The French... Why do they hate us?

by email 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Navigator

    I think that it is resentment over English becoming the international language rather than French. I recall flying through France on a military aircraft in the 60's and landing in France for refueling and rebriefing on the weather. Although the meteroligist spoke near perfect English, when it came time for the official briefing he began to speak French. I stopped him and explained that I couldn't understand French. He was very apologetic, but explained that his government had directed that all briefings be in French. He had prepared such wonderful pictorial aids, that I really didn't need a briefing at all. I think that he put that effort in because he was ashamed of that stupid government edict. DeGaulle was in power then.

  • Celia

    Whyhideit: Is that supposed to be a joke ? I hear all the time from ignorant americans who have never set foot outside their own state telling whoever wants to listen that the french don't shower, are dirty and stink, that the french women don't shave their legs and whatever else.... Have you ever met a real French man or woman face to face ? Have you sat in a french cafe and noticed that everyone around you stunk ? (or is it stank?)

    About the french language vs. english : The americans are so arrogant ! They go as tourists to a foreign country and expect everybody to speak english ! and get pissed off if noone understands them ! When you are a guest in another country, you try your best to fit in, and trying to speak the language is one way to do it.

  • Wolfgirl

    Thank you Celia!!!! Well said!

    I'm getting sick of seeing all these prejudiced remarks. You have no basis for your hatred, and you have no clue what it's really like in France. So if you can't say anything intelligent without being bigoted, then perhaps you shouldn't say anything at all.

    And no, I'm not French. I'm American.

  • dottie

    Celia, I'd have to agree with you. Working in the hospitalty business for many years, I always found that europeans (including french) were ALOT more courteous and accomodating than the americans. Edmonton recently hosted the World Athletic Championships in 2001 and we had people from many countries from around the world staying at our hotel, and the least courteous were the americans.


    (of the neutral but afraid it's true class)

  • expatbrit

    Most of the civilized world have moved away from using icky soap (how can you rub something over your body that other people have been using?), and now use deliciously personal and exclusive gel. It's about time America caught up.

    As for the French, I rather like most of the ones I have met. The only assholes I encountered in Paris were tourists like me.


  • ISP

    Some of these ideas are so 'watchtoweresque' ...don't you think?

    Believe and think the way the we do or you are from satan! If you are not completely up our backside hate us!

    Hmmm........time to grow up.


  • back2dafront

    I went to Paris last year for 3 days and had a wonderful time. I met a few really nice people and actually kept contact with them for awhile after visiting there. However, I experienced the other side of the coin too - I was chatting with a guy at a club and he introduced me to his friend, a female, and everything was fine until she asked where I was from - as soon as I said "america" that was it - she turned her head and walked off. I was also laughed at by another group of people at the club - I couldn't understand what they were saying but from the look on their faces it I don't think they were complimenting me in any manner.

    I think there is some sort of animosity that exists amongst certain French people, however the same can be said about Americans and their viewpoints on foreigners. I've heard DJ's on the radio poking fun at Arabs and Orientals...there will always be certain individuals amongst a population that will not like foreigners no matter what country you go to IMO.

  • Celia

    ISP : Thank you, I liked your answer.

    Farkel says :

    They are just jerks, but compared with the Arabs, jerks aren't so bad.

    You don't usually generalize like that. I am disappointed... There are jerks in France, and there are jerks in the USA. I've lived here for 15 years or so. I met many people I would consider jerks. Do you know any french jerk personally ?

  • whyhideit


    I have been to France many times. From what I experienced, they have a odor about them. It was also the rudest nation I ever visited. Sorry, but I hear people slamming the USA all the time. Time the French get some, since they don't want to help with Iraq.

    Edited by - whyhideit on 1 February 2003 17:39:59

  • Celia

    I have been to France many times. From what I experienced, they have a odor about them. It was also the rudest nation I ever visited. Sorry, but I hear people slamming the USA all the time. Time the French get some, since they don't want to help with Iraq.

    Tell me Whyhideit : where were you in France ? In a vineyard, at 4 pm, after picking grapes for 6 hours in the sun ? Yes, I am sure the workers there would have an odor about them ! Tell me also what makes you say France is the rudest nation you've ever visited ? I know many rude americans and you sound like one of them.

    As someone said, why should all the countries in the world go along with trigger happy Bush ?

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