Honest Opinion, Please

by Windchaser 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Windchaser

    I'm not very craftsy, but I have a thing about crocheting dishcloths. It's a basket-weave design and I have mentioned in the past how it helps me to keep sane.

    I have been suicidal lately and thought, why not send these dishcloths out to my friends and they will always have a little piece of me to be remembered by. Of course, I've changed my mind about killing myself, at least this week, so I am just sending these out as my token of love to people. There are many, many more people I would like to send them to (lyin, Xena, Bikerchic, Ballistic, Sabine and Mak, Elsewhere, Simon and Ang, Minimus to name a drop in the bucket).

    Now here's where I need your opinion. I was watching tv and this Staples commercial came on. This women knits these really ugly presents for friends and family in green. The commercial flashes pictures of very unhappy people receiving these hand-made monstrocities. But, this year, she shops at Staples and gives them gifts like cameras and laptops. The flashing pictures now show people gushing with love and tears of joy.

    Should I stop with the dishcloths already? Are people being polite when they write and tell me how nice these little squares of two hours of my time are? If you were to receive a hand-crocheted dishcloth in the mail, would it make you happy or would you be disappointed?

    I simply can't buy people laptops. Do you think it's best that I just not send anything at all?

    Thank you if you respond to this.

  • Gopher

    Send the dishcloths! They're part of you, from your heart. Anyone who really is your friend will appreciate the time, effort and love you put into these.

    Sorry about this cliche, but I can't think of anything more appropriate, especially at this holiday season: It IS the thought that counts.

    I'd be glad to get ANYTHING thoughtful in the mail. Even a simple holiday card is met with appreciation. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    And you are important!! Don't let any silly commercial make you feel any less. Put a value on yourself, and others will also do so!

    My $.02, as honest as Abe's picture on the copper coin.

  • meadow77

    Don't ever take Christmas giving advice from a commercial. Their job is to sell stuff, so of course they want you to believe that no-one wants your homemade gifts. My aunt has never had much money, but she has given me something everyyear. Usually it's a little something from maybe the dollar store. Of course she doesn't have to buy me anything, but I know that I'm in her thoughts. It's never occured to me to be ungrateful to someone for giving me a gift. If it's from the heart, it's the best.

  • larc

    Dear Windchaser, I think that everyone appreciates a present that is home made. You took the time to do it, the time to give something of yourself. Yes, I believe that your gifts will be accepted with love and gratitude. I think what you are doing is very, very fine.

  • Jesika

    Hey Wind,

    I think the dishcloths would be wonderful.

    It is rare these days for people to actually take the time to MAKE something for someone. IMO, it shows love and thought from the person giving the gift.

    My son and I are making our X-mas cards for everyone we bought presents for. I told my mom about the idea for the handmade cards and she thought it was a great idea, her comment was "It means so much more when they are handmade."

    Hell, I can't even sow a button on much less MAKE something like that, so you are also sharing your talent with others.

    Don't let the advertising on TV keep you from showing your love for your friends.

    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    ps. I am glad you decided not to kill yourself, you would be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care of yourself and try not to let things weigh too heavy on you hon, it will get better!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise!!!! ((((((((((((((((((WIND))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • lauralisa

    OMG Windchaser, I couldn't relate more to what you wrote.

    My husband and I are digging out of a financial nightmare, and after expenses, we have like $3.39 per month to spend on 'extras'.

    This is the 2nd Christmas I've celebrated in over 15 years and I WISH I could send all of my friends like digital satellites, a few ponies, cases of Cristal champagne, etc. All we could do was make stuff with what we have here... I made all of these REALLY STUPID looking ornaments, knitted a few throw pillows, etc. I have had some moments where I felt like crap, thinking these things are gonna be laughed at, thrown immediately away, etc.

    After reading what YOU wrote, I feel completely differently about the whole thing. If I received one of your dishcloths, it would be a treasure.

    Thank you - really - for helping me see things in a new light.......

    Many hugs to you, lauralisa

  • Windchaser

    My heart is welling up with, hell I dunno, LOVE.

    Gopher, meadow, larc, Jes, and anyone else who likes me, please e-mail me your address and I will make you one of my dishcloths. Let me know what color goes well in your kitchen. You may not get it for Christmas, but my heart and fingers will be doing the same for you as they've done so far this Christmas season. Giving something of myself. Sending you a piece of me. Telling you that you are loved and cared about.

    Mulan, I am serious about making one for you, too...in green and cream (a very pretty combo).

  • Windchaser

    ((((((((((((lauralisa)))))))))))) I would be honored to send you a dishcloth.

    Thank you.

  • scootergirl

    I LOVE homemade gifts! When I receive a gift like that from someone I immediately think about the sacrifice of time and love involved.

    I give homemade gifts all the time......and I can tell you, when you receive a gift that is homemade from Scootergirl you can bet that LOTS of love went into it!

    Windchaser, I think that what you do is wonderful and so caring! What you give is of your heart........those are the best kind of gifts ever!

  • WildTurkey

    Dear Wind, A person that takes the time to sit down and work on somthing to give as a gift is a person with a good heart.

    If a person dont appreciate your gift, its because they dont realize the whole time you made the gift you were thinking of them, therefore they mean something to you. It would mean a lot to me if a person took that kind of time for me. Besides I like dishcloths, oh yeah and nude pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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