Nearly died/motivational quotes needed

by Mimilly 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I feel ashamed and stupid.

    Please don't. I went though a period like you when I was 23. I too didn't want to die, I just wanted the pain to end. I knew of no other way other than dying. If I could have quit life, I would have. Luckily I was able to get through it, as you have. This is a life event and you will grow from the experience. Thank you for sharing; I know it must be hard.

    I will not yield. Before my body I throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff,
    And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough!' -- Macbeth Act 5, Scene 7

    "It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

    If you're going through hell, keep going. --Sir Winston Churchill

    Here's a website that has tons of quotes (if you want):

    Take care,


  • LyinEyes

    Mim,,,,,,,,, I am so sorry to hear about this,,,,,,, I wish I would have emailed you more, but I guess I thought you were doing just fine and busy working. I feel kind of guilty I didnt see you in despire.

    I am glad to hear you account of what happened and how you feel now. My mom tried to kill herself will pill overdoses many times but never was in a coma, I was always there by her side as they pumped her stomach.

    The last time she tried she succeeded, but it was not with drugs,,,,, she did it in away she could not be saved this one last time.

    I wonder if in her last moments if she could have changed her mind, and regrettedit, would she have choosen to stay? I will never know her last thoughts and if they were of me at all. I know she was in pain but at that day,,, I didnt see it. I thought she was getting better.

    Please swear to me you will email me or someone from this board or call a friend if you ever feel so sad again....... or even if you feel down, that is what we are here for.

    I don't care so much about all the JW stuff anymore. I do care about the friends I have made here over the last year, and you were one to always reach out to me by email. Those emails meant alot to me. You mean alot to me.

    I have a quote ,,,,,,,,,, it may be Shakespire,,,,not sure.......there are many variations to it :

    "That which does not kill us,,,,,,,,,only makes us stronger".

    To me the worst thing in my life,,,,,,my mom's suicide almost killed me,,,,, it took a big chunk of my heart , my innocence as a teen, my thoughts that everything would always work out ok. I was never the same after losing my mom, and 18 yrs later I still have a hole in my heart for her.

    But losing her,,,,,, has made me strong in a away , in that I had to live thru it. I had to find peace with what happened and I had to learn to make my own mistakes , I didnt have her help when I needed it the most. I had to rely on myself.

    I guess I am saying that this terrible thing you have been thru may in away , make you stronger. Hopefully so strong that you learn to love yourself more, depend on yourself more, and forgive yourself more.

    This is just how I cope with my loss, and I guess it has made me appreciate life and my family alot more now,,,,,,, I don't take things forgranted like I used to, and I don''t say harsh words without quickly making some kind of peace,,,,,, you just never know if it will be the last you say to a person.

    I wish you peace and happiness and comfort right now , Mim......all my love, dede

  • TR

    The Few Things
    You Really Need to Remember

    R emember that your presence is a present to the world.

    R emember that you are a unique and unrepeatable creation.

    R emember that your life can be what you want it to be.

    R emember to take the days just one at a time.

    R emember to count your blessings, not your troubles.

    R emember that youll make it through whatever
    comes along.

    R emember that most of the answers you need are within

    R emember those dreams waiting to be realized.

    R emember that decisions are too important to leave
    to chance.

    R emember to always reach for the best that is within you.

    R emember that nothing wastes more energy than worry.

    R emember that not getting what you want is sometimes
    a wonderful stroke of luck.

    R emember that the longer you carry a grudge,
    the heavier it gets.

    R emember not to take things too seriously.

    R emember to laugh.

    R emember that a little love goes a long way.

    R emember that a lot goes forever.

    R emember that happiness is more often found in giving
    than getting.

    R emember that lifes treasures are people, not things.

    R emember that miracles can still happen.


    Awww GAWD!!! ((((((((((Mim and Dede))))))))))

    Heartwrenching stories! I am so glad that you reached out to us and shared these stories with us here on the forum. You are among friends here who care sooooo much for you. You would be soooooo missed. Remember that you are sooooooo loved here. You also have family who love you soooooo much. Mim, please don't you ever try that again! I figure you taking all those pills and then telling us about it is a cry to us for help. Thank you for asking us for help.

    Many of us here have felt the kind of dispair and desperation you speak of. We understand the kind of pain you describe. We hold out our hand now and offer it to you to hold on to. I am so glad you are still here with us.

    I am from Canada, too. . . if you email me, I will send you my phone number. Call me day or night to talk.

    Love and hugs,

    Esther (EDITED to tell you my real name)

    Edited by - ESTEE on 8 January 2003 2:6:2

  • waiting

    Sweet Mimilly,

    I'm at work - so just winging it on uplifting, motivational, thoughts.

    Many a man has kept on living just so surviving bastards wouldn't have the satisfaction of his death. - author unknown at present

    Seriously though, I've only had time to read your initial post - and am so glad you have friends & family in real life to receive a hug from - and you've shown the remarkable initiative to seek out a therapist & more help.

    A tremendous step in the living direction

    Take care - and come back & visit! We ain't much - but on a dreary day, well........take a chat where you can get it, eh?


  • Mimilly

    Beck - honey, I knew where your words were coming from. It's just hard to face the reality of it. Don't be so hard on yourself. I too, had a very close friend succeed in suicide (due to the troof). I was never angry at her though as I knew how hard she had tried and how little the elders helped. But that is the diff here - we only know each other thru words and not daily trials and stresses.

    Dede - I promise. I think its a 'miracle' I'm still alive and I know I pushed myself too far - way too far. I know your mom found peace and I know, being a mom of a teen, that she at that time was made to feel, or honestly felt that you would be better off without her. It isn't the truth of course, as you were and are devastated. Yet in an ill person's mind, especially over time and without proper care - which the elders wouldn't allow her - she saw only one way out of the pain. It wasn't that she didn't love you or that you did something wrong. She saw no way out of what was going on inside of her and was trapped to boot.

    I went to work tonight, was tired but received humongous hugs from lots of people, which was super nice. I will be seeking any kind of therepy I can - social worker, doctor, employee program - the works. I realize that I need to live for me. I've bought some new clothes wth the sales, new makeup and will get a membership at the sports stadiuim. My girls are important, but I can't be there for them if I don't look after me - so I'm looking after me now, and it's going to take some getting use to.

    I thank you all for your words and quotes. I really am going to write them down and post them around the house. Each is profound, even the one one poster found in my own words.

    I love this place. This is home to me. I promise to reach out. At the time I had nothing left in me to reach out with. I've never hit bottom so hard and I don't plan to do it ever again. No way.

    Again - I'm sorry for what I did. It's great to be alive and I feel different inside in a wonderful way. It's sad that it took this to accomplish that sense of peace. I guess Im that stubborn and it got the best of me....literally.

    love and hugs to all of you,

    Mim / Salem

  • LyinEyes

    Mim , it looks like you are on your way to a stronger you. And that is a wonderful you. You seem to understand so much about how I feel ,and even how my mom must have felt. That means alot to me, because for years I blamed myself. I got over that when I became a mother and went thru the same depression and hopeless feelings that I saw in her face so many times.

    Tonite I was watching a movie, and there was an actress not sure if you know her,,,, Gena Rollins, she was in that movie Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock........ well this other movie tonite she was in, she was sobbing, really crying,,,,, and I got a flash back of my own mothers sobbing ,,,, I mean it hit me so hard I felt pain in my throat and chest,,,,,,,, all of a sudden I hear the cry of my mom, a sound I thought I had forgotten,,,,,, the kind of sobbing someone does when they feel so hopeless.So tonite I can't sleep good because of that flash back .

    That actress by the way,,,,,,, has always reminded me and my sister of what my mom might look like today if she lived to be 53,,,,, she was just 35 when she died. So we always like to look at that actress and wonder if she would favor my mom at that age. There are other similarities of that actress and my mom,,,,,,, they both seem to love silky pj's , seems like every movie I see her in she is wearing nice PJ's ,something my mom had a fetish My mom had red hair but it was a family trait that the older the red heads got, their hair didnt turn grey,,,,, it turned cornsilk blonde. This actress has that color hair. I saw my aunt , my mom's older sister a year ago after her son shot himself....... can you imagine that really runs in my family,,,,,,,,, and she had blonde hair too, and looks alot like the actress too. It is just strange to try and look so hard for someone who will remind you of your mom.

    Sorry for rambling,,,,,, I just miss my mom terribly tonite,,,,, and I am glad you see that your daughters would never be the same if you were gone by your own hands. They will need you until the day you die an old ,old woman. Don't deprive them of the privledge, the honor,,, to hold your hand when it is your time to pass on,,,,,, and be there with you, I know I for one live for myself first ..... but also for my hubby and children. My kids know about my mother and my youngest is afraid I will die and talks of it frequently. I can't imagine leaving them,,,,, but I have at times just like you ,,,,,just wanted the pain to go away..... and really not even sure WHY i was hurting so bad.

    I have done so much better since leaving JW, and I hope that the rest of my life will be full, that I can see my kids grow and succeed, grandkids,,,, me and the old man together in our rockers,, and then be surrounded by all of them when my time comes. I will consider my life worthwhile if I can be remember with tears of good memories , good laughs, and not remembered for my sorrow, or pain, or all the stuff I remember about my mom's last days.

    Stay strong Mim,,,,,,,, it took alot of courage to tell your story,,, and it will probably help some out there that have not spoken up,,,,,,,,,, but will listen to your words.... Thanks for sharing your life with us.......... Hugs, and hugs,,,,,,,,, Dede

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