I will be ALONE for a week :(

by Jesika 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Jes, what a wonderful opportunity for you to show your appreciation for all that the Borg has done for you by INCREASING your Field Service time this week!!! Think of all the brownie points you could score with the local boobs!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Jes..... make sure you keep everything locked up real tight while he's gone. You just might find Yizuman crawling through a window....

  • Jesika

    77-------I will look into that.

    Riz---now play nice!!!!!!!!

    Estee-------I am very lucky and I hope you find someone too.

    Yiz-----ya I know, and I am glad I have so many friends here.

    Chevy--------LMAO too funny. I will be checking things though, I just feel safer knowing everything is locked up.

    Mary--- LMAO, don't give me nightmares to boot!!!!! sheesh

    Edited by - jesika on 9 January 2003 16:31:54

  • YERU2

    Yuck, that's so sweet it almost gags me. Why can't you have a jacked up domestic life like the rest of us dysfunctionals. No, actually, I think it's cool you guys are like that. Someone else beat me to the "Great opportunity for more field service" line. Nothing left to say I guess. I just like to see my name on as many threads as possible.

  • riz

    i was just kiddin'

  • teenyuck

    Jesika, my husband has been in Asia for the last week...he comes home next week.

    I LOVE IT. The house is cleaner, the toilet seat is up, I don't have to grocery shop (I have been eating soup-he hates soup), I can go to bed whenever and he is not in bed to snore and roll on top of me.

    However, I do miss him terribly, I have been hearing all kinds of strange noises (I could not hear them before over the snores), I have been having weird dreams and I have to take out the garbage.

    My husband traveled every week, 3-5 days a week, for the last 9 years. You get used to it. I really appreciate it when he is home and the little annoyances like a toilet seat left up become meaningless.

    Keep busy, try to relax and remember you are not alone...drop me a line if you get weirded out...I'll send you my phone #.


  • happyout

    I just thought of another pastime for you. Since you can't find a job, you should try selling Avon. It only costs $10 to sign up, and it's actually pretty fun. You can meet some people, and if you decide to go door to door (since you are so experienced at it ), at least you might make some profit. I've been selling part time for almost a year. I hardly make any money, but it's fun, and it supports my book habit. Let me know if you want details, and I'll get someone out to see you no matter where you are. E-mail me at [email protected] if you are interested.

  • Elsewhere
    I will be ALONE for a week :(

    Sounds like the title of a Horror flick.

    A few tips:

    • If a psyco calls you, don't sit there making small talk - Hang up!
    • If you have reason to believe that a psyco is outside, don't open the door or windows - Call the police
    • If a psyco is in the house, don't take a shower - Leave the house and call the police - don't go back in.

  • Jesika

    LOL @ elsewhere--------so this means you aren't coming over??

    Teen--------I don't think I will freak out or anything, but just in case I will shoot you an email.

    Happy-------ummm I have a mental block/phobia of doing anything door to door. Thanx anyways.

    Riz-------I know you were kidding.

    Yeru2-----I just hope it stays the way it is and someday he will propose <crossing fingers>

  • Yerusalyim


    This is the 21st Century, what's stopping YOU from proposing to him.


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