satellite corporations, otherwise known as congregations which comprise policy-compliant individuals? I don't think rubadub's flippant comments to worf were warranted. I understood worf to mean that a law of consequences exists. If one is instrumental in imposing an evil corporate policy on people then one should expect to reap what one sows.

  • sf

    Please...see my comments on this topic here, and a mail I've sent out to one of the reporters:

  • Satanus

    Those crazy stoopids who shot at the kingdom hall are just plain stoopid.

    Btw, if you stoopids contact me, i have some medals for ya. Nice shiney ones w gold and silver stuff on 'em.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    blackguard wrote:
    Hey country girl:- Was that Baptist church and its members involved in actively hurting people like the WTS and its satellite corporations, otherwise known as congregations which comprise policy-compliant individuals? I don't think rubadub's flippant comments to worf were warranted. I understood worf to mean that a law of consequences exists. If one is instrumental in imposing an evil corporate policy on people then one should expect to reap what one sows.


    I would guess that that is a subjective matter. Perhaps some KKKers thought they were! They were angry about the emergence of Civil Rights laws and took it out on the church to show them how to "stay in their place" in Society. I do realize that Worf is talking about "what goes around comes around" but violence is still not the way that it should be paid back. Now the guys or girls that did this to the Kingdom Hall will now have to face their own karma.

    Country Girl

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Since few people actually take notice of them or regard them with mild annyoance or bemused apathy, there are JWs who actually revel in such incidents because they reinforce their notiions of being persecuted.

  • Gerard

    It seems it's just another case of dished-hate-comming-back.

    That was wrong... bullets are not as coherent as a law suit.

    Edited by - Gerard on 4 February 2003 16:54:3

  • blackguard

    Hi country girl; I guess it's fair to say that you don't know the dynamics present in the Baptist church incident. Perhaps you're a philosophic liberal, living in an ideal world. The reality is that the second law of thermodynamics is always present in human culture: ie. for every action there is an equal reaction. Violence is but one of the many options of reaction. That's reality! Idealism competes with reality and is inherent to liberal thinking. Forget about karma upon the perpetrators, honey, it seems the locals jay-duds are reaping their own karma.

  • worf


    Amen to both of your posts. Because thats what its all about: They are simply reaping what they have sown. And the sad thing about it is that it probably won't be the last time. Obviously there are people out there who want to physically war against the wt.


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