France & Germany Take the Same Stance

by MrMoe 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I am afraid if we don't tread carefully on this one we will find ourselves in a nuclear 3 world war. That is exactly what Bin Laden wants, a Islam holy war and he might still get it. It is a shame that we as a so called civilized people of the 21 century cannot resolve our differences without war. I agree with the German and French leaders when they say to let the UN security counsel handle the problem. I understand there may be times when war is the only answer but by God people and like I stated before in an earlier post, if we end up destroying each other, what does it matter who was right or wrong then??


  • Trauma_Hound

    Here's a clue by 4, for some of you war mongers, we live in a Republic, and representitive government, something that was said tonight on CNN, really bothered me, one of Bush's staff was quoted as saying that even if the american public was 0% behind the war, Bush would still send us to war with iraq. You people can take your little dictator to be, but that isn't representing the people of our country, in fact if that were the case, I would say he should be brought up on treason charges. Who's patriotic now?

  • Perry


    How would you suggest the world deal with Sadaam? Do you see a problem with him gaining nuclear weapons?

  • GermanXJW

    Why belong to the United Nations if you don't back your boys up? Why f***ing bother? Might as well not belong, correct?

    This seems to me as an odd understanding of democracy.

  • dubla

    germany is now anti-war.....whats this world coming to?


  • Yerusalyim

    So much ignorance has been stated in this thread I don't know where to start.

    Primary difference, of course, was that most Jews gassed by Hitler were GERMAN Jews.

    Not true, most of the jews killed were polish and ukranian. sorry. 1.2 million Ukranian Jews SHOT even before they had a chance to make it to the gas chambers.

    I fully support the idea of the US withdrawing from the United Nations. Any body that would elect Libya to the UN Commission on Human Rights is WORTHLESS. This is tantamount to making Al Capone chief enforcer of Prohibition. Jesus H. Christ people.

    The war is against TERRORISM, not against Bin Laden, not against those responsible for 9-11, not just Al Qaeda, but against ALL TERRORISTS. Saddam supports the Palestinain Terrorists with training and money. I'm still making the connection between Atta and the Iraqis. Shit, there's even reason to suspect Iraq was involved with McVeigh.

    It is a shame that we as a so called civilized people of the 21 century cannot resolve our differences without war.

    Here's the problem SADDAM AIN'T CIVILIZED. Geez get a clue people. He watches films of rapes of his political enemies as a form of entertainment.

    Don't even get me started on this whole Israel business, ya geeks.

    France and germany. PUNKS. We should have let Germany keep France. These guys are like the neighbors who join the neighborhood watch program, but won't pull their shifts. They see crime committed but are afraid to report it because of potential retaliation by the criminals. F*ing Punks the whole lot. Then again, with their lack of action when their interests were directly threatened in the Former Yugoslovian Republics, is anyone really suprised?


  • Pleasuredome

    i very much agree T_H

  • Yerusalyim


    That little pic is so ignorant! That is all.

  • Pleasuredome


    more like non-conformist to the illusion cheney/bush/bush snr want you to believe.

  • Xander

    He watches films of rapes of his political enemies as a form of entertainment

    Of course he does, and you know that how?

    Oh, wait, you mean that's propoganda against him you were TOLD.


    You know what's funny? Out one side of your both you blast Saddam for causing trouble for the UN weapon inspectors, indeed, as that is the only legitimate cause for war (and really, REALLY, loosely at that - I and many others don't agree), but still, the only way.

    And, on the OTHER side of your mouth, you suggest the US withdraw from the UN - do essentially the same thing you want to go to war with Iraq for! (IE., not cooperating with the UN)

    Do you even think your opinions through all the way, or just parrot what is told you?

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