Assembly in Dudley UK

by Iron Eagle 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    Nic, I know, I'm a complete assembly whore! I even worked on the Bristol hall as well! Both projects have one thing in common haemorrhaging money!

    Yes, I'm still "n the fold" just about, but I'm now inactive thank goodness and doing the gradual fadeout hoping that not too many people notice!

  • bay64me


    Have you ever been to Hellaby, that fuuny shaped assembly hall, near the pennines?

  • frogit

    Yeh loads of times

    I remember the attendants holding back the crowds from going upstairs because the lighting cost too much money they could save on electricity by not letting the brothers find seats upstairs, and the downdstairs need filling first. I remember not being able to find any seats downstairs and having to wait to go upstairs. What bloody prats those attendants are!

    I did much work on the EPAH (East of Pennines Assembly Hall) at Helaby and still go there (for now)


  • nightwarrior

    yep been to Hellaby, by gum I got around....

    my family in the north east attends Hellaby - appropriate word......

    funny shape, and cold......

    mrs nightwarrior

  • Matty

    Yes, bay64me I certainly have - and believe it or not I was around when they were building that particular assembly hall too! I also remember doing the night watchman bit at Hellaby as well - all the congregations within a 100 mile or so radius had to send people to do it! Those were good times - wandering around with my torch looking for trespassers! God knows what I'd do if I ever caught one!

    Edited by - matty on 19 January 2003 18:8:25

  • Matty

    frogit, the amount of money the light fittings cost was an absolute scandal. The thousands of pounds of the bruvvers and sistas money that were squandered is criminal.

  • Brummie

    Hey folks, did you get the colour brochure that was released with all the photo's of the Pennines being built? My lil ole granny brought it me as a gift...i was thrilled...duuurr I had to miss the days our kingdom hall went to help build it.

  • nicolaou

    Okay now I know I really am in the Twilight Zone - I used to go to Hellerby about 12 - 15 years ago and did the nightwatchman thing too!! Good god Matty!! Did I actually spend the night with you in that shed?

    That hall got so much tender loving care and respect - shame about the poor sods inside it.


  • Englishman



    Well, ah. Even yome feelin der peench.


  • anglise

    Hallo everyone.

    I remember the East Pennine leaflet.

    We worked on Hayes Bridge and then went there until about 1998. Dont go anywhere now.

    Does anyone remember that lovely kitchen that was only used for a short time. What a waste of money.

    Then there was/is the lovely grassed area that we were never allowed to walk on at lunchtime.

    We used to drive past the large premises that are owned by the mormons (very close the Hayes Bridge) and wonder if they had the same type of rules and control.

    I hated assemblies.

    The best ones where at the holiday camp at Camber where everyone could stay for a couple of nights. Did anyone here go to camber?


    Edited by - anglise on 20 January 2003 2:38:37

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