What Did You Hate About The Circuit OV.'s Visit?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • AnotherEscapee

    that he looked just Father Christmas but wasn't very jolly! Minus the beard of course.

  • Windchaser

    Minimus, I am oddly attracted to yet another one of your questions. When are you going to let me make you a dish cloth?

    I hated the way the meetings switched around and the Thursday night meeting became extra long because we had to endure a half-hour talk by the CO at the end of the regular meeting. But what I hated the most was when this one particular ass-wipe came to our hall. This guy talked, looked and acted like Don Rickles gone militant. I could have taken that, but what hurt our family was when he made us change halls. We were living a few feet outside our territory and we obeyed. The elders had been very good to us (which had been a rarity until then). My son was very sick and we had to leave all the people who knew and loved him and, dammit, us! It sucked.

  • garybuss

    I loved the extra hour on Thursday night when the activity chart was swung out on it's hinges to be criticized by the circuit servant while brother Boner pointed to all the lines discussed with a 1/4" dowel purchased at the hardware store for $.25. I especially liked the way He said Jehovah's spirit on the whole congregation was being blocked by someone and we all thought we were the reason for the loss of spirit. Everyone except pious Pete went hone feeling transparently guilty.

    My favorite was really the special Saturday night meeting called New Things Returned. We all looked forward to listening to the same information we had just considered at last Sunday's Watchtower Study. They must have given sister Hugehips both the songs so she could practice. She only hit 32 sour notes each.

    Saturday was really special with the all day service. The Circuit Servant only was with the brother Ritz group and his new Chrysler New Yorker in the morning and gone with the Company Servant all afternoon. His wife was nice. Cute for a mousy little woman. She had to go with us all afternoon to the hillside territory where every house has at least a hundred steps up to it. I spent all afternoon wondering what it would be like to do it with her.

    Sundays were easy. Only service all day and the meeting from 7 till 9:30 PM, then a half hour talk that went till 10:30 where we were reminded that we could all be pioneering if we really wanted to and it is a sin to be materialistic. He always thanked us for providing for him and his (slurp) wife and he never forgot to remind us how much the Society needs donations for the new factory.

    All in all I liked his visits very much.

    The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm

  • minimus

    What really is funny about the CO's visit is how so many so-called "deadbeats" would come to the meetings for that special week of activity. These were people that you thought had moved away or died or something. And 6 months later, they would return with another special visit, and yes, the CO and elders would get very excited and proud over the "increase".

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well i hated that I kept feeling like the COs visit might be interesting or special but all it meant was that the agonizingly long, boring meetings, were even longer and more agonizing than usual. But by the time he came around again I had forgotten how bad it was in reality and felt enthusiastic again. Once a sucker always a sucker.

  • ozziepost

    You've been missed, R.F. How's things?

  • avishai

    I really hated having their personal idiosyncrasies foisted on us as if they were straight outta the bible. Like one guy, Rainer I think it was, had a problem w/ gum. So gum was banned at our hall during his visits, as Bro. Rainer "did'nt like it". He even used scriptures to back up his hate of gum chewing. Ane then there was loud bro. Baxter. Lot's of idiosyncrasies, but a crack up as a speaker.

  • TresHappy

    1. Everything

    2. I used to wish for a hasty departure but it never happened.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I liked the old days when they would have a slide show. That would at give you something interesting to look at. But after a while that stopped and then it became deadly dull. I hated listening to the elders moan and complain about how tough the CO was on them. My heart bleeds. So you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh?

  • Scarlet

    I hear you Mulan cooking for them was awful. It was always the wife with the list of the foods she couldn't eat too.

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