Military Service Anyone?

by email 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Personally, I think the biggest danger to the United States and to our personal freedoms comes from within, namely in the form of the democrat party which has become nothing but a thinly veiled version of Marxism. I can fight Marxism without wearing a uniform, but I'm just as likely to lose my life doing it.


  • Realist


    are you sure you view the situation in a realistic light?

    think about it...the republicans and NOT the democrats cut down on civil rights! they allow spy attacks, total surveilance etc.

  • Yerusalyim


    Nope Francois has it right, the leftists are a much greater threat to personal freedom than the conservatives. With the Lefties only those tolerant of the LEFT are tolerated. On the otherhand he has it wrong, the single greatest threat to the US is APATHY on the part of our citizens. Many were awoke by 9-11, many have fallen asleep again sense then.

  • Francois

    Yes, I've been watching the realpolitik for a very long time. And even though what you point out is true, it doesn't amount to a pimple on a private's butt compared to the basic underlying philosophy of the democrat party - and therein lies the danger.

    Your observation tends to compare apples and oranges. Republican's basic underlying governing philosophy is not in the least Marxist. That of the democrat party is heavily Marxist. For starters, look at who is paying what taxes. Get into the small details. Don't just discover that the top 50% of wage earners is paying 96% of taxes vs. only 4% for the bottom 50% of taxpayers. Get right down to the nitty-gritty of that top 50% and see how much of total taxes, say, the top 1% of wage earners is paying. And then if you want to explore other areas, I'll be happy to provide some direction.

    In actuality, I'm a Libertarian in viewpoint and outlook. But before I can get really serious about that, I feel I need to help warn the American people of the pied piper nature of the democrat party. Did you ever hear the end of that story, what the piper did with the children after he lured them away from home? It wasn't pretty. And neither will this country be any longer if the democrats ever gain hegemony.


  • back2dafront

    Democrats have things figured out better than Republicans IMO.

    And go to war for this country? Not a chance.

    If anyone invaded the coast of california, I'd fight to stay alive and protect my neighborhood/city, but forget about joining the military. I realize it's necessary to have a military for protection, however if I were to join I would not be able to prevent them from using me as an instrument for doing their dirty work. And that's exactly what's happening to thousands of young people today, and my conscience could never support me being a part of it.

    I'd have to believe in the system before I could agree to lay my life on the line for their interests. The US can't even obtain true justice within it's own country, so I don't know what makes people think they're doing so with the interests of other countries. Look how many people have been wrongly sentenced to death - it's ridiculous.

    I can think of a ton of better things to do with my life. Never considered joining, never will.

  • Yerusalyim


    Democrats have things figured out better than Republicans IMO.
    That's why taxes in California are so high, and getting ready to be raised, and the State deficit is the highest in the US 35 BILLION. Yep, the Dems have things figured out all right.
  • back2dafront

    Well, we'll just wait and see how Bush's tax plan does any better.

    So if California was Republican, what would they do differently to solve the problem? Don't think you can blame everything solely on the fact that the state is Democratic.

    The state deficit is more than likely the highest because it's the biggest state in the country. Makes sense to me.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Might not have to worry about joining!..N. Korea just withdrew from the nuclear arms treaty!.....My have bombs bursting here!


  • animal

    I work in that state, temporarily. It amazes me everytime I watch the news.... and with Czar Davis raising taxes, goodbye business. I was involved in an interesting conversation about just that this week..... major corporations looking for new cheaper places to set up. Hey midwest states... paying attention? Need high tech jobs? They are heading out!

    I cant wait till all the people suckin on the govt's titties are all thats left out there. Who will we tax then? Davis? Hollywood?



  • YERU2


    The VERY first thing I would do if I were king in California is CUT TAXES, then, I'd CUT SPENDING. No more illegal aliens would be getting free medical care, or state funds, no more homeless guys addicted to drugs and alcohol would be getting 300 plus dollars a day to do with as they wish (though if they went into a treatment program I wouldn't be oppossed. Want more?

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