Greetings from Hawaii

by Mulan 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Hi everyone. We made it!!!! We got here yesterday afternoon, after a LOOOONNNNGGGG flight.....6 hours. Two of our group came from Boston, so they had a really long day. By the time we all got to bed, those two had been up for 24 hours. We all slept great, and are ready for a day on the beach. It's noon here. There are twelve of us at the beach property, very private, in the heart of Mormonville. (Laie......across from their Hawaii Temple, and a mile from the Polynesian Cultural Center.

    Princess and her sister in law just left for Honolulu, to take the rental car back and trade it for a van.

    We went shopping earlier for a few supplies, to last until tomorrow when we will all go to Costco. Shopping here is an expensive experience. Groceries are very, very costly.

    Aloha to you all. I will check in about once a day.


  • shera

    Enjoy,your warmth.

    Have a fun,safe vacation.

  • kelsey007

    How dare you! As I sit here in the cold- LOL Hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy that beuatiful state!

  • BeelzeDub


    Groceries are very, very costly.

    one word..... SPAM!

    Enjoy your visit and if you have time try snorkeling or take a hike up Diamond Head and don't miss Pearl Harbor.

  • JH

    Have a nice trip Mulan

    Edited by - jh on 26 December 2002 19:21:43

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mulan, you're a cruel cruel woman!

  • NeonMadman

    Be sure to have a pagan luau while you're there!!

  • Shakita


    Aloha back atcha!

    We just had a snow storm here on Christmas, I am SOOOOOOOOOO jealous!

    Have fun and enjoy the Island!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Don't forget to see the Don Ho show. Is he still alive?

    Guest 77

  • VeniceIT

    Hope Everyone is haveing a wonderful time ALOHA!!!


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