Greetings from Hawaii

by Mulan 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Please do me a favor and don't mention the beautiful weather your having. It is cold and rainy and so yukky would simply break my heart

    Have a great time!


  • animal

    We lived there while in the army.... we would hang out at Sharks Cove, near the shave ice place... lots of locals jump off the rock, into a wave..... miss the wave and you hit sand. Fun stuff.

    Did you look into glider rides on the north east side? Its great fun!


  • ozziepost

    Aloha! from downunder.

  • wasasister

    Greetings from "home", Mulan and all.

    I loved the North Shore, especially Turtle Bay where we road horses on the beach. A truly memorable experience.

    I found it ironic that while the grocery stores near the Mormon Temple did not carry any liquor at all, they did sell cigarettes. I asked a clerk to explain it to me and he just laughed. We ended up buying wine at the Turtle Bay Hilton gift shop.

    Oahu is cool because you have the advantages of a busy and active city in Honolulu, yet just a short drive gets you to some very secluded beaches.

    I'm sooo jealous! (although Seattle was sunny and 50 today)


  • Makena1

    Aloha Mulan and family! Glad to hear you made it here safely and are already enjoying the island.

    Our first week in Maui has been great - soooooooooo relaxing. Been doing the beach almost everyday - wearing ourselves out so that we are usually too tired for much night life. One exception, caught Willie K at Hapa's on Monday night. What a great show. We bought tickets for his New Years Eve performance next week. PAAAARRRRRTYYYY!

    Will give you a call and check in soon. Happy Anniversary and best wishes for an awesome vacation


    Makena, Sabine and son

  • Billygoat

    Ohhh Mulan, I'm just green! I have a favor to ask of you. If I email you my parents address in Honolulu, will you drop off a copy of Crisis of Conscience? Heehee! Just kidding! Will you be visiting any Kingdom Halls? *snicker* Or better yet, will Princess be dropping off any decorated Xmas trees on the doorstep of a Kingdom Hall? LOL@myself

    I hope you're having a good time! Make sure to post piccies of y'all having fun!

  • JT

    007 says:

    How dare you! As I sit here in the cold


    I was thinking the same thing --THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE

    hey-- we all wish we could be there with you

    have a great time

  • Joyzabel

    I am so jealous of you guys and Makena's fam!! It has taken me two days to get some green out of me to post!

    Hope you all are having a great time. My youngest would love to go to the North Shore and surf! Catch a wave for him!


  • LB

    Everyone's on the islands except me. Oh well. I'll make up for it eventually. I hope you're all having a blast.

    Thank God for Costco over there. It's the only way to be able to afford to eat.

  • Mulan

    We are heading to Costco today, the one at Koko Marina shopping center. I love Costco too......same prices as at home.

    Wasa........we are just a few miles from Turtle Bay (4 miles). We ate dinner there the first was Christmas though. Fabulous.......the men loaded up on raw oysters (no jokes please).........they are the only ones who would eat them. There was prime rib, leg of lamb, turkey, fish, and zillions of salads, and desserts. Obviously a buffet!!! Also really good sushi. two should pop on over. It will only take you about 12 hours, in the air.

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