Do We Really Know Who Is Responsible For 9/11?

by SpannerintheWorks 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • email
  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    I understand what you're saying, but this 'new' reg., process is definitely geared to middle easterners, under the guise that ALL immigrants must register..My entire family is from Finland, we are citizens, but we are not born in the US and we are not terrorists..This is racial profiling...The US is made up of all nationalities...That's what this country is all about..Our "Bush" administration is atrocious at best..This registration process reminds my family of Nazi Germany...Peace my friend!

  • heathen

    I think everyone is responsible .The US foreign policy stinks . They could have prevented 911 had they made some simple security changes to protect air lines . It does seem to me that they were negligant in the US government and the best thing to do in these situations is demonize some one else . There are enough wackos that live in texas alone that probably would have done this kinda thing had they thought about it . Bush is not from texas however he was only a governer here he is from up north I think .Granted the move to texas probly had something to do with oil. IMO

  • email

    Our "Bush" administration is atrocious at best..This registration process reminds my family of Nazi Germany

    Oh so you think this is a "BUSH" thing... A "REPUBLICAN" thing... let me give you some history...

    In 1988, Clinton fought hard to keep Arkansas' race-based profiling program in place after a federal judge ruled the policy unconstitutional, reported the Washington Times last June. The program gave Arkansas state police the authority to stop and search vehicles based on a drug courier profile of Hispanics, particularly those driving cars with Texas license plates.

    Then-Governor Clinton told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that he considered the practice -- dubbed the "Criminal Apprehension Program" -- so important to state law enforcement that he wished he could find a way to retain and expand the policy. He even threatened to reinstate racial profiling despite the court's ruling.

    "The state's position was to give away a...program that we're now trying to get back," Clinton complained back then.

    So... how different is THAT to this "Bush" thing?


    This News here about INS accused of racial profiling was under the Clinton administration too...

    Edited by - email on 13 January 2003 16:25:7

  • Crazy151drinker

    I personally didn't hear this, but a few people I know have all heard the same thing, that 6 of the hijackers are alive and well, and that the true hijackers were zionists and the CIA was involved..The ID's of the hijackers were phony, as I said they are alive and well and somewhere in the the Middle East...And so it goes, we will never really 'know' the truth, and forget about the news giving us the truth..

    THIS IS MADNESS. Hitler is not alive. Bill Clinton did not hang out with aliens. Where in the hell did everyones common sense go??? CIA plot to blow up the twin towers?? For what?? What in the hell would the CIA gain??? If they really wanted to F things up they would have blown up a dam, or a Nuclear Power Plant (Chernobl anyone?), or set off a nuke! Crashing plans into the Twin Towers is nothing to what could have been done. PEOPLE GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES.

  • dubla

    that 6 of the hijackers are alive and well

    wow, then they either survived the plane crash (whichever one they were on), or jumped from the plane immediately prior to it crashing.....both astounding feats to say the least!


  • Emiliano


    the us policy stinks? You think so?

    The United States and Middle East:

    Why Do "They" Hate Us?

    (revised, 12 Dec. 2001)

    By Stephen R. Shalom

    The list below presents some specific incidents of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The list minimizes the grievances against the United States in the region because it excludes more generalized long‑standing policies, such as U.S. backing for authoritarian regimes (arming Saudi Arabia, training the secret police in Iran under the Shah, providing arms and aid to Turkey as it ruthlessly attacked Kurdish villages, etc.). The list also excludes many actions of Israel in which the United States is indirectly implicated because of its military, diplomatic, and economic backing for Israel.

    Whether any of these grievances actually motivated those who organized the horrific and utterly unjustified attacks of September 11 is unknown. But the grievances surely helped to create the environment which breeds anti-American terrorism.

    1947-48: U.S. backs Palestine partition plan. Israel established. U.S. declines to press Israel to allow expelled Palestinians to return.

    1949: CIA backs military coup deposing elected government of Syria. 1

    1953: CIA helps overthrow the democratically‑elected Mossadeq government in Iran (which had nationalized the British oil company) leading to a quarter‑century of repressive and dictatorial rule by the Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi.

    1956: U.S. cuts off promised funding for Aswan Dam in Egypt after Egypt receives Eastern bloc arms.

    1956: Israel, Britain, and France invade Egypt. U.S. does not support invasion, but the involvement of its NATO allies severely diminishes Washington's reputation in the region.

    1958: U.S. troops land in Lebanon to preserve "stability".

    early 1960s: U.S. unsuccessfully attempts assassination of Iraqi leader, Abdul Karim Qassim. 2

    1963: U.S. supports coup by Iraqi Ba'ath party (soon to be headed by Saddam Hussein) and reportedly gives them names of communists to murder, which they do with vigor. 3

    1967‑: U.S. blocks any effort in the Security Council to enforce SC Resolution 242, calling for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in the 1967 war.

    1970: Civil war between Jordan and PLO. Israel and U.S. discuss intervening on side of Jordan if Syria backs PLO.

    1972: U.S. blocks Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat's efforts to reach a peace agreement with Israel.

    1973: Airlifted U.S. military aid enables Israel to turn the tide in war with Syria and Egypt.

    1973‑75: U.S. supports Kurdish rebels in Iraq. When Iran reaches an agreement with Iraq in 1975 and seals the border, Iraq slaughters Kurds and U.S. denies them refuge. Kissinger secretly explains that "covert action should not be confused with missionary work." 4

    1975: U.S. vetoes Security Council resolution condemning Israeli attacks on Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. 5

    1978‑79: Iranians begin demonstrations against the Shah. U.S. tells Shah it supports him "without reservation" and urges him to act forcefully. Until the last minute, U.S. tries to organize military coup to save the Shah, but to no avail. 6

    1979‑88: U.S. begins covert aid to Mujahideen in Afghanistan six months before Soviet invasion in Dec. 1979. 7 Over the next decade U.S. provides training and more than $3 billion in arms and aid.

    1980‑88: Iran‑Iraq war. When Iraq invades Iran, the U.S. opposes any Security Council action to condemn the invasion. U.S. soon removes Iraq from its list of nations supporting terrorism and allows U.S. arms to be transferred to Iraq. At the same time, U.S. lets Israel provide arms to Iran and in 1985 U.S. provides arms directly (though secretly) to Iran. U.S. provides intelligence information to Iraq. Iraq uses chemical weapons in 1984; U.S. restores diplomatic relations with Iraq. 1987 U.S. sends its navy into the Persian Gulf, taking Iraq's side; an overly‑aggressive U.S. ship shoots down an Iranian civilian airliner, killing 290.

    1981, 1986: U.S. holds military maneuvers off the coast of Libya in waters claimed by Libya with the clear purpose of provoking Qaddafi. In 1981, a Libyan plane fires a missile and U.S. shoots down two Libyan planes. In 1986, Libya fires missiles that land far from any target and U.S. attacks Libyan patrol boats, killing 72, and shore installations. When a bomb goes off in a Berlin nightclub, killing three, the U.S. charges that Qaddafi was behind it (possibly true) and conducts major bombing raids in Libya, killing dozens of civilians, including Qaddafi's adopted daughter. 8

    1982: U.S. gives "green light" to Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 9 killing some 17 thousand civilians. 10 U.S. chooses not to invoke its laws prohibiting Israeli use of U.S. weapons except in self‑defense. U.S. vetoes several Security Council resolutions condemning the invasion.

    1983: U.S. troops sent to Lebanon as part of a multinational peacekeeping force; intervene on one side of a civil war, including bombardment by USS New Jersey. Withdraw after suicide bombing of marine barracks.

    1984: U.S.‑backed rebels in Afghanistan fire on civilian airliner. 11

    1987-92: U.S. arms used by Israel to repress first Palestinian Intifada. U.S. vetoes five Security Council resolution condemning Israeli repression.

    1988: Saddam Hussein kills many thousands of his own Kurdish population and uses chemical weapons against them. The U.S. increases its economic ties to Iraq.

    1988: U.S. vetoes 3 Security Council resolutions condemning continuing Israeli occupation of and repression in Lebanon.

    1990‑91: U.S. rejects any diplomatic settlement of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (for example, rebuffing any attempt to link the two regional occupations, of Kuwait and of Palestine). U.S. leads international coalition in war against Iraq. Civilian infrastructure targeted. 12 To promote "stability" U.S. refuses to aid post‑war uprisings by Shi'ites in the south and Kurds in the north, denying the rebels access to captured Iraqi weapons and refusing to prohibit Iraqi helicopter flights. 13

    1991‑: Devastating economic sanctions are imposed on Iraq. U.S. and Britain block all attempts to lift them. Hundreds of thousands die. Though Security Council had stated that sanctions were to be lifted once Saddam Hussein's programs to develop weapons of mass destruction were ended, Washington makes it known that the sanctions would remain as long as Saddam remains in power. Sanctions in fact strengthen Saddam's position. Asked about the horrendous human consequences of the sanctions, Madeleine Albright (U.S. ambassador to the UN and later Secretary of State) declares that "the price is worth it." 14

    1991-: U.S. forces permanently based in Saudi Arabia.

    1993‑: U.S. launches missile attack on Iraq, claiming self‑defense against an alleged assassination attempt on former president Bush two months earlier. 15

    1998: U.S. and U.K. bomb Iraq over the issue of weapons inspections, even though Security Council is just then meeting to discuss the matter.

    1998: U.S. destroys factory producing half of Sudan's pharmaceutical supply, claiming retaliation for attacks on U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya and that factory was involved in chemical warfare. Evidence for the chemical warfare charge widely disputed. 16

    2000-: Israel uses U.S. arms in attempt to crush Palestinian uprising, killing hundreds of civilians.

    Edited by - Emiliano on 13 January 2003 16:31:8

  • Emiliano

    Nancy K,

    The Guardian ( London ) November 7, 2001

    FBI claim Bush said 'back off'
    bin Laden before 9/11

    By Greg Palast and David Pallister

    FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Laden family in the US before the terrorist attacks of September 11.

    US intelligence agencies have come under criticism for their wholesale failure to predict the catastrophe at the World Trade Centre. But some are complaining that their hands were tied.

    FBI documents shown on BBC Newsnight last night and obtained by the Guardian show that they had earlier sought to investigate two of Osama bin Laden's relatives in Washington and a Muslim organisation, the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), with which they were linked.

    The FBI file, marked Secret and coded 199, which means a case involving national security, records that Abdullah bin Laden, who lived in Washington, had originally had a file opened on him "because of his relationship with the World Assembly of Muslim Youth - a suspected terrorist organisation".

    WAMY members deny they have been involved with terrorist activities, and WAMY has not been placed on the latest list of terrorist organisations whose assets are being frozen.

    Abdullah, who lived with his brother Omar at the time in Falls Church, a town just outside Washington, was the US director of WAMY, whose offices were in a basement nearby.

    But the FBI files were closed in 1996 apparently before any conclusions could be reached on either the Bin Laden brothers or the organisation itself. High-placed intelligence sources in Washington told the Guardian this week: "There were always constraints on investigating the Saudis".

    They said the restrictions became worse after the Bush administration took over this year. The intelligence agencies had been told to "back off" from investigations involving other members of the Bin Laden family, the Saudi royals, and possible Saudi links to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Pakistan.

    "There were particular investigations that were effectively killed."

    Only after the September 11 attacks was the stance of political and commercial closeness reversed towards the other members of the large Bin Laden clan, who have classed Osama bin Laden as their "black sheep".

    Yesterday, the head of the Saudi-based WAMY's London office, Nouredine Miladi, said the charity was totally against Bin Laden's violent methods. "We seek social change through education and cooperation, not force."

    He said Abdullah bin Laden had ceased to run WAMY's US operation a year ago.

    Neither Abdullah nor Omar bin Laden could be contacted in Saudi Arabia for comment.

    WAMY was founded in 1972 in a Saudi effort to prevent the "corrupting" ideas of the west ern world influencing young Muslims. With official backing it grew to embrace 450 youth and student organisations with 34 offices worldwide.

    Its aim was to encourage "concerned Muslims to take up the challenge by arming the youth with sound understanding of Islam, guarding them against destructive ideologies, and instilling in them level-headed wisdom".

    In Britain it has 20 associated organisations, many highly respectable.

    But as long as 10 years ago it was named as a discreet channel for public and private Saudi donations to hardline Islamic organisations. One of the recipients of its largesse has been the militant Students Islamic Movement of India, which has lent support to Pakistani-backed terrorists in Kashmir and seeks to set up an Islamic state in India .

    Since September 11 WAMY has been investigated in the US along with a number of other Muslim charities. There have been several grand jury investigations but no findings have been made against any of them.

    Current FBI interest in WAMY is shown in their agents' interrogation of a radiologist from San Antonio, Texas, Dr Al Badr al-Hazmi, who was arrested on September 12 and released without charge two weeks later. He had the same surname as two of the plane hijackers.

    He was also questioned about his contacts with Abdullah bin Laden at the US WAMY office.

    Mr Al-Hazmi said that he had made phone calls to Abdullah bin Laden in 1999 trying to obtain books and videotapes about Islamic teachings for the Islamic Centre of San Antonio.

  • Mary

    Nancy said: "......6 of the hijackers are alive and well, and that the true hijackers were zionists and the CIA was involved......"

    And if you believe that, I've got some swamp land in Florida to sell you.

    "......A friend of mine, Samir, from Syria, was talking to me about 9-11 and how he dosen't feel 'peace' living in the US anymore, like he does in his homeland..All becauuse of this insane 'registration' process our country is imposing on people of Middle Eastern descent........."

    Well then, perhaps your friend should just truck on back to Syria if he doesn't like living in America. And how horrible that the USA is forcing immigrants to "register"! Imagine that! Sorry to burst your bubble, but ALL of the terrorist from 9-11 were Muslims from the Middle East. What do you think would have happened if Americans bombed the Dome of the Rock? What would happen to other Americans living over there? They most likely would have been killed. But holy shit, don't anybody over here say one bad word about Muslims or people from the Middle East cause that's discrimination!! Gimme a break.......

  • heathen

    Emiliano- That was beautiful baby. I wish my printer worked . I think it gets more involved than that though . The conspiracy theorists on this board alone have raised some very interesting questions as to our national security being jeopordized intentionally .It has been suggested that Bill clinton intentionally let terrorists in this country and thus were allowed to help timothy mcviegh and also orchestrate the first twin tower bombing .I am sure they have some sinister plan to make the rights and freedom of americans become a fantasy.IMO keep up the good work .

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