Honest Opinion, Please

by Windchaser 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Wind, I am so sorry you have been feeling that bad......... girl............ you should email me and we can talk. Then I can get your number and call you at no charge to either of us after 9 ,,,,,, of course anytime you need to talk would be what I really want. Sometimes talking on the phone on a regular basis can help. I am so glad you are not feeling that way anymore,,,,,,, but please be careful, these things come in waves, be prepared if it hits again.

    What you said about the dishcloths reminds me of something I found in my old hope chest the other day.I was searching for a car title and came across a square that my mother had started to knit. It is green, cream and black, she was going to make a small quilt to put over her feet . I picked up the square and just held it to my heart and sobbed. All of a sudden pictures of her , sitting in a gold chair knitting, came to my mind. I even remember she kept the knit in a indian looking basket, which I swear I havent remembered in years. I can see her sitting there with her feet under her as she knitted. I guess we must have been talking in my memory because I can see her looking down and then looking up....... at me I guess.

    She never did finish that quilt. I don't have alot of things from my mother,,,,,,,,, but I have this one square. I can't believe the memories tied into that one piece of quilt. I will never, never get rid of it. I just get so sad thinking about something that was made by her town small hands , is still her with me, but she is not. I found some old checks she wrote before she died, and her signature is on them in forever ink, why can't she be here? Her writing looks so alive...... hard to explain, but harder to explain that someone can be here one minute and gone the next,,,,,,, leaving behind reminders of a life that was ended too soon.

    I know my mother was in great despair when she ended her life. I can truly understand why she did it , under the circumstances at that time. I only wish she would have held out just a little longer , then maybe she would have had second thoughts.

    Windchaser,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't give up......... if my mom only knew of the things that would have come to her if she would have lived. I could have mended some of the pain that I caused her, we could have been even closer. She wanted to be my friend , but at the time I didnt want to be that close to her, I didnt trust that she was off drugs..... I hate the way I was back then, so judgemental. But I have learned so much, about life, about her, about everything. I would do anything just to have 1 hr to tell her all of this. She would have loved my kids and they would have adored her.

    You told us the other day you have reunited with your son....... there are so many things to look forward too,,,,,,, it seems when we are at our lowest , we do lose sight of the good things, but that is just part of the illness of depression.

    I am sure you daughter will come around,,,,,,,, just as I did. I just hope for her sake, and yours of course, that you will be here to comfort one another over the past. I just wish that for me so bad, that I have to say that to you,,,,,,, I have to tell you I think it is worth it,,,,,,, staying around. I know from my mom's experience that life is hard, and unbearable for some. But maybe if she had others reaching out to her she would have not done what she did. She was totally alone. And I cry at how sad her last day really was.

    (((((((((((((( Wind)))))))))))))))))) I would think it was an honor to have anything made out of love by such a sweet persons hands. I feel that way about my kids things too, all 1 million pictures and love letters they have given me,,,,,,,,, I can't bear to throw anything away....... but I know why.

  • Windchaser

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((Lyin))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I love you so much, you make me cry. Please, please send me your address and the color you want.

    So many years have gone by that Deanna hasn't spoken to me and I thought I'd overcome the pain. But, I love the little bitch and hope that she will realize that one day. I wish I knew where she was and I'd send her a fucking dishcloth. Sorry. Shit. This is what happens when I become emotional (or drunk, which I'm not, unfortunately). I swear. Fuck. (I grew up in Massachusetts.)

    Xena, Elsewhere: please send me your addresses. Thank you for posting, you both mean a lot to me. I saw a Santa today at our office Christmas party. I was oddly attracted to him. I think it was the hat and beard. I like your hat, Elsie (wink), almost as much as I like your cowlick.

    Jes, I will send you my address tonight!

    Simon, thank you for getting me in touch with so, so many great people.

    I want to add that it really helps if, when you send me the info, you also tell me who you post as. I've come to know and love you by the name you use here.

  • Solace


    It has been awhile since I have felt the way you feel.

    During that time, I made the mistake of thinking of that hopeless period as being my entire existance. I never thought about actually having a future or the possibility finding happiness.

    There can be more to life, if we only let it happen.

  • joannadandy

    Windchaser...SEND THEM!

    You saw a corporate advertisement! OF COURSE they poo poo the idea of orginal and thoughtful gifts as opposed to over priced pieces of hardware. They know people lack the time or the talent to make gifts so they can soothe their ego's and fill their own pocketbooks at the same time.

    If people were not touched by your gesture, tho I can't imagine anyone not being happy to have such a thoughtful gift that represents much more than a dishcloth, then they really didn't deserve one in the first place!

    When my grandmother passed away, all she had to give her grandchildren where doilies she had crotched. I am not even a doilie person, but I love that thing! My grandmothers hands touched it, her work and effort created it, how could that not be special to me?

    Also I am so glad to hear you are not thinking about suicide. I wish the thought was banished from your head forever, but being someone who has toyed with the idea many times myself, sometimes even recently, I know it's hard to say you will never think on it again. But one week at a time is a good place to start. Thank you for staying with us this week. And posting this. It's nice to know there are other people who are just as lonely and pained as we are. I can't wait to talk to you next week as well!

    ***many hugs to you!!***

    Edited by - joannadandy on 17 December 2002 23:17:44

  • scootergirl
    My grandmothers hands touched it, her work and effort created it, how could that not be special to me

    Joanna that really moved me. That is how I feel about gifts that are hand made. I am a very sentimental person and just knowing that a gift was made by the hands of those that not only I love but love me is truely great!

    Every year for Christmas my grandmother (I should say "our" cause I have to share her w/eyegirl) makes me dateswirl cookies. This is a tradition and I look forward to them every year. Just knowing that gramma is thinking of me and takes the time to make it for me warms my heart. It is the one gift that I look most forward to.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I moved across country a couple of years ago the things I made sure to take with me were the gifts from friends from the fancy to the small - a rock. Each gift came from the heart. many of those gifts are all I have to remember that person.

    The heart of a person is tied to the gift from the heart - whether it is a rock or a painting or a dishcloth

    Give your gifts of the heart. I know all who will reciece them will feel your care

  • jgnat

    Yes, home made gifts are from the heart, and they are treasured. Me and the kids always made our own Christmas cards. Jesika, it is an awesome family tradition that my adult children still remember fondly. Family and friends BEGGED me not to take them off our Christmas list.

    A little story. One year, I was very short at Christmas. My daughter got a home-made sock doll. Not exactly a cool gift in the eighties. My daughter, disappointed, put it away. Later, when she was a teenager, she thanked me. "You see, mom, any kid can get a Cabbage Patch doll. But I was the only one who had a doll that was made by my mother. There is not another one like it in the whole world." She still treasures the sock doll.

  • Carmel


    What a neat offer! I'll accept one in Kelly Green to match the draw knobs in our kitchen, only of course if you will accept a gift in exchange. You see, I make olive wood pens from wood I gathered in northern Isreal when I lived there. takes me about the same amount of time to make one as you do your wash cloths. Let me know! [email protected]


  • SPAZnik

    My honest opinion is, send them.

    I have a friend that always makes little crafty things
    as gifts for me. I love 'em!

    The fact that her heart, soul, time and creativity
    went into it adds a real personal touch.

    Crocheted dishcloths are bitchin'
    They are better for cleaning.
    Everytime your friends use them,
    which is probably daily, they will
    think of you!


  • DakotaRed

    Folks, if she offers one, take it. I received one and she does a really fantastic job on them. Talent like that, I don't have. I'll see if I can get a picture of mine and post it, she does a great job.

    And, anybody don't like Dottie, better keep it to themselves I think nearly all of JWD would be on your case in an instant. Dottie, you are one of the most well liked here, if you can't tell

    Lew W

    Edited to add picture. The pic doesn't really do it justice;

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 18 December 2002 1:46:37

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