France & Germany Take the Same Stance

by MrMoe 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • dolphman

    Jesus all want so desperately to avoid reality. The more crack that is smoked, the more clouded your reality becomes.

    Aren't we supposed to learn lessons from history? Can you remember the last time we appeased a dictator? Does anyone remember Chamberlain?Nope.Why?Because he was a fucking lacky. A fucking pushover. How many people hate his guts? I know I would, especially if I had to live through a war he could have avoided.

    People on this thread are bitching about why we don't invade Korea, since they obviously have nukes, or why we don't invade Saudia Arabia, since they supplied most of the terrorist on 9/11. Well you crack addicts, here are the reasons. Put down the pipe and pay attention...

    We are (wow get this) using diplomacy and it's working to a degree with the Saudis and N.Koreans to get our objectives met. Saddam has never showed any willingness or honesty in doing this, so therefore, we're having to go about dealing with him differently.But the Saudis are cooperating, and so are the N.Koreans up to this point. However, don't assume we won't deal with either of them in the same manner as Iraq. Remember folks, one dictatorship at a time. We don't want to get a reputation of being imperialistic.

    People are so ridiculous. They think they bring up valid points when they try to bring up double standards on N.Korea and Saudia Arabia. They'll do anything to avoid reality. You know what is, it's so much easier just to blame ourselves or our country for everything. That's the mindset of these people. Oh, it's all about oil, or it's all about greedy imperialism. It's so much easier to just delude ourselves into thinking these things rather than facing the reality that war is nescessary and is the only thing that these bastards respond to. Do you remember any bullies in high school who put themselves through any self-help courses? NO. Only when they got a bloody nose did they ever change.

    No one wants war. But you can't just wish one away. Try wishing away a mushroom cloud, or a cloud of VX. Let me know if it works.

  • amac
    Do you remember any bullies in high school who put themselves through any self-help courses? NO.

    I think in your analogy that the US, being the largest super power and strongest military force, would be paralleled by the bully in high school. Maybe we should send ourselves to self-help.

  • Xander

    using diplomacy and it's working to a degree with the Saudis and N.Koreans to get our objectives met

    Please, please, please tell me you are joking and don't actually think that.

    Would you mind citing one - ONE - example of the US trying to get the N. Koreans to stop building nukes, and it working? Or stop with the executions, and it working? Or, hell, do ANYTHING AT ALL and have ANY effect!?!

    And Saudi Arabia is even BETTER! We thank them for funding the 9/11 terrorists by obfuscating any connection between the Saudis and the terrorists. Our leaders use diplomacy to change the subject any time it's brought up, and quickly blame Saddam.

    How is this improving anything? Have we argued before the UN to level sanctions against Saudi Arabia? Has the US even sent them a diplomatic 'slap on the wrist' - IE "Bad Saudis, stop funding terrorist attacks against the US or we'll frown really hard"?!? They haven't even done THAT much!!!

    N.Koreans up to this point

    OMG, that's just too funny. N. Koreans cooperating.

    US: "Stop building nukes!"

    Korea: "NO"

    US: "Okay, do whatever"

    Korea: "We were"

    Wow, what cooperation!

  • Crazy151drinker


    Im sure you are quite aware of the enormous DIFFERENCES between Iraq and N. Korea. Namely the impact of a conflict with N. Korea (bye bye Soul and 11 Million people). While I agree that N. Korea is a bigger threat than Iraq, the solution is far more complicated and deadly.

    Lets not forget that China got involved last time and Im sure they wouldnt want us hanging around in a Untied Korea.

  • dubla
  • Saddam is a bad person. Yes, we know that. Everyone knows that. That's not being debated, so every time you bring up "But look how AWFUL he is", well, we don't care. We already knew that.
  • Saddam probably has WMD. Yeah, that's kinda likely. The US sold some to him, he didn't use them all, logic dictates he still has them. Every time you post all these pics of Iraqis weapons, well, we don't care. We already knew that.
  • Saddam has violated UN resolutions. Indeed he has! No one is arguing that, either. Every time you list all the UN resolutions he has broken, well, again, we don't care. We already knew THAT, too.
  • and every time the anti-war posters scream about how saddam isnt a threat to anyone, and wouldnt hurt a flea with his wmd, well, we know thats complete bulls**t to anyone with half a brain, so we really dont care. and when you all cry out that saddam has the right to defend himself, and isnt indeed a madman at all (just misunderstood), well, we know thats a load of crap as well, and we really dont care. and when you try to justify saddams genocide, stating that the u.s. has been guilty of this as well in the past, so it shouldnt bother anyone now, well, we know that argument doesnt hold any water either, so, we really dont care to hear it again.....we already know all your arguments, and they dont make iraq any less of a threat no matter how many times you shout them from the rooftops. at least we feel the same way about the arguments from the other side, eh?


    Edited by - dubla on 27 January 2003 10:33:35

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Its funny I seen a documentary last night on Stalin. He murdered thousands and thousands of his own people. As a matter of fact he murdered his own family. He was suspected to murdering his own wife. He did as much or maybe even more atrocities than Hitler yet he was OK because he was our ally at the time. My point being again it depends on whose side a dictator is on at the time whether we support them or not.

    I do believe that we should limit Sadams access to weapons of mass destruction but I don't agree with killing innocent people to achieve that goal. We should keep up the UN inspections


    Edited by - William Penwell on 27 January 2003 20:57:32

  • Yerusalyim

    At the rate the inspections are going Saddam will be disarmed in 291 years. Yep, that's effective.


    I'm currently a member of the Army, I've been to combat three times, I'm ready and willing to go again.

  • mike047

    YERU; Just curious, Do you have a CIB?


  • GermanXJW

    From: Eminem, Square Dance (from The Eminem Show):

    Verse #2:
    Let your hair down to the track, yeh, keep goin back (BOO!)
    The boogie-monster of rap, yeh, the man's back!
    With a plan to ambush this bush administration
    Moosh the senate's facin', push this generation
    O' kids to stand and fight for the right to say somethin'
    You might not like, this white hot light that im under
    No wonder i look so sunburnt,
    Oh no, i won't leave no stone unturned
    Oh no, i won't leave one goin' nowhere
    Doh-si-soh oh! yo! ho! hello there!
    Oh yeh! don't think i won't go there
    Go to Beirut and do a show there
    Yeh you laugh til your motherf*in' a$$ gets drafted
    When you're in bed here thinkin' the draft can't happen
    'Til you f*k around gettin anthrax napkin
    Inside a package wrapped in sarandrap wrappin'
    Open the plastic, and then you stand back gaspin'
    F*in' assassins hijackin' anthrax crashin'
    All this terror, america demands action
    Next thing you know, you've got uncle sam's a$$ askin'
    To join our army, or what you do for their navy
    You just a baby gettin' recruited at 18
    You're on a plane now eatin' that food and that baked beans
    I'm 28, they gon take you 'fore they take me
    Crazy insane or insane crazy?
    When i say Hussein, you say Shady!
    My views ain't changed to lean humane way for
    Rain 2 days late, the date's today
    Hey team!

  • GermanXJW

    At the rate the inspections are going Saddam will be disarmed in 291 years

    If it takes 291 years to find any arms...

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