If You Weren't A Witness, What Would You Be Today?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Knowing my luck I probably would have joined the Moonies.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    If my mom was anything, it was Dutch Reform. Before becoming a Jehovah's Witness, she went to Hope College on scholarship. I believe it was on a denominational scholarship. That would have been a much more pleasant upbringing than the one I had. However, I recently have discovered a faith I never knew I had. I have begun conversion to Judaism and have recently started to practice many of the mitzvahs. For the first time in my life when I am thinking spiritual thoughts and performing spiritual activities I feel my heart vibrating with "rightness", faith, joy, whatever. It's something I never felt as a Jehovah's Witness. I expected to once I got baptized. When it didn't, I was out in less than a year, after 18 years of being raised in it.


  • Gizmo

    Well adjusted,

    a lot more social,

    and darn brilliant.

    (well maybe not the last one)

  • pr_capone

    happy, loved by my family, not questioning if God exists and if he does why doesnt he care, lots of things.

  • yard dog
    yard dog

    I probably would still be Catholic. I don't know if I would have put much emphasis on religion if my mom hadn't converted when I was 6. We didn't go to church much until the "change". I do know my career would be different. I was a fairly gifted athlete(football and basketball)and most of my friends at school could not understand why I didn't play competively. I don't know if I would've made as a pro but I probably would've pursued coaching.

  • auntiem

    I would probably be sane.

  • LB

    I'd be horny.

    wait, never mind

  • Nickey

    This question always tears me up when I think about it.

    But seriously, I would've been an outgoing person who actually went after a singing career. Always was told to stop trying to form a dance group because it was "worldly". I remember gettin' my "worldly" friends together and we'd form dance routines and take part singing. I missed my callin' cause it's my passion... My biggest regret...

    As far as religion. I don't know what I would've been. Probably singin' in the choir in some church. You know how black folks are... can't sit still in the seats and catchin' the holy ghost. *lol*

  • otaria

    I would have been myself.So I am since last week when the organisation said to me "Keep off"...And this freedom makes me really feel happy. I am not sure if I ever find any non-denominated church, but I'm going to try.God is my leader, let it be...All I have to do is to set free my family and clean their minds from the organisation's wrong theory which is like a disease...

    Edited by - otaria on 8 January 2003 5:49:24

    Edited by - otaria on 8 January 2003 5:56:35

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    Ok.agrees with Gizmo on the darn brilliant about him cause you cant get smarter then a MAGWI.

    As for myself I probably would have been Catholic like all my Fathers family and went on to college and eventually played in a major Symphony. This is no baloney or bragging. On JW direction I actually left playing in a Symphony that was stepping-stone to the civic of Symphony that is considered one of the best in the WORLD. So by golly gee willicars I could have at least had that on my resume and made it to the Grand Ol Opres Orchestra down in Tennessee!!!

    Dang I am getting frustrated..Whyd I reply to this thread.rrrrrrr

    Its never too late right?



    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 8 January 2003 5:50:47

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