Another one decides to leave

by problemaddict 2 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Well in a month where I had a friend of 20 years tell me "we can't kick it no mo" because I no longer go to meetings, I had an even older friend who is coming to visit me, call me and tell me hes out.

    Currently a high profile MS who gives talks out all over the place, the elders said they are recommending him for appt to the body in Sep when the CO is coming through. But nope......hes about to step down all together.

    What did it? Because I am not disfellowshipped, and soft peddle my issues with the org, I was able to speak to him about things like blood, and a couple other things. So we spoke openly, and we would disagree, but it was never contentious. I never "tried to convince him" in his words. I sent him the story below since he is from the same area more or less basically asking him to look at the photo and see if he knew him. I warned him that he probably doesn't want to read the article since its his story of beef with the organization.

    He then researched 607. That was basically the end of it. He told his wife the next day. (I tried to stop him). She agreed with him, said he had some good points, but she wanted to raise her kids as JW's to give them a moral center, and didn't want to lose him. So they are working it out, but she is loyal to him, and he agreed to even go to meetings with her continually if she wants him to. (we all know how that goes).

    I get texts at random times like "problemaddict! did I not see this sooner! It was so obvious. I've made all of my lifes choices listening to some old guys in brooklyn that completely hide their actions, financials, processes, and proceedures, from the people who worship with them. I feel like an idiot!"

    He believes in the bible, and this is super new for him. He is giving his talks over the next month, to not arouse suspicion. This Australian RC tape of Jackson he watched in full. It just put the nail in the coffin.

    I just thought I would share that.

  • freemindfade
    Wow, awesome story, I sent this medium story to my wife as well, I don't think she has read it yet, not sure if she will. Thank you for sharing
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    PROBLEM2 - Great great great great news! Especially good to hear his wife "is loyal to him" and not the org. Doesn't get better than that.


  • Crazyguy
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    problemaddict! Thank you for sharing!!!!!

    I think the dam is starting to crack! The Berlin wall is coming DOWN!

  • Diogenesister
    Totally love that blog , so inspirational problemaddict 2!
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    problemaddict 2:

    "...she wanted to raise her kids as JW's to give them a moral center..."

    No, it would not be a good moral upbringing. The hypocrisy that they'll notice is not moral. The friends that they'll have in that religion aren't necessarily "good association" especially if they lead a double life.

  • Diogenesister
    Problemaddict2 , but she wanted to raise her kids as JW's to give them a moral center,

    Bad move, try to disuade her...what if they shun their parents in the years to come when parents totally get ttatt and can't bear the hypocracy of attending.

    Moral? In what sense? Beating kids, sexism, homophobia, lies, total disregard for one's neighbour if they don't happen to agree with one's worldview, puting symbolism above people's lives, hypocracy of waiting for legislation to do the right thing, perjury...need I go on?

  • DesirousOfChange

    He then researched 607. That was basically the end of it. He told his wife the next day. (I tried to stop him). She agreed with him, said he had some good points, but she wanted to raise her kids as JW's to give them a moral center, and didn't want to lose him. So they are working it out, but she is loyal to him, and he agreed to even go to meetings with her continually if she wants him to. (we all know how that goes).

    That's not a bad compromise for now. There does not have to be a line drawn in the sand kind of thing. Just ask anyone here who has had their spouse go totally ballistic on them when they first mention anything negative.

    It's baby steps. He can discreetly ask her to help him resolve some other issues he has too. Once she tries to provide a defense to some of the JW positions that are indefensible, she likely will gradually awaken too. She hasn't turned him into the Elders and she hasn't "turned off" or tuned out what he's saying. Smart girl, I'd say.


  • Mary J Blige
    Mary J Blige
    Agree with the potential backfire - in that children become uberdubs and shun their awake parents. Those parents should recognise themselves as the ones who have successfully instilled good morals into their children - you don't need a religious upbringing for that. I suspect that they will quickly come to this realization though, given the speed of their enlightenment to date. Thanks for sharing this experience!

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