What must I do to be saved?

by StinkyPantz 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman
    StinkyPantz- I think you got everything. Oh and isn't there a scripture somewhere that says that god doesn't require that children pay for the sins of their father (in this case Adam)?

    In fact there is, don't remember exactly where in scripture, but I know that the law says that the age 12 and under they are not accountable for what they do. It's called "The Age of Accountability".

    The reason for that is that children 12 and under who are not yet fully developed in the stages of puberty where the law of adultry and fornination doesn't apply to them. God cannot apply 9 commandments to a child and leave out one law. It doesn't work that way.

    The ten commandments is structured together say like a puzzle and if one piece is missing then the ten commandments falls apart, so it's all or nothing.

    So if a child at the age of 12 and under were suddenly to die, they will go to heaven automatically. Unless they reach the age of 13 where it's common for the stages of puberty to be complete and most 13 years may start being sexually active. But if I know my biology correctly, most of their sex drives don't become "full blown" until around the age range of 14 to 16. I could be all wrong since I'm not that good at biology, LOL.

    Hope that makes any sense.


  • LizardSnot


    I dont think your question was stupid at all. But I do have another question.

    If there is an almighty God...do you think he would be satisfied with his followers pretending to worship him just because they dont want to go to hell? Would such a being be so easily fooled?


  • jgnat

    So, you really wanted to know, within the Christian belief system, if you could benefit from the Christian concept of salvation just by being a good person? Were you looking for proof that you are pre-judged?

  • StinkyPantz


    I guess I was thinking of:

    2 Chronicles 25:4
    Yet he did not put their sons to death, but acted in accordance with what is written in the Law, in the Book of Moses, where the LORD commanded: "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins."

    Deuteronomy 24
    16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.

    I'll be honest that I haven't recently read the surrounding scriptures, so I don't know the context. It doesn't give ages to define children. . so I wonder what scripture says 12. If you find that please share. As for the age of puberty and such, I took Developmental Psychology last semester and it went into all that but puberty actually starts around 9, 10, or 11; but it's getting earlier and earlier.


    No I do not think "God" would like his creation to pretend to follow him. I'm not nor would I ever pretend to follow him. That's why I wanted to know if simply being a good person and not following or pretending to follow him would be adequate for a hypothetical salvation.


    Well I know that Christians pretty much see us as pre-judged anyway. Because of our father Adam, we will die for his sins. Jesus did come to save us. Unfortunately, some of his children have never heard of him and will have no chance at salvation.. too bad for them I guess.

  • jgnat

    Now I am insulted. I did not prejudge your salvation. I am also a Christian. Not all Christians are alike either, you know.

  • StinkyPantz

    Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Is what I said false though? I mean do you believe that if I don't accept Jesus but still lead a good life helping others, God will grant me salvation? Yizuman and AGuest say 'no' I will most likely not be saved.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 5 January 2003 15:53:36

  • StinkyPantz

    The main problem is that I haven't made my mind up either way, though I do lean towards atheism. So I wonder, if I die before I make up my mind and there is a God, will I go to hell?

  • jgnat

    Stinkypantz, I think you are a searcher. Searchers find. So I think you will be successful in your quest.

    Mat 7:7

    Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

    Mat 7:8

    for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

  • jgnat

    lol. You are worried because you have not MADE UP YOUR MIND if God exists, He will hold this against you? I don't think He is fooled out of existence that easily.

    Please don't be offended by my laughter. Just struck my funny bone, is all.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well it worries me because many people have told me that unless I "call upon the name of" Jesus or God; or I don't actively serve him (church, preaching, etc) then I won't gain whatever hypothetical reward there is. Unfortunately, I can't just force myself to believe anything so I find myself in a weird place.

    I don't care if you laugh. I laugh at myself daily. I know how weird I am.

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