do beer commercials cross the line?

by DanTheMan 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eric

    dantheman, Utopian Raindrops, refiners fire,

    In an NFL Production, what function, if any, do cheerleader squads perform? Are the cheerleaders anything other than a T & A sideshow?

    If the NFL knowingly sells football with high-kicking, splits-performing, pneumatically breasted young women bounding and jumping about in skimpy outfits, shouldn't you be expressing a similar level of dissatisfaction toward the marketing of the NFL as you do the beer sponsor?

    Anyone with a head left on their shoulders knows they are being pinpointed for marketing everyday.

    The rapid image stimulation method has it's limits and the kids of the day have already met it. Heck, they grew up with it. They are way ahead of the cusp on this matter. Ask a bright ten-year-old what movie product placement means.

    Don't fear for what the kids can freely observe and discuss, folks. They have always been able to figure that out.

    The worry is that which cannot be disclosed.


  • Utopian_Raindrops


    This will be my last post on the subject because as I already said, Often people defend their right to be taken advantage of and that kind of debate leaves a bad flavor in my mouth

    You stated, If the NFL knowingly sells football with high-kicking, splits-performing, pneumatically breasted young women bounding and jumping about in skimpy outfits, shouldn't you be expressing a similar level of dissatisfaction toward the marketing of the NFL as you do the beer sponsor?

    Absolutely of course! But this thread was really about beer commercials. If prompted I could go on a tangent about disrespect for ones Mother, Sister, Spouse, and Girlfriend. Truthfully I AVIOD said argument, as there are always numerous women who will defend the right of the men in their lives to disrespect them. So this becomes a mute point and the real underlining subject on the matter would be what it is about women that they allow themselves to be disrespected and belittled (in the name of good clean fun) by those who claim to love them. (Or should love them)

    You also stated, The rapid image stimulation method has its limits and the kids of the day have already met it. Ask a bright ten-year-old what a movie product placement means.

    It would seem you are right on this Eric. A good example is my 6 year old son while watching a Newly Released Disney Movie will point at an item in the show and say, "I want that Mama will you buy it for me?" It cracks me up because he knows that every Disney movie is a Giant Commercial!

    There is another way to look at this though Eric. Since Commercial Companies use your PRIMAL stimulants. Your own bodies NATURAL drugs to get your attention. They will just have to move to more drastic measures to get the desired response. Like any drug addict will tell you they need more and more to get high. Many may start with speed and end with heroine.

    An example of how drastic a company can go is on this thread entitled, Big Business Is Watching You

    You see it will be a never-ending progression as long as the MAJORITY of people watch and respond by instinct instead of inelegance to commercialistic propaganda.

    This is more my point and why I said, It is not wrong to SOMETIMES think in black and white. Moral Issues like Mental Manipulation for the purpose of profit really affect EVERYONE.

    On that note.....everyone has the right to their opinions and should always make life decisions accordingly.

    Another round on the house....

    Ciao 4 now,


    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 20 January 2003 21:6:10

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 20 January 2003 21:11:39

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 20 January 2003 21:36:6

  • Gizmo

    Hey U_R, how come you used my pic as your avator?

    Research has shown there are only 2 types of commercials on TV, that have any lasting effects.

    1. The commercial you HATE or DISGUSTS you. (ie what bothered Dan)
    2. The one that you love and leaves you feeling really good inside (nice Music pixies flying around and the like)

    However what disgusts one person may be pleasing to another.

    Both those types of commercials do the job well, the rest, people don't pay much attention to. The commercial DanTheMan has mentioned has obviously done it's job well, look at the debate it has caused.

    Tv is probably the best medium, to promote your product, and as such shrewd business people will always exploit it, any way they can, why look at The WTBTS, they have started using Tv now as well, (God Help The un-initiated.)

    Subliminal or not, it is up to each adult individual to decide what they watch and how they permit it to affect them. Unfortunately it has affected some weaker minded people, to the point they become buy-aholics. So many infommercial channels and glossy magazines wouldn't be around if they didn't work.

    Dan I appreciate what you're saying, but not everyone sees these commercials as you do. It's their decision as it is yours what you allow in your home.

    Have a beer on me Victoria_Bitter.


  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Hey U_R, how come you used my pic as your avator?

    Didnt know you were Plato Giz baby!

    For a philosopher,Isnt he handsome ?

    But you know I love him for his brains.

    Para ti amigo

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 20 January 2003 22:29:38

  • Gizmo

    For a philosopher,Isnt he a handsome hunk?

    Er...Aren't all Greeks?

    Incidently, I didn't say it in my last post, but I have to say this to you U_R, I love your writing style, it flows so freely and can so see it comes from the heart. Keep up the great posts.



    I can't believe this thread. Very entertaining.

    I LOVE THE COMMERCIALS and think they are GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! SEX SELLS; come on!!

    Dan, take a chill~pill. You don't have to be such a prude; you're NOT REQUIRED anymore. You're not a JW!! or are you??

  • Abaddon

    I was watching the TV recently, and had to turn over. The remote was sticking in my side...

    OK everyone, hold your right hand in front of your face, held vertically with the palm towards you. Fingers together, extend thumb upwards.

    Now flex the thumb and repeat after me... Bach, Einstein, Michelangelo, Ghandi, Stalin, Hitler, Pol-Pot, Anne-Nichole Smith, pennicilin, nerve gas, gene therapy, golf-on-the-moon, damn, clever, monkies.

    'Cause we are. Monkies. Well, hominid decendants of primates, if you want to be picky.

    The only way we can progress is by accepting this and still being human. To pretend we are not animals if futile, as we are. It's like pretending we are 'no part of the world'.

    Now if you have a world view with a guy who sets bushes on fire and is really down on sex (unless it was taking a virgin girl as a war-bride after ethinically cleansing her parents and everyone else in the city, you've read the Pentatuch (sp?)), then getting steamed over an advert is slightly more understandable. You have 'morals' and 'standards'.

    So do the people who don't mind or even like the advert. They are different to yours, yes, but unless you have a pillar of burning fire, or other handy means of identifying yourself as God's spokesperson, or unless their morals or standards mean they harm people (yes, we can have a discussion about what 'harm' means, if you really want to), if you don't like it, don't do it, or don't watch it.

    You're free to have this opinion, obviously. I actually think there are far more things to get steamed about, but that is my opinion.

    I live in Holland. We have whole entire NIPPLES in adverts. We have adverts (trailers for Discovery Channel I think) where the sequence and angles of shots make you think you are looking voyeristcally through a windows at a guy being fellated, judging by the angle, movement and position of his girlfriends back, and then a reveal shot shows she's just getting 12" out of her box (I mean a record... ).

    As far as I know, civilisation hasn't broken down here yet, although Dutch birthday partys make me wonder.

    Which is more harmful? The advert mentioned, or the daily diet of death that comes out of our TV screens, and I'm talking about the entertainment, not the news. I want my children to see more nipples and less deaths. I think THAT is reasonable, but to each their own.

  • funkyderek
    and then a reveal shot shows she's just getting 12" out of her box (I mean a record... ).

    It certainly sounds like some kind of record

  • Solace


    I dont hear the women who are posing in these comercials complaining, Im sure they are being paid very well.

    As long as they are all of legal age and are doing it out of their own free will, I dont object.

    They arent hurting anyone and I cant hate them just because they are beautiful, ya know?

    Edited by - heaven on 21 January 2003 18:11:24

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey listen, I've got some old football games from the '70s on tape and during one of the games (from 1975 I think) there was a commercial for New York Life. They had the Insurance Team playing against the Evils of Life team on the fakest looking field since the Brady Bunch. Anyway in the "huddle" one of the insurance players says, "Okay, Janet here needs life insurance." Another player actually said, "But she's a woman! Life insurance for a woman?" Well anyway the commercial ends with the little woman (wearing no bra and flared jeans) running for a touchdown, which I guess meant that women could have life insurance too. Or that she was secretly Emmitt Smith's mother.

    You've come a long way baby.

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