Taming of a Beast (Long post)

by animal 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Xandria

    Wow very good post Animal.

    I too don't like to be sneaked up on. My poor husband has learned this the hard way. Many people have wounds. You took the time to identify the causes of yours. An how to deal with it.

    The journey was worth it.


  • COMF

    Thanks, animal! Your story makes me want to go do a follow-up.

    Spent six months in a court-ordered residential treatment center with classes similar to what you describe, though not exactly that. There were ten of us grouped together for the entire time we were there. They told us that one in ten comes out of there and makes it without relapsing.

    I was very tight with my buds, but if only one of us was going to make it, I wanted it to be me. Eight years later, I don't know where any of them are, but I'm still sober, and life is wonderful.

  • animal

    We were told the same, low percentage of the folks actually stick with what they learn. I had stayed in touch with several of those in the class and they didnt stick with it after all. Its a shame, but not my problem.

    Congrats dude... and do your follow up!


  • Joyzabel

    Thank you for sharing a part of you (((Animal))) Happy 20th next year, too!

    Unfortunately, my brother-in-law didn't make it. He had gone through treatment, the whole family having to go to al-alon, but at age 18 he died in a house fire he had set when his alcohol level was way up there. Sad. So I hope others learn from what you so lovingly shared and know to get help and learn how to deal with some learned behaviors.



  • flower

    'Wow' is all I can say right now Animal..Great post! Thank You!

  • animal

    Funny thing I just remembered.. thanks Joy...

    When released from jail, my parole rules stated, among other things, that I could not associate with people convicted of like charges.

    When my probation officer from the first DUI told me I had to go to AA meetings, I showed him my parole rules from the second DUI.... and since AA was populated with mostly DUI offenders, I couldnt go without taking a chance on going back to jail.

    He about shit.... and I never went.


  • AnotherEscapee

    Great post Animal. I found it real interesting as a biker and a probation officer! It's a tough job and lot of my colleagues seem to have their heads up their a***s particularly when dealing with 'bikers' and they ain't supposed to discriminate. The book you talk about sounds like it may be helpful in my job, I'll try and track down a copy.

    Thanks for the interesting and informative post - can I use it in my work? I can think of one guy that it could help.

  • animal

    Absolutly, use what you will. Email me if you need to.


  • mouthy

    Animal!!((hug) why did I cry all the way through this..??I wish I had gone to something like this -to understand why I am like I am....You talk about your crying at the course....I think that helps the release.

    Every one that knows me thinks I am such a happy soul....But I cry alot alone.. Reading your experience -I think I should get the book she loaned you. Even at my age I guess I need some healing.Thank you a million

  • animal


    you made this writing worthwhile. Email me your address ([email protected]) and I will send you my copy. You will love it.


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