Circuit Visit / Christmas campaign

by caspian 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    I would PAY to see that. Better still, get pics of them in your living room sitting by the Christmas tree. Then blackmail them with it.

    Love, Scully

  • caspian

    JT You crack me up, nice image.

    However on a serious note, I do recognize that for perhaps the majority of people here who have cut all ties, this new campaign does not mean much.

    But I am sure that there are many, who because of family and secular ties just want to fade quietly with out, losing all touch with their families because of this terrible shunning policy.

    The Society are determined to root out apostate thinking and influences from the congregation


  • TR


    That is one helluv an idea! I'll invite the elders under the guise of "reconsidering" my DA. I'll get one of the kids to snap some photos. "SMILE!"(click!) The elders will unwittingly smile, and only too late will realize what happened, if they realize it at all. Then, if they still remain without getting the beJesus scare outta them, we'll talk at length about all the WT scandals. It'll be a good witness for them.


    Edited by - TR on 16 December 2002 11:6:52

  • Mary

    Shakita asked: taking legal action something to be considered here? It seems to me that all the freedom of speech that the society has fought and won for in the court system should come back to haunt them. Maybe that "freedom of speech" needs to be legally fought for in the name of, not the WTBS, but its members who wish of their own free will to leave without punishment of public defamation.

    I agree completely. I would suggest to anyone here who gets a visit from the elders on Xmas day to either simply ignore the doorbell, or if they try to DF or DA you, threaten to sue the elder personally in Civil Court. Emphasize that you won't be suing Brooklyn, but him PERSONALLY, and that if they don't get off your back, you might be living in their house by next Xmas (only if it's a really nice big one!). Unless he's got lots of $$$, or is even dumber than usual, most elders aren't going to want to risk losing their homes on a whim like this...........

  • ugg

    all of this is so awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know it is true,,,but it is so vicious and cruel....not looking for love they want to punish...'"shudder"

  • expatbrit

    Um....why is Caspian's account deactivated?


  • NameWithheld

    Ditto, why in the world was he deleted!?!?!?

  • LB

    My guess would be the duplicate accounts.

  • NameWithheld

    Really? What dup accounts? Was he posting under a different name?

  • JT
    But I am sure that there are many, who because of family and secular ties just want to fade quietly with out, losing all touch with their families because of this terrible shunning policy.

    The Society are determined to root out apostate thinking and influences from the congregation


    I FULLY agree and that is why i tell folks LIE IF YOU NEED TO, I mean come on folks do you really think that Pioneers are actually getting 75 hours a month - smile

    i really think that this is a wonderful time to have some fun with wt esp for folks leaving-

    i mean just think about it - the winter is here and you can turn in 8 hours without ever leaving the house, the moment one realizes this ain't the truth god ain't going to strike you dead for cheating on your time, life can be good,- smile

    i truly believe that with the net in the next few years we can help make leaving wt much easirer than ever, due to the support we can offer as well as right down to what to say to the Cheese Cracker Men-

    jw are so predictible so we know all the Routine Lines they will run on you, so why not use that knowledge to ones advantage to help the process of leaving -

    one of the f

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