Thread for support of diet and

by LyinEyes 40 Replies latest social physical

  • LyinEyes

    Last nite in chat I had a good time talking about different weight loss strategies and exercise.

    I am trying to get myself in shape ,start walking and my diet is in need of a major overhaul.

    What do you think is the best way to get in shape?
    How have you lost weight?

    Any tips on these topics would help and encourage us to stick to what we say,,,,,,,,, since we are putting it on the public board.....,,, I know I would do better if I had others to talk to more about my daily attempts , and failures to get myself in

    Scarlet gave me some good advice yesterday, she said to ask myself,,,,,,,,, if this piece of cake , or whatever, is really worth it? Worth the exercise it will take to burn the calories, worth the craving to have it and do without something eles later.

    So far I have done well today, had a few crackers with cheese,,,,,,, and OMG , a big glass of water.......... and I havent died yet without my coke or sweet ice tea

    Thanks Scarlet,,,,,,, just little personal tips like this , I think are the key to success.

    So anyone eles want to share their fitness routines, do you run , walk, lift weights? What gets you motivated?

    Edited by - LyinEyes on 12 December 2002 15:38:34

  • ApagaLaLuz

    It was nearly 5 years ago, but I did receive an ACE certificate in Personal Training. I can't speak for myself since I drink too much beer and have gained my beer weight. But depending on your body size and structure, also genetics, what works for some may not work for others.

    Some simple weight loss tips:

    Add water to your diet. Cut out sodas (or in my case, beer). I keep one of those big 1 qt arrowhead bottles with me and drink about 2-3 a day. This helps your metabolism and flushes any fat you may work off out of your sytem. Your body has to have away to get rid of it somehow right?

    Avoid breads and starches. They are a pointless food. All they do is take up space.

    Take deeper breaths, and breath appropriately when working out. Increased oxygen helps your blood flow easier and increase your metabolism.

    To avoid cravings and pointless helpings of fatty foods, remember the first time you say no it is easier and easier to continue to say no.

    If you have a hard time getting motivated to exercise, one thing I used to tell clients was to go out and buy a new pair of good workout shoes. I've found wearing them motivates you to use them.

    Anaerobic (i.e. weight lifting) exercise can be just as, if not more beneficial in the long run than aerobic. The more muscle you build and develop, the more calories you'll burn through out the day.

    Make sure if you begin to use weights, for women, use smaller size. I would say 10-12lbs max. 3-5lbs for beginners. Increase the ammount of reps you do, not the weight. This will tone long lean muscle, instead of bulking up.

    I think that's it for right now. If I remember more throughout the day I'll let you know

  • LB

    I'm a little different here as I'm sure you remember I lost 160 pounds with a gastric bypass. But the weight only stays off if I eat right and exercise now.

    Each morning I walk quickly for an hour. This I have to do. During the day I will try to either ride my bicycle or play racquetball. This I can do about 3-4 times a week.

    From what I've learned about dieting the most important factor is to exercise. It seems that the body will feed on any underused muscles before it feeds on your fat stores. So a complete program is very important. When a person feels weak while dieting it's usually because they aren't exercising enough. Also the exercise will increase your weightloss and make it a quality weightloss.

    Eating crap food is the downfall of us all. I had to have a surgery that makes me very sick when I eat crap. I couldn't resist for long. Sure I'd lose lots of weight over a couple of months but once those clothes got loose on me I'd be packing my mouth again.

    Good luck, I suggest lots and lots of exercise along with a reasonable diet. Protein counts

  • Scarlet

    Write down everything you eat and drink that way you are aware of what you are taking in. Sometimes you don't realize what you have eaten til you see it on paper.

  • scootergirl

    So I guess this means that you don't want any home made hot fudge sauce, eh? Sorry dede......just looking out for you, hon! lol

    I remember when I use to go out dancing w/my ex all the time. Hours of frantically moving my body on the dance floor.....I was thinner back then. I am not much for "excercise".....yikes, the word makes me cringe. But I can still put on a cd and frantically dance around. Best part is, I don't have to put on my good clothes and makeup anymore!

  • nakedmvistar

    Become a vegetarian! Stop polluting your body with animal flesh. Also, get plenty of exercise and limit your refined sugar intake and you'll be at your ideal weight in no time. I've been a strict vegetarian for well over 20 years now and I feel great! Farm animals will love you for it too!

  • FrankyFourVests

    Whatever/I don't eat anything unless it was spat into this world.

    Seriously though, how bout some more details Lyineyes? I'm hoping that by.. I've had some crackers with cheese you meant that's the only hting you did wrong during the day and not that that is all you ate...

  • LyinEyes

    Darn the cheese and crackers is NOT all I had,,,,,,,, I had a small cup of turkey chili, homemade,,,,,,,,,, then a whole bunch of whiskey freakin sours..........some green apple jolly ranchers.

    Heaven forbid the really really bad thing was the whiskey sours,,,,,,,,,,,,oh yeah,,,,,,,,, , I had a little bacon cheeseburger and Caesar salad at Wendy's.

    But I danced for about 15 minutes and was having a good sweat going on........ so maybe I burned a few calories. I know I have to do more, but I was not feeling great last nite....... usually I dance for about 4 hours on Thursday nite, at the club.

    I am going to do better today............please don't send me to my room,(isnt that face just sad, I feel sorry for that little red dude).

    My hubby is also going to help me with a weight lifting program........ might not get started on that for a week, because we are in the process of moving , just down the road....... but stressful anyway.

    Oh did I mention Ihave a serious food addiciton???

    Being JW ,,,,,,,,,,, food was such a comfort, as a child,,,,, after meetings our bunch of friends , parents and all went out to a restaurant to EAT.

    At all JW get togethers the only thing to do was EAT.

    When I was a kid my mom really showed me alot of attention when I was sick and would make me EAT.

    Now when I get bored, stressed out, mad, happy, I EAT.

    I used to eat like a man and weighed 100 lbs,,,,,,,,,,,, well I don't eat like that anymore, I really have slowed down on eating , but I do get compulsive sometimes...... I am working on the triggers that make that happen.

    Well there are the details.............. more tips,,,,,,,,,,,,,, thank you.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    DeDe, Craig and I bought a Nordic Track Stair Master. We've both put on about 30 pds since we've been married. We have both decided to work together to get in shape, quit smoking and exercise together 3 times a week. I've found for myself, that I can pretty much eat what I want if I exercise! I hate to exercise, but I realize that it's the only way to get into shape! I'm sick and tired of carrying this excess weight around.

    Tink *The laying in bed at night with CC eating ice cream class* It's got to stop!

  • nakedmvistar

    MMMMMMMMMmmmm, green apple jolly ranchers

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