Why is the Bible wrong?

by StinkyPantz 108 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rem

    Tower Man,

    It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong.

    Strange statement, indeed. That is unless you believe insects have four legs and bats are birds as the bible claims.

    In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat. Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!

    Um, you are so wrong here I don't even know where to start. Try doing some research before regurgitating what your preacher man told you.

    Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude.

    Can you provide any evidence to back this statement?

    However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars. Not bad for born-again Jew, eh?

    Here is the passage:

    41 The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.

    It's not quite so amazing when you can look into the sky and clearly see that the stars are of different brightnesses and even color. This is plainly evident with the naked eye.

    This, coupled with fulfilled prophecy,

    Name one. Oh, yeah, and you also have to prove that it was written before the 'fulfillment'. Another note: it must be an extraordinary prophecy - not something like "this city will be destroyed". Cities being destroyed hundreds of years after the prophecy when it was expected in the prophet's lifetime don't count either. Also, how do you account for the many un-fulfilled prophecies in the bible?

    archeological and historical evidence proves that the bible was not written by men, but by God Almighty

    How exactly does archeological and historical evidence prove the divine authorship of the bible?


  • StinkyPantz

    First of all I had hoped that this wouldn't turn into a debate. I was only asking advice from people who think similar to me.

    Tower Man-

    Science has also, in recent years, been conceeding that the earth can't be millions, or billions, of years old. There is a growing trend of scientists who have had no choice but to come to this concusion and are therefore declaring that we live on a 'young' earth.

    Really? I've heard otherwise. The Earth's evolutionary age being millions or billions of years old is the staple of most Sciences including Geology, Anthropology and many more.

    Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude. However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars.

    This might be true but I could counter by showing you many instances where the Bible was wrong scientifically.

    This, coupled with fulfilled prophecy, archeological and historical evidence proves that the bible was not written by men, but by God Almighty. The question is, Do you want to believe it?

    Which fulfilled prophecies are those? And how do they prove the existence of God? Beside even Nostradomus got several predictions right.

  • gsx1138

    I know you've seen this link StinkyPantz but it bears posting again.


  • StinkyPantz


    Umm. . . I know I've been here for a while but I've never seen this. This is great thank you!

  • AlanF

    Tower Man said:

    : It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong.

    Who says? You believe that the earth was completely flooded some 4300 years ago, right? But there is no evidence whatsoever for that, and a massive amount of evidence against it. The question is, Do you want to believe it?

    : In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat.

    Wrong. The Greeks knew that the earth is a sphere. In fact, around 500 B.C. they actually measured its diameter, accurate to within 10% of today's value. In Columbus' day, the educated class knew perfectly well that the earth is a sphere. That's why Columbus tried to sail west to get to Asia, whereas the rival Portuguese sailed east, around Cape Horn in Africa.

    On the other hand, until Galileo's day most people thought that the earth was fixed and did not move. Christians based this belief on many Bible passages. There is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that says or even implies that the earth rotates. Not even the Greeks figured out that fact. So where is that vaunted Author who you think inspired the Bible?

    : Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!

    No, he was wrong. The earth is a sphere, not a circle. Just in case you didn't know the difference, a circle is sort of like the crust on a pizza pie. A sphere is a ball, kind of like a ball of dough before it's rolled out flat into a pizza pie.

    Ah, I know what you're now tempted to pull from your hat. Job 26:7 says that God is hanging the earth upon nothing. Yet Job 38:6 says that God laid the earth's cornerstone and gave it "socket pedestals". So the Bible contradicts itself. Isn't that proof that the Bible is just a human book?

    : Science has also, in recent years, been conceeding that the earth can't be millions, or billions, of years old.

    Wrong again. No real scientist today claims such a nonsensical thing. Naturally, you can provide no references to reputable scientists who can back your silly claim.

    : There is a growing trend of scientists who have had no choice but to come to this concusion and are therefore declaring that we live on a 'young' earth.

    The only people who make such claims are those who, for purely religious reasons, are Young-Earth Creationists. A few of them have degrees in science, even Ph.D.'s, but braindeadness due to religious fanaticism can infect otherwise smart people.

    And of course, every supposed "evidence" that these dummies have published has been thoroughly discredited by reputable scientists. You don't believe me? Go ahead and present a piece of your "no choice" evidence and you'll find out quickly enough why I can say this.

    : Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude.

    What astronomers? I know of none. Any dummy can look up at the stars and see for himself that stars differ in brightness and color. You could too, if you lived in a place where you could see the stars.

    : However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars. Not bad for born-again Jew, eh?

    I concede that it's miraculous that someone could look at some stars and see that stars differ from other stars.

    : This, coupled with fulfilled prophecy,

    Name a few. Be prepared to defend your answer.

    : archeological and historical evidence

    Oh, you mean like that which proves Noah's Flood?

    : proves that the bible was not written by men, but by God Almighty.

    The fact that you'll be unable or unwilling to deal with the various questions posed to you on this thread will prove that your statement is substanceless.

    : The question is, Do you want to believe it?

    See above.


  • foreword

    I have to agree with REM when he says "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

    What I meant in my reply was ...You can only prove what you know is true. When you have all the facts straight in your mind. If you need to ask for extra input, or extra facts, then it means that you cannot prove it to yourself, then are not ready to prove it to someone else. More study is needed.

    Especially when you set up for such an endeavour as proving the bible wrong. Big job...Big case. And very debatable.

  • seedy3

    Tower Man,

    It's interesting that no one has been able to 'prove' the bible wrong. In fact, it took science years to catch up with the bible. Until 1492, everyone thought the earth was flat. Isaiah said, in 600 BC, that the earth is a circle. He was right!

    Ok lets look at this single instance.

    First, you are grouping all of euorpe in that statement, not Asia or Africa, in fact most of the world DID know the earth was a "Sphere" (BTW a circle is not a sphere) The Egyptions calculated it's distance around, long before Isaiah was a twincle in his moma's eye. The people Euorpe were thrown in to a dark age of science not becasue they were cluless to the sciences, but becasue the Christian church would burn them at the stake if they disagreed with church policy. This is one case in point there was an educated person ( I forgot his name) long before Colombus sailed the oceans or even was born that stated the earth was round and it was not the center of the universe as "The Church" said it was, He bacame a human BBQ for his statements.

    Colombus didn't use the bible to discover the world was a ball shape, he used his wits and understanding of "Science" by looking over the horizon and seeing how the ships dropped off the horizon. The bible part was used to show the athorties that it could be true.

    It was not Science that made the thought that the earth was flat, it was the Christians that did.

    Astronomers also thought, in times past, that all stars were the same size and magnitude. However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15, written in the first century AD, said that each star differs from other stars. Not bad for born-again Jew, eh?

    Hmmmm interesting thought, but wrong again, there is a group in west Africa that have known about Sirus B long before science ever knew it existed, because they knew it was hidden by the brilliance of Sirus A......... Not bad for a bunch of natives running around in G-strings (their tradition says they knew this for 1,000's of years). The egyptions, babylonians, persions, most anyone that had any science behind their culture knew the stars were all different. It was the ignorant euorpe people that were christians that beleived this, not any one else in the world.

    Science has also, in recent years, been conceeding that the earth can't be millions, or billions, of years old. There is a growing trend of scientists who have had no choice but to come to this concusion and are therefore declaring that we live on a 'young' earth.

    Young Earth Creationists are not scientists, any archeologist, geologist will not agree with that statement in any way shape or form. I dunno where you get your info, but it sure isn't from the scientists, sounds kinda watchtowery in my opnion.

    And as far a prophecy, it's pretty easy to be prophetic when you write it after the fact, and those that were written prior to the fact have all failed.


  • Tower Man
    Tower Man

    Okay, it's late on the east coast and I need to go to work tomorrow. I'll give you a few responses right now and I'm going to bed.

    Stinky said .....Really? I've heard otherwise. The Earth's evolutionary age being millions or billions of years old is the staple of most Sciences including Geology, Anthropology and many more . Yes, this is still the belief of the majority, and probably will always be due to our atheistic society. I just said that many are starting to believe otherwise.

    This might be true but I could counter by showing you many instances where the Bible was wrong scientifically . I'd like to see them. Not to debate you. Just so I can research it. I would like it if you could give me a few.

    Which fulfilled prophecies are those? And how do they prove the existence of God? Beside even Nostradomus got several predictions right There are many. How about the resurrection of Jesus? How about the fact that he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey the exact day that Daniel predicted? How about His birth in the city of Bethlehem, as predicted in Micah? That's all for now. Let me add that even though Nostradomus got a few right, he didn't get them all right like the bible. And remember, there are still MANY prophecies yet to be fulfilled. Mostly regarding the nation of Israel. So don't attack me on those particular unfilfilled ones, please.

    REM.... Strange statement, indeed. That is unless you believe insects have four legs and bats are birds as the bible claims . Hey, I read that before. Where is it at in the bible?

    How exactly does archeological and historical evidence prove the divine authorship of the bible? I said that fulfilled prophecy + archeological and historical evidence is the proof. May I add the changed lives of Christians to the list?

    gsx ... Wrong! The Earth is a sphere not a circle pardon me for my ignorance but I thought that a sphere is just like a circle. Webster says a sphere is globular, like the globe in my house which is shaped like a basketball.

    Archeological and scientific evidence has proved most of the Bible wrong I would like to see a few. Not to debate you either, just for my research.

    Gotta go. Can someone tell me how to create those highlighted boxes like you guys are doing?

    Tower Man

  • StinkyPantz


    The thing is, no matter how much you study something, you'll never know everything there is to know about that subject. People learn through their own research and study of course; but other input is extremely valuable. Many of my college professors that teach others different subjects have PhD's and still they don't could claim to know everything before they teach another. They simply pass along their knowledge and the knowledge of their colleagues. What do you have me do, wait 20 more years until I know every fact there is to know? I know a lot about the Bible, but I could still use other's insight.


    When I was a 'good JW', I was able to rattle off scriptures left right and centre. I could have amazing discussions with other Bible-believing people. That was less than 20 years ago. Now, it's a much different story.

    But...after looking at it all, going over it again, sometimes, things just didn't add up for me way back then.

    Super Christains will express a great deal of anxiety with such questions about the authenticity of the bible and challenge you on even the very spelling of your own name.

    Stinky Pants, I know what you are referring to. For me, when I finally put my bible away, and simply started to live my life, I slowly and surely, started to forget scriptural passages, scriptures, prophecy, and 'various meanings'. The bible remained on the shelf. It gathered dust: the silverfish loved it.

    Ancient civilizations having had a great interest in the heavens and beyond, were quite skilled with mathematical calculations, and were able to conceive the concept of a 'sphere'. Non-christian civilizations were on to science as a means to acquire answers, and many of them were dated B.C.

    Funny how 'at one time' some Christian based societies, thought the world was flat at one time.

    Having not looked at the bible for a long time, it's easy to be challenged on something that you don't believe in, because you don't read any longer nor find it relevant or believable. Someone could spout a hundred scriptures at me, and I'd be like...'uh-huh, yeah..uh-huh..yeah...that's nice'.

    What is a basis of an arguement for some to constitute proof, can come across as highly reactionary on their part, taking ONLY it as a means of substantiating their credence.

    For those of us who do not hold the bible out as believable, you simply don't sit there day in and day out looking at it anymore, nor reading it. If it has no usefulness to you, then one does not place their time and effort into it. Ones non-belief becomes intrinsic after awhile for many.

    Those that place their belief and find support from it, so be it. Those that do not place their belief nor find support from it, so be it, as well.

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