Why do Some Ex-JWs go Wacko?

by rebel 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel


    I'm not saying all ex-JWs are wacko - just that some go overboard when they leave. I know there are weird people in all walks of life and religions - it just seems sad that some really hurt themselves when they leave just when they are on the brink of really finding out the truth. One who did this was a real friend of mine (and still is - I never stopped talking to her when she was DFed) and she made herself really ill for no reason that I could think of, other than, in her words, "getting even with everyone"

  • OneSmartGoat

    I know several ex-JW's that I grew up with. I personally overdosed on freedom and and because of my lack of job skills, drinking, drugs and depression, I had a rough early adult hood. As time went by I got my shit semi-together, considering. How ever some of my ex-JW friends did not fair so well. One was shot by an officer while committing a crime and another in Prison. Then theres several headlines a year like the Freeman brothers or Longo that wig out and kill their families. Some fair better then others, but nobody escapes unscathed.

    Dave M.

  • rebel

    Maybe the title of my post should have been worded differently. What I am trying to say is, I hate to see those that leave give those still in the organisation a reason to gossip. They love it! They come out with "...dog rolling in own vomit..." etc, and I am sick of hearing it. I just wish that those who have such strength to stand up to being DFed or DAed often go on to hurt themselves when they are on the brink of real freedom and have the chance of finding out how good life can be.

    I never meant to offend anyone - sorry if I did


  • riz
    Maybe the title of my post should have been worded differently.

    gee, ya think? it's not too late to throw the word 'some' in there. or not. your choice.

  • rebel


    Thanks - I hadn't thought of that


  • Scully

    rebel writes:

    I don't intend to offend anybody with this post, so please excuse me if I do.

    Well con-frickin-gratulations, you have offended "anybody". There's no excuse for ignorance or judging others. Try to remember that people are responsible for their own accounting before God. If there is one. Just like you are responsible for your own accounting. Who are you to judge "anyone"?

    I have often wondered why some people that leave the WT organisation go really weird. There is a couple near me who left a couple of years ago. Within days of DAing, they were putting up Christmas decorations all over the place - their house was the most decorated in town! Just because you leave the organisation, it doesn't automatically make some of the teachings wrong. If you believed Christmas was pagan a few months ago, why the big change? It isn't that I think Chrstmas is wrong, but these people really went over the top. What were they trying to prove?

    Have you ever heard of someone trying to make up for lost time?? I missed 25 Christmasses during my time as a JW. Plus 25 birthdays. Plus the same for my brothers. You bet your sweet bippy I'm going to go to town now that I realize I was fooled into believing those things were "wrong". How dare you or anyone else try to shame us for the life we enjoy now!

    I also know another sister who was DFed - she started taking drugs, going out to night clubs, and in the end was admitted to hospital after an overdose. A young couple I knew went really weird - the husband joined this weird culty movement and went off with another woman. She moved in with a guy 15 years younger than her daughter!

    Again, people are responsible for their own actions. Do not concern yourselves with things that are none of your business. Sometimes people who get DFd and consequently are shunned by the only friends they ever knew, plus their own flesh and blood, feel that their life is not worth living anymore. Some feel that they have a better chance of ending up in the Paradise (if they still believe in that sort of thing...) by ending their life now.

    As far as joining a weird culty movement.... some people just trade one weird culty movement for another one....

    I can think of many other examples. Is it because we were so oppressed that, once free, we go beserk? I hope I don't go like that - the freedom after all those years of oppression does seem very tempting to me. Is it just that I have come across these cases and this isn't a common way to behave once you leave, or is it quite common?

    Oppression has a lot to do with rebellion. So does discovering what options are available to you when you've been starved of opportunities all your life. Think of the child growing up in Ethiopia. No food, except for an occasional bowl of gruel. He gets told that he's been blessed with gruel and should be thankful for it. One day he finds a way to a country where famine is something that happens to other people. He is taken to a grocery store and sees all kinds of food in a variety that he's never imagined in his wildest dreams. Someone has to teach him how to peel a banana before he eats it. Someone else has to show him how to make scrambled eggs and toast. Another person shows him that you don't cook ice cream. Having never had anything but gruel before, is it strange that he would become fascinated by things he's never had before? Is it strange that he might like ice cream so much that he'd eat it twice a day, or think of scrambled eggs as such a delicacy that he'd offer them to guests for dinner?? Newly-found freedom and abundance can have that effect on a person who has been starved all their lives. Why is it so strange to you that someone who's been mentally oppressed for years wouldn't experience something similar when they come out of a cult like the JWs??

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 13 December 2002 20:31:32

  • wednesday

    jerry bergamn has a tape on a site i will have to find,but he talks about this. sometimes severe repression causes people who weren't too stable to begin with to do odd things.. And u must know, there are so many wacho jw-would it be such a strech that when some leave they do wacho thngs?

    U will never stop jw form fostering that lie that all xjw are returning to the vomit. it makes them feel better for having to live such deprived lives. I know an eldrer who has a very nice and kind wife.but not physically attractive.. But what he really wanted was a wild woman./pretty woman. So he looks at the pretty sis and dreams, And he hates all those who divorce and get out of a bad marriage or even get a better looking wife. he feels, and has said, if he has to follow the rules , so does everyone else. If this man ever left the org. he would go nuts with women, b/c he has repressed his hearts desire.

  • jst2laws

    Hello Rebel,

    It isn't that I think Chrstmas is wrong, but these people really went over the top. What were they trying to prove?

    You have touched on an important subject. After leaving a high control group which does not allow an individual to make judgments of their own on minor issues it is not surprising that many take the opposite course just because they were never allowed the freedom of choice.

    This is not something to condemn when you realize the holidays are not black and white issues clearly forbidden in the scriptures, and that the WT which taught us such scrutinizing itself swallows the camel often when it insists on senseless death by their irrational blood policy, hides and protects pedophiles, drives weak and confused individuals to suicide along with untold harm in so many other ways.

    I also know another sister who was DFed - she started taking drugs, going out to night clubs, and in the end was admitted to hospital after an overdose. A young couple I knew went really weird - the husband joined this weird culty movement and went off with another woman. She moved in with a guy 15 years younger than her daughter!

    You leave a "movement" that does all your thinking and convinces you their rules are "God's" rules, when you learn it was a fraud then the tendency is to throw out God and his rules too. As far as I'm concerned God did not give us any rules except to love each other. If only the disillusioned could throw out the man made rules without faulting the good law to 'love others as themselves". Often those who have lost their faith fail to establish their own guidelines needed to protect themselves as one they love. Remember, "love others as you love yourself".

    Check out Eric Hoffer's book True Believers for a thorough answer to you question.


    Edited by - Jst2laws on 13 December 2002 20:57:31

  • yucca

    i think some of them have it in their heads from WT that they are going to die at armaggaden. so they think they are going to die anyway so why not do everything they want. thats what my daughter said. i had to get her to understand thats a WT lie. she then changed her life for the best . i am stating this in a simple manner. it was not easy at all but using scripture from bible help tremendously. god bless yucca

  • JT
    Some fair better then others, but nobody escapes unscathed.

    DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!! point -- this is so true NONE OF US ESCAPE - and the reason is simple Our Entire Life was taken over- some to a greater degree than others and some to a lesser degree

    but if you get 10 folks on your job who are not jw and tell them just an Ounce of what your life was like in terms of the type of control over your life that wt had - such as how you had sex with your wife, how they would tell a man to tell his wife her dress is too short. how they as men who are CHEESE CRACKER MEN could haul a single woman 30-45, yes a grown woman -with her own job, money , car, own her home and ASK AND GET her to feel guilty if she didn't tell if the man she made love to stuck his "Peter" in her Anus- i know it may sound graphic

    but that is what it amounts to=== and if you think i'm joking try it and see, i did and the total disbelief that a religion could exercise such control is unreal to nonjw-

    the folks on my job were like James how could you stay in such a group that went in that deep into folks personal lives-

    so it is really understandable that when one leaves the freedom is literallly blinding

    i thinking of being in a dark theater and coming out the side door directly into the sun it blinds you

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