Taming of a Beast (Long post)

by animal 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • drwtsn32

    Animal: Great story!! Thank you for taking the time to write it down and share it with us!

  • animal

    Well, the intent wasnt to resurrect it... I found it and sent the link to TJ, he wanted to know about me in chat the other nite. I figured this would give him an idea of some of it.

    The changes in me dont ever end, nor does the fight to maintain them. It just gets easier, tho, with each hurdle beaten.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Amazing life story animal. Thank you for sharing it!


  • teejay


    What you wrote here is one of the very best things I've ever read on this board. Because of its marvelous value, it deserved to be seen by others who may have missed it the first time around like I did. Thanks again.

  • nilfun

    Glad this was resurrected What an inspiring story, Animal. Thank you for posting it!

  • bikerchic

    ((((((((animal))))))) ya big burley bufus!

    Ya know it was great to give you a RL hug! Just had to say that.

    While reading this I finally noticed the date on the thread I wondered how the heck I missed it the first time around, then it hit me.......oh yeah I was in Vegas with ona getting married!LOL

    I know we've talked a little bit about ACOA issues and the whole healing process, but I never heard this story before and it was very touching and gives me hope again. I've always wondered why some people just take to recovery like ducks to water and others have to experience well, what?....a sucky life, just can't seem to get their stuff together? I've never figured that one out?

    I am glad you made the journey my friend, you have so much to offer to others by your example. Here are some of the things I liked best about your story:

    What an interesting book, no wonder she had me read it. Now, my mind is flashing through all the stories in the book, and comparing it to my own experiences. Something is happening.

    Oh man can I relate to this..........hundreds of books later! Seems I still read nothing but self-help books, do you think there is a program for people like me? Self-helpaholics Annon?

    Some guy walks in and writes the word CODEPENDENCE on it and turns to us and asks What does this word mean? No one wants to answer, so he picks people to answer. Not many knew, if any, but we all took a shot at it. After we all tried to define it, he finally wrote the definition: The inability to make a decision based on your own thought process (or something like that). Up until this point, I never even heard of the word, and wondered if I was in the right class.

    Hahaha.........in the right class! I love John Bradshaws definition of codependancy, "when having a near death experience and someone elses life flashes before your eyes."

    After each letter was read, the counselor tore it into pieces. Once we were all done, he burned the papers in a trash can. No one would ever see what we wrote. The exercise was explained to be one that we should do anytime we are upset with someone. Write them our deepest feelings, letting it all out. Then destroy the letter. You let out your anger in the letter, and can then talk to or write to the person without all the pent up anger.

    Wow I love that idea! One I'm sure to use. I loved the Experiential Modeling exercises too. Really good stuff, incredible life tools.

    Friday was our graduation. None of us wanted to leave. Not a week ago, none of us knew or liked each other. Now, when faced with going back to our lives with all this new information, we wanted to stay together forever. We were told that this was normal. Another thing we were told is that, if we were successful in our changes in life, chances were that we may lose our spouses. What attracted your spouse in the first place may now be gone forever, and we had to be ready for this. Yikes!

    Oh yeah I expreienced this too, even the spouce leaving.......change is hard, not for the weak or faint of heart.

    Neither of my kids have picked up any of my past habits, and they follow my lead on most issues. We are still married and celebrating 20 years in 2003. While we arent what most people would consider normal (separate vacations, etc), we are still smiling and doing our thing.

    I met your two kids and they are great kids too! I got into recovery for my kids future too, so far so good they are great people too, we are really close and talk about everything.

    Congrats on 20 years with your wife, she is a lovely person you two are a good match.

    Thanks for the read, I'll be looking forward to the book, could I please have a signed dated copy?

    KateVisit Smiley Central!(still morphing.....)

    PS You home for a weekend furlow?

  • LDH


    What a great post. I've been wondering how you are, and if you are going to make it back out Fresno way soon.



  • animal

    Thanks all...

    LDH, when I do, you know I will see you.


  • Jade

    WOW. I've always enjoyed your posts, but that was awesome. I'm so glad you made it and are still making it. I think I will try the letter process......got a lot of "stuff" I need to get rid of.

    Love ya


  • Nikita

    Hiya animal! I missed this the first time around, I'm thankful teejay ressureccted it. It's an awesome story and I am crying now, thank you very much!



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